It's not New Orleans and Baton Rouge that are the issue; it's the area in between. Southeast Louisiana ought to be doing a lot of its growth along the river anyway. Eventually, you can put an airport in between, and in about 20 years, even if the rail runs at a (tolerable) loss, you've put in the backbone of a 70-mile metroplex between Baton Rouge and New Orleans as BR grows southward and New Orleans grows up river.
Not to mention the evacuation benefits. But yeah, it might allow for a Everett/Seattle/Tacoma/Olympia metro area, stretching along the river.
But no way will people put up $20 a day or more to ride it.
We're looking forward to the Sounder adding more runs so it becomes a viable commuting option. As it stands, they only run a couple of times during commute hours...miss one train and you're stranded. Not good.