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I hate 'perfect attendence" policies that do not include excused days. We had one at my job for a while, but it included excused absences (we had sick days and as long as you used those hours, it didn't count against you). With school, its kind of stupid because sometimes a kid is sick but not sick enough to go to the doctor, or impossible to get a same day Dr Appt. All those policies do is convince people to come to work sick. Another bad excample is, we had a ploicy that if you missed a day before or after a holiday you lose your holiday pay. One woman was out of sick time and actually came to work still recovering from Pneumonia..
thats ridiculous. would've never started there. employers should have no say when i choose to take PTO
thats ridiculous. would've never started there. employers should have no say when i choose to take PTO
i may have forgot to add that if you scheduled the time off in advance or used sick time, you don't lose it. But, in this case, it was Thanksgiving (get Holiday pay for Thanksgiving and day after) and she didn't have any Vacation or sick time left that late in the year. The worse part was, now that i am the supervisor, I know that the former supervisor had to manually put that in to cancel Holiday pay, it didn't automatically do it. knowing she was sick like that, he could just not done that and it wouidn't have thown up any red flags. I get the policy, because people do tend to call in before or after a holiday. but i have no problem with exceptions.
thats ridiculous. would've never started there. employers should have no say when i choose to take PTO
Actually, many, if not most can and do. There are times of the year when it's all hands on deck and PTO is subject to supervisor approval. If staffing is insufficient, a supervisor has the discretion to reject the request and ask to resubmit for different t dates. Happens occasionally where I work.
Actually, many, if not most can and do. There are times of the year when it's all hands on deck and PTO is subject to supervisor approval. If staffing is insufficient, a supervisor has the discretion to reject the request and ask to resubmit for different t dates. Happens occasionally where I work.
guess i should reword that. they "do" have the say so to approve. but in my 17 years into my career. i've never once been turned down and have never heard of anyone at any of the 4 places i've worked being turned down.

i'm also hourly, i'm not stupid enough to take off when we're busy and miss out on OT pay just to take off lol
guess i should reword that. they "do" have the say so to approve. but in my 17 years into my career. i've never once been turned down and have never heard of anyone at any of the 4 places i've worked being turned down.

i'm also hourly, i'm not stupid enough to take off when we're busy and miss out on OT pay just to take off lol
Yeah, we're salaried federal employees, so that might be part of it. Fwiw, when I had my own business, I think I took time off once in 14 years. I'm actually kinda glad they make us use our leave. We have a certain amount of "use it or lose it" leave every year. This year I have 80+ hours of that and I haven't used any yet. Lol.
Actually, many, if not most can and do. There are times of the year when it's all hands on deck and PTO is subject to supervisor approval. If staffing is insufficient, a supervisor has the discretion to reject the request and ask to resubmit for different t dates. Happens occasionally where I work.
When i worked at the grocery dist center, Supervisors weren't allowed to take vacation after Oct 31st. heaviest times of the year during the holidays.
When i worked at the grocery dist center, Supervisors weren't allowed to take vacation after Oct 31st. heaviest times of the year during the holidays.
Yeah, ours is late August through the end of September which follows the end of the federal fiscal year. Most use their vacation time either in the summer or November/December.
Yeah, we're salaried federal employees, so that might be part of it. Fwiw, when I had my own business, I think I took time off once in 14 years. I'm actually kinda glad they make us use our leave. We have a certain amount of "use it or lose it" leave every year. This year I have 80+ hours of that and I haven't used any yet. Lol.
same. i get 160 hours a year now. we can rollover 40 but have to "use those" by june of the next year.

i rolled over 22 last year into this year. so started with 182 jan 1 and used 10. its hard taking time off when you can work 4 10's and be off a day during the week.

and being hourly and busy like i said earlier, i dont want to take off and miss a 50-60 hour week when i dont have any reason to take off. if i have plans its easy, but just taking off to take off, its hard.
A lab leak but not man-made has logically always been the most likely thing to have occurred considering the existence of the lab right there imo.

It does for sure suck how every position on just about anything is generally staked out and divided up along familiar political lines but just the way it is I guess.
I agree. However, I find it more that people are jumping to conclusions with suspect information.

but, that's like America.
that's exactly the problem. it still seems you are blaming cover up of something that hasn't been proven, that's purely speculation. there is as much evidence that it wasn't leaked than there is evidence that it was leaked. you WANT it to be China lab leak so you can be like "I told you so". but there is just not enough evidence to support it, and there probably never will because we all know China isn't gonna let us even entertain a real investigation. I guess that puts it in the "if they don't cooperate then they are guilty" category.

Brought to you be Mr. Science. What I don't understand... is why is this conflated with Anti vaxxers and deniers? Why is this even Red vs Blue?

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