I apologise for your confusion. But you're still, somehow, spectacularly missing the point.LMAO I just realized why you don't realize you are wrong. I didn't see it before because frankly I didn't think you would be so ignorant about basic biology. You are making cellular starvation and obstaining from food to be the same thing! OMG LMAO
You don't even understand your own damned article LMAO
Your article is about mitophogy and virus literally has nothing to do with what we are talking about and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with what enables autophogy or mitophogy LMAO
Going without food temporarily is not cellular starvation LMAO
Your claim was that "the traditional 3 meals and snacks prevents autophagy".
To show that's wrong, all that's necessary is to show that autophagy occurs in different scenarios, including ones that apply to normal conditions, when people do eat three meals and snacks. Which is what I've been doing. Repeatedly.
Or do you think viruses only utilize mitophagy to promote their survival when their host hasn't eaten three meals and snacks? Do you think autophagy occurring at basal levels means "at basal levels except when people have eaten three meals and snacks?"
Why are you so reluctant to acknowledge that normal eating doesn't prevent autophagy from occurring at all?