COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (7 Viewers)

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Honestly I trust this thread a lot more than I do TV media
Me too, this thread has been exceptionally educational.

I do trust Gov Cuomo though. He is honest, sincere, passionate, accountable & willing to take the blame.
But we can't. That's the problem. Our culture has become too dominated by tribalism, echo chambers, group think, etc. to even maintain a responsible (and proven to work!) preventative measure during a pandemic. Once you've reached that point, the toothpaste is never going back in the tube.

At the start of this there were people talking about how it might bring us closer together. And instead, yet again, it has further exposed that we are not a unified population, but one wholly at odds with ourselves. And also full of mentally ill sad sacks that believe any conspiracy theory you throw at them, but that's a whole other issue.
I don't think it shows the majority of us are at odds with others.

There hasn't been a stasi enforcing the mitigation measures. Most people followed them voluntarily in consideration for their own safety and the safety of others.

The loudmouths, who desperately exaggerate everything so they can desperately draw attention to themselves with their whining and complaining, only make up a small percentage of our society. Unfortunately, they stillget the most public attention, because they screamingly demand it.

The oversized attention they get while desperately whining and complaining makes us seem more divided than most of us actually are.

If most of us thought and acted like the desperate, loudmouth whiners, none of the mitigation efforts would have been followed.

Most of us actually have pulled together as a community. Let's not let the desperate, whiny brats fool us into thinking otherwise.

I'm not normally this judgemental, but in this particular moment I've lost all tolerance for so called "adults" acting like 3 year olds.
Me too, this thread has been exceptionally educational.

I do trust Gov Cuomo though. He is honest, sincere, passionate, accountable & willing to take the blame.
Kinda like here in California. So far everything Newsom has done has been exceptional. When they say it’s time to reopen parts of the economy I have faith that it’s a good decision.
That could throw the numbers way off since those who volunteered are likely people who thought they had symptoms but could not be tested before.

It's just so hard to process the numbers from this thing because it's on such a short time scale and there is no way to have a control to which to compare the numbers. It's part of what epidemiologists do but it's why epidemiology isn't really a "hard" science. A lot of it is based on the best information we have which is often flawed because you can't do controlled studies on humans. Conclusions are often made based on the overall weight of the evidence even lacking a true consensus.

I think that study is worthless.
I don't think it shows the majority of us are at odds with others.

There hasn't been a stasi enforcing the mitigation measures. Most people followed them voluntarily in consideration for their own safety and the safety of others.

The loudmouths, who desperately exaggerate everything so they can desperately draw attention to themselves with their whining and complaining, only make up a small percentage of our society. Unfortunately, they stillget the most public attention, because they screamingly demand it.

The oversized attention they get while desperately whining and complaining makes us seem more divided than most of us actually are.

If most of us thought and acted like the desperate, loudmouth whiners, none of the mitigation efforts would have been followed.

Most of us actually have pulled together as a community. Let's not let the desperate, whiny brats fool us into thinking otherwise.

I'm not normally this judgemental, but in this particular moment I've lost all tolerance for so called "adults" acting like 3 year olds.

Yeah, I tend to think most here want the same thing, a safe route back to opening up businesses and the economy, and I agree, most people are being good citizens trying to do the right thing and with the information available. Some make poor choices about where they get their news and information. But i think most understand the seriousness of the virus and are pretty sensible about protecting themselves, and by extension their families.

There is room for debate on how we phase the economy back in, and I think we all can agree it's gonna take time before we get to an economy without CV19 restrictions.

Good post.
"Flattening the curve" is a phrase that has been used absolutely irresponsibly by leaders. It gives off this false sense of security that somehow the "worst" is passed us. This completely ignores the possibility that two weeks from any opening we could be worse off than a supposed height.

I still dont think we have the infrastructure in place. Is there enough supply of masks out there for joe or jane to waltz into x store and buy? Nope, not even close and telling people to just "make your own" isnt good enough for mass opening proceedures.

3 weeks ago I saw more people using masks than I did at the store today. I wonder if thats because the "flatten the curve" buzzword is giving off a false sense of security. The reality is, we as a socitey have only done enough to not overwhelm our health care systems.
That's the problem with poorly chosen sound bites and buzzwords.

People we're given the impression that once we hit peak and the curve started to "flatten" our work would be done.

It was never about just "getting" the curve flat, it was always about "getting and keeping" the curve flat, or better yet downward trending.

Physical distancing, wearing masks and minimizing our time in public places is what "got" the curve to flatten and mitigation is the only thing that is going to "keep" the curve flat or downward trending.
I don't think it shows the majority of us are at odds with others.

There hasn't been a stasi enforcing the mitigation measures. Most people followed them voluntarily in consideration for their own safety and the safety of others.

The loudmouths, who desperately exaggerate everything so they can desperately draw attention to themselves with their whining and complaining, only make up a small percentage of our society. Unfortunately, they still get the most public attention, because they screamingly demand it.

The over-sized attention they get while desperately whining and complaining makes us seem more divided than most of us actually are.

If most of us thought and acted like the desperate, loudmouth whiners, none of the mitigation efforts would have been followed.

Most of us actually have pulled together as a community. Let's not let the desperate, whiny brats fool us into thinking otherwise.

I'm not normally this judgmental, but in this particular moment I've lost all tolerance for so called "adults" acting like 3 year olds.

Yep.. spot on... and you and I don't agree very much on a lot of the specific ways to resolve some of the issues we face in the US... but there is a time and a place to fight about petty differences... this ain't it... and I believe most people know that. I also believe if we had a couple beers and real a face to face conversation without a bunch of these "loudmouths" in present company... we'd likely agree on more than we disagree on.
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That could throw the numbers way off since those who volunteered are likely people who thought they had symptoms but could not be tested before.

It's just so hard to process the numbers from this thing because it's on such a short time scale and there is no way to have a control to which to compare the numbers. It's part of what epidemiologists do but it's why epidemiology isn't really a "hard" science. A lot of it is based on the best information we have which is often flawed because you can't do controlled studies on humans. Conclusions are often made based on the overall weight of the evidence even lacking a true consensus.
Yes, any sort of volunteerism always skews results. Either positive or negative. Usually stuff like customer feedback skews negative or super positive.

We need more gen pop testing, without selection bias, to really know. I'm hoping when I donate blood here soon that they'll test me.
2,658 deaths today in the U.S. and counting, which I believe is the highest we have seen yet.

Great time to re-open.
Depends... are we talking about Fulton County GA (Atlanta area) where their have been 2000+ confirmed cases? Or are we talking about Taliaferro County GA just 50 miles away (between Atlanta and Augusta) where their have been 0 confirmed cases...? because there is a huge difference.

Not picking on you, but there really needs to be perspective in these discussions... blanket assumptions be damned.
Like the blanket assumption that people don't travel and interact with people outside of their immediate geographic area?

Unless people from the Atlanta area are not allowed to travel and interact with people in the Taliaferro County area, the difference isn't even in the neighborhood of huge.
I also believe if we had a couple beers and real a face to face conversation without a bunch of these "loudmouths" in present company... we'd likely agree on more than we disagree on.
Respectfully, I find that highly doubtful. For starters, I don't drink beer or any other alcohol. I'll stop there.
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