Cleveland State Debate tonight... (1 Viewer)

Did McCain win any of the repub debates? I don't remember him winning any of them. What makes people think he will do well debating Obama? I'm sorry I just don't see it.
As an Ohio voter, I really got very little out of these two tonight. End NAFTA? Then what? How exactly are they going to help stricken states like Ohio? Healthcare? are you kidding me? Ive been hearing that song since bill clinton's first run.

I realize ya'll are smitten by his orating skills, but I see him as somewhat smug, dismissive, and as someone said earlier "I see what your saying and heres where your wrong, its ok, not your fault" etc.

Whats the deal with him and farakhan? did he take money from that dude, yet denounce him for his anti semetic views? If so, major point loss with me.

This isnt to say I am enamored with Clinton, far from it, She was really trying to control the tone of the debate and failed on almost all accounts, and many times appeared to be overly energetic, scrambling almost. Obama beat her silly with form and function.

I dont think Ohio is all locked up for Obama as some of you may think, but we shall see.

I think McCain will handle him fairly well in dabates, should it come to that.

Ok, I watched some of the rebroadcast last night. So they would offer tax breaks after ending NAFTA, but they were both very very unwilling to actually commit to ending NAFTA, rather, renegotiate. Pretty lame.

Oh, and Clinton looked really silly spouting off about being asked the questions first. She may have been right, but she looked really petty doing it.
Ok, I watched some of the rebroadcast last night. So they would offer tax breaks after ending NAFTA, but they were both very very unwilling to actually commit to ending NAFTA, rather, renegotiate. Pretty lame.

Oh, and Clinton looked really silly spouting off about being asked the questions first. She may have been right, but she looked really petty doing it.

Watching some of the post debate coverage she was right, barely. She's been getting 6 out of 10 questions first however as Russert pointed out that includes the many times she chose to answer first when general questions are put out there and she tends to quickly answer first. Also, Russert pointed out she apparently used the exact same line on the Ellen show this week.

Six out of ten I don't think is conspiracy worthy.
Obama is almost like a political Ali -- float like a butterfly - sting like a bee -- I mean she has got to be frustrated cause she never seems to be able to land a glove on him -- he dances -- he ducks -- then he counterpunches ---

The I have to say that its apparent Russert wants her to quit the campaign -- I am a Hillary hater I admit -- but I thought that they were much tougher on her then him. He is brilliant at sidestepping questions though -- a few times he never came close to answering the question but was not called on it -- Her facial expressions said it all -- she looked at him with total hatred the whole time -- she also looked defeated --
For those who didn't see it here's the clip from SNL this weekend Hillary has been talking about. It's actually really funny.

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I also think Obama beat her silly in the debate. But she missed a few of her chances to really take the fight to Obama, and yes....knock him out. She had a few chances to do that, and let me point out some which although were seen on this forum also, would have made the difference.

First...knowing that Obama is an ultra left wing candidate, she should have been a lot more like her husband was....comparing the achievements of her husband to that of Bush..... pointing out the economical upswing under Clinton, and the apparent McGovernite approach of Obama. That right there would have made him look like being part of the ultra left wing, while she would have looked like a moderate. She missed on that big time....people loved her husband, and that would have reminded them of the good days of Clinton.

Then the hypothethical question of Tim Russell.... another huge opportunity missed by her "waffling" non response. Obama seized the moment, and looked so much more presidential, when he declared that as pres. he needs to protect the US interest abroad, and yes! He would send the troops back. Home run for Obama....and Hillary just not a fast thinker when cornered.

But the biggest missed opportunity was with the Farakhan question... She had him on the defense. They all were bogged down with the nuances of "reject Farakhan " as the same as "renounce Farakhan"! - She SHOULD have said, "But Senator Obama, next Sunday you'll be back in your church shaking and holding hands with the pastor who gave Farakhan that lifetime achievement award and the people who not only applauded them, but agreeing for the most part with minister Farakhan.....right???" He would have been checkmated on that one! This would have been a knockout punch by her, and would have made Obama look pretty much on the fringe! A mistake I can assure you McCain WILL NEVER MAKE! I'm not a McCain supporter, but I have seen McCain attack like a bulldog, once he seizes a favorable moment. He already accuses both Hillary and Obama of being wrong on Iraq.....and right now he is winning that debate!
Obama is almost like a political Ali -- float like a butterfly - sting like a bee -- I mean she has got to be frustrated cause she never seems to be able to land a glove on him -- he dances -- he ducks -- then he counterpunches ---

