Cops: Man Choked 8-Year-Old Girl in Restaurant Bathroom (1 Viewer)

That's absolutely awful. I hope some prison justice finds that guy. Maybe we don't need a thread about everything.
Yeah, but was he transgendered? That's the important issue.


Seriously, though, if that were my kid, he wouldn't make it to the police station. I'm not one of those false bravado guys, but when it comes to my kids.........
Yeah, but was he transgendered? That's the important issue.


Seriously, though, if that were my kid, he wouldn't make it to the police station. I'm not one of those false bravado guys, but when it comes to my kids.........

That is basically why I posted this article. I think men should stay out of the womens bathroom...period. Transgender or not. I am not in fear of the tranny hurting someone in the bathroom its the freaks that would use the law to do something like this that bothers me.
Yeah, this has nothing to do with where someone chooses to relieve themselves. This is terrible in the kitchen, closet, elevator, etc. This incident just so happens to be in a restroom. It could have just as easily been down a corridor.
Yeah, this has nothing to do with where someone chooses to relieve themselves. This is terrible in the kitchen, closet, elevator, etc. This incident just so happens to be in a restroom. It could have just as easily been down a corridor.

Um, no. Bathrooms are tailor made for events like this.

Single entrance, lockable door or stalls.

Pedophiles have been using bathrooms to target victims for many decades.

The real lesson is not "this can happen anywhere".
Um, no. Bathrooms are tailor made for events like this.

Single entrance, lockable door or stalls.

Pedophiles have been using bathrooms to target victims for many decades.

The real lesson is not "this can happen anywhere".

This is a singular event - how can you find a "lesson" here
If you can demonstrate a history or show a pattern or something maybe
But this sort of outran du jour tends to mask rather than expose actual dangers
That is basically why I posted this article. I think men should stay out of the womens bathroom...period. Transgender or not. I am not in fear of the tranny hurting someone in the bathroom its the freaks that would use the law to do something like this that bothers me.
Transgender men want to stay out of women's restrooms. The NC law is forcing them to use women's restrooms.

Then again, no straightie has used a "trans bathroom" law or a law like it as a "cover" or "diplomatic immunity" card for being in the women's room (or a woman in the men's room) ever.

And finally, it's not the being in the restroom that is the bad thing. It's doing something illegal in the restroom that is the bad thing. Peeping, flashing, assaulting, raping, injuring -- those are all illegal things, no matter who does them in the bathroom (or elsewhere). That is not going to change.

No, men can’t enter women’s locker rooms, state agency behind transgender rule says

This statement was about the man who entered the women's locker room and changed (emphasis in the quote is mine). Release pool locker room.pdf

Men cannot go into the women's locker room, as this man claimed he had the right to do. Only women, including transgender women, can go into the women's locker room. Persons who enter the wrong gender-segregated facility for nefarious purposes can be asked to leave in no uncertain terms. And they would have no recourse.

If a business has a reasonable belief that a person is in the wrong place, there is no rule that states that the person cannot be questioned and required to leave. If that person has entered a gender-segregated facility under false pretenses, and is asked to leave, then it is quite unlikely that the person will pursue a civil rights complaint. If they do, the subsequent investigation will uncover that the person is not protected under the law, and the complaint will be closed with no further action. If a business makes an honest mistake, and requires a protected person to leave a facility, and the wronged person files a civil rights complaint, the Human Rights Commission will look upon this as an opportunity for education, not for punitive action. The Human Rights Commission cannot impose fines, cannot throw anybody in jail, and will not seek an outcome disproportionate to the action; rather it will seek a mutual resolution among the parties.
I've got an easier solution to the whole bathroom thing though.

Instead of calling it the men's/boy's bathroom or the Lady/Girl's bathroom. Just label it the Penis bathroom and the Vagina bathroom.

Problem solved. Transgender kids don't have to be labeled a sex they are uncomfortable with. Parents don't have to worry about the wrong sexual organ being present in the bathroom of their children.

Speaking of the whole transgender thing. Is it wrong that when I'm in the line at the airport that I refuse the x-ray screen then claim to be transgender to get a free rub down by a female or just gross? I can't decide and start to feel guilty about it but then my balls get rubbed and everything is just ok.
Speaking of the whole transgender thing. Is it wrong that when I'm in the line at the airport that I refuse the x-ray screen then claim to be transgender to get a free rub down by a female or just gross? I can't decide and start to feel guilty about it but then my balls get rubbed and everything is just ok.

"...also, i may or may not be smuggling drugs - please be thorough"
I've got an easier solution to the whole bathroom thing though.

Instead of calling it the men's/boy's bathroom or the Lady/Girl's bathroom. Just label it the Penis bathroom and the Vagina bathroom.

Problem solved. Transgender kids don't have to be labeled a sex they are uncomfortable with. Parents don't have to worry about the wrong sexual organ being present in the bathroom of their children.

Speaking of the whole transgender thing. Is it wrong that when I'm in the line at the airport that I refuse the x-ray screen then claim to be transgender to get a free rub down by a female or just gross? I can't decide and start to feel guilty about it but then my balls get rubbed and everything is just ok.


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