The I have to say that its apparent Russert wants her to quit the campaign -- I am a Hillary hater I admit -- but I thought that they were much tougher on her then him. He is brilliant at sidestepping questions though -- a few times he never came close to answering the question but was not called on it -- Her facial expressions said it all -- she looked at him with total hatred the whole time -- she also looked defeated --

MSNBC has been carrying Obama's water ever since he won Iowa and made himself a pausible nominee. If a candidate forced my colleague off the air for a weak double entendre, I'd remember that in debate.

Too bad CBS doesn't have a news cable outlet. Katie Couric would have been a sympathetic moderator. As Ann Coulter delicately put it, "I don't understand the complaint about lesbian porn on TV. If I wanted to see that, I'd watch a Couric-Hillary interview."
I also think Obama beat her silly in the debate. But she missed a few of her chances to really take the fight to Obama, and yes....knock him out. She had a few chances to do that, and let me point out some which although were seen on this forum also, would have made the difference.

First...knowing that Obama is an ultra left wing candidate, she should have been a lot more like her husband was....comparing the achievements of her husband to that of Bush..... pointing out the economical upswing under Clinton, and the apparent McGovernite approach of Obama. That right there would have made him look like being part of the ultra left wing, while she would have looked like a moderate. She missed on that big time....people loved her husband, and that would have reminded them of the good days of Clinton.

Then the hypothethical question of Tim Russell.... another huge opportunity missed by her "waffling" non response. Obama seized the moment, and looked so much more presidential, when he declared that as pres. he needs to protect the US interest abroad, and yes! He would send the troops back. Home run for Obama....and Hillary just not a fast thinker when cornered.

But the biggest missed opportunity was with the Farakhan question... She had him on the defense. They all were bogged down with the nuances of "reject Farakhan " as the same as "renounce Farakhan"! - She SHOULD have said, "But Senator Obama, next Sunday you'll be back in your church shaking and holding hands with the pastor who gave Farakhan that lifetime achievement award and the people who not only applauded them, but agreeing for the most part with minister Farakhan.....right???" He would have been checkmated on that one! This would have been a knockout punch by her, and would have made Obama look pretty much on the fringe! A mistake I can assure you McCain WILL NEVER MAKE! I'm not a McCain supporter, but I have seen McCain attack like a bulldog, once he seizes a favorable moment. He already accuses both Hillary and Obama of being wrong on Iraq.....and right now he is winning that debate!

Points 1 and 3 might have some teeth in a general election but playing the liberale :mad: and reverse racism cards in a Democratic Primary lose you points, it doesn't gain you any.

The second point I agree with you completely on.
I also think Obama beat her silly in the debate. But she missed a few of her chances to really take the fight to Obama, and yes....knock him out. She had a few chances to do that, and let me point out some which although were seen on this forum also, would have made the difference.

First...knowing that Obama is an ultra left wing candidate, she should have been a lot more like her husband was....comparing the achievements of her husband to that of Bush..... pointing out the economical upswing under Clinton, and the apparent McGovernite approach of Obama. That right there would have made him look like being part of the ultra left wing, while she would have looked like a moderate. She missed on that big time....people loved her husband, and that would have reminded them of the good days of Clinton.

Then the hypothethical question of Tim Russell.... another huge opportunity missed by her "waffling" non response. Obama seized the moment, and looked so much more presidential, when he declared that as pres. he needs to protect the US interest abroad, and yes! He would send the troops back. Home run for Obama....and Hillary just not a fast thinker when cornered.

But the biggest missed opportunity was with the Farakhan question... She had him on the defense. They all were bogged down with the nuances of "reject Farakhan " as the same as "renounce Farakhan"! - She SHOULD have said, "But Senator Obama, next Sunday you'll be back in your church shaking and holding hands with the pastor who gave Farakhan that lifetime achievement award and the people who not only applauded them, but agreeing for the most part with minister Farakhan.....right???" He would have been checkmated on that one! This would have been a knockout punch by her, and would have made Obama look pretty much on the fringe! A mistake I can assure you McCain WILL NEVER MAKE! I'm not a McCain supporter, but I have seen McCain attack like a bulldog, once he seizes a favorable moment. He already accuses both Hillary and Obama of being wrong on Iraq.....and right now he is winning that debate!

The debate was in Ohio. NAFTA works in the sunbelt and fails in the rustbelt because those states are highly taxed and regulated. The candidates can't do anything about NAFTA anyway. This is pandering.

Russert is at fault for the Obama question. He should have shortened it, as should hae Hillary in her answer. He dodged it, more because of the clumsiness of the opposition.
she did get him to reject "the minister" i didnt agree with his position that denounce and reject were the same - i dont think he wanted to say "reject" as there is support for him im sure from the "minister" followers.

he also seemed to be less dedicated to brining the troops back in the time frame he started his campaign with - i still dont think either of them will be withdrawing troops as they say they will.

i also see Obama as abit more arrogant than before - i think he is believing some of the hype surrounding him - which in a general election can hurt him because i think McCain will pay more attention to his accomplishments and question his supporters on what they are - which is what Hillary should have been doing.

i think he will be the win the nomination - will make for an interesting General election
>>"I had expected Al Gore to be president" response to a promise she made upstate NY regarding jobs in 2000. Pathetic.

So did the voters though. :shrug: I had to take something for a pinched nerve and fell asleep right after the first commercial break around :48 after the hour. :mad: So I have to go read some of the transcripts to catch the ending.

she did get him to reject "the minister" i didnt agree with his position that denounce and reject were the same - i dont think he wanted to say "reject" as there is support for him im sure from the "minister" followers.

he also seemed to be less dedicated to brining the troops back in the time frame he started his campaign with - i still dont think either of them will be withdrawing troops as they say they will.

i also see Obama as abit more arrogant than before - i think he is believing some of the hype surrounding him - which in a general election can hurt him because i think McCain will pay more attention to his accomplishments and question his supporters on what they are - which is what Hillary should have been doing.

i think he will be the win the nomination - will make for an interesting General election

I just heard on FOX News Sen McCain commenting on last night's debate.....I'm trying to paraphrase it ...." did not watch the debate last night, but I'm told that Sen Obama said that if AlQuaida is coming back to Iraq, he won't hesitate to send the troops back. I have NEWS for Sen Obama.....AlQuaida IS IN IRAQ! Right now we're fighting them there, so why not finish the job BEFOR WE BRINGE THE TROOPS BACK?

Huge point for McCain! This will be a very exciting General Election!!
I just heard on FOX News Sen McCain commenting on last night's debate.....I'm trying to paraphrase it ...." did not watch the debate last night, but I'm told that Sen Obama said that if AlQuaida is coming back to Iraq, he won't hesitate to send the troops back. I have NEWS for Sen Obama.....AlQuaida IS IN IRAQ! Right now we're fighting them there, so why not finish the job BEFOR WE BRINGE THE TROOPS BACK?

Huge point for McCain! This will be a very exciting General Election!!

It's nice to see that McCain is out distorting again, just like the 'Obama wants to bomb Pakistan' line. If the strategy for defeating Al Qaida was to occupy every country where they are present, we'd have to conscript every American under the age of 50. Like his comments on Pakistan, Obama was saying that he would use force to take out terrorist camps- like bombing missions and strike teams.

As for Obama being ultra-liberal, I'm sure this will be a line used against him if he gets to the general election, but he's not the most liberal Senator and he's not on the far-left. I will concede the point that he has more to the left than most Americans, but when have we ever had a President who was perfectly in the center? Obama's platform differs very little from Hillary's and the Democratic platform in general. In terms of policy you're getting pretty much the same ideas from both candidates.

As for the National Review rankings, is appears to me at least that they ranked him in such a way as to diminish him for the general election, and or scare Democrats into thinking Hillary is more electable so that they can face her instead. This is the same publication that conveniently ranked Kerry as the most liberal Senator when he ran for President. I don't buy it.

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