COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (5 Viewers)

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Now this from ER doctors in Bakersfield, CA.
I'm not saying I advocate what these doctors are saying. I'm just putting it out here because I do think it needs to be part of the debate.

Pro: These are medical professionals who are dealing with the virus up front and in person, so their opinions have some validity

Con: They are in a small town, and the reality concerning the subject of the danger of spreading the virus in small towns is very different to the reality of the danger in large cities.

All due respect to doctors out there, but just because you're a doctor doesn't automatically make you an expert on CV19 or epidemiology. And it doesn't mean you're not subject to misinformation and poor decisionmaking.

This guy (the doc not the poster) doesn't really add much to the debate imo.
Now this from ER doctors in Bakersfield, CA.
I'm not saying I advocate what these doctors are saying. I'm just putting it out here because I do think it needs to be part of the debate.

Pro: These are medical professionals who are dealing with the virus up front and in person, so their opinions have some validity

Con: They are in a small town, and the reality concerning the subject of the danger of spreading the virus in small towns is very different to the reality of the danger in large cities.

The Kern County Health Dept responds:

Looking at their County Dashboard:

They have had a low positive percentage of just under 8% and appear to be very much on their down slope and their peak being about 3 weeks ago.
I could see why they feel being to relax some of the restrictions is in order. I would have to listen to their PC again to see if they were trying to speak of things locally in their community or State/Nation wide policy.
Quarantine fatigue is real and it impresses all the more the importance of getting a testing and tracing system in place.

Its not a panacea, but it would be nice to be able to trace the path backwards in a couple weeks when some of these rulebreakers inevitably show up sick and we want to identify who they may have come into contact with and need to be monitored/quarantined more diligently.

Bloomberg has given $10 million to NYC to get the tracing system up, running & functional.

He has tons of $$$, so if it works, as they are hiring a ton of people to do the footwork, hopefully Bloomberg will donate $$$ to other cities for tracing.
Oh, I'm sure it is a small percentage and no doubt the media will drive that fear. Just thought it was interesting and likely explains the dropping dead videos and the deaths happening out of hospitals in NYC that are up 400%. So while it's not likely a huge number of people, when the number of people infected get really high it could be devastating.

I couldn't agree anymore about the circus and the apocalypse but just how much did the circus create the apocalyse talk? When I post damage video on Facebook from a tornado that killed 1 person it fills up with replies of praying hands and thoughts and prayers and comments about how tragic the situation was. When 50,000 Americans die from Covid those same people reply with flu stats and somehow few notice the incredible level of stupidity it takes to produce that. Overall, I felt like the media has spent way too much time trying to catch Trump saying stupid shirt but to be fair to them, the POTUS is saying some really stupid shirt which makes it newsworthy. The sad part about that is not that the media is not informing us of the more important stuff and asking the questions that are so important but when they do, it's mostly ignored and people seek out the article about the stupid shirt the POTUS said which gets all the clicks and attention. I guess to sum things up, people are dumb and society is stupid.
A month ago, today this comparison was made. From just over 1,000 to 55K. We all knew the exponential figures were about to kick in, now we know how much and that is with stay at home, social distancing efforts. These comparisons remind me of the bantering we hear when gas prices get real high - "yeah, but it's cheaper than a gallon of milk." Umm. I don't go through 8 gallons of milk a week....well, maybe lately I am. ;)

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Our babysitter’s mom is a CRNA and was telling us that her hospital is using UV for mask sterilization. The one issue they have run across, at least with their method, is that it’s drying out the rubber bands on the masks. They are having bands break in the middle of surgeries, etc.
Yeah UV kills most rubbers and plastics.

EPDM or Silicone are more resistant. Lots of outdoor UV resistant and anti weathering rubber bands are EPDM.
You also have to remember Kern county in California is Devin Nunez home district and as backwards and republican as you can possibly get in the state of California.
The Kern County Health Dept responds:

Looking at their County Dashboard:

They have had a low positive percentage of just under 8% and appear to be very much on their down slope and their peak being about 3 weeks ago.
I could see why they feel being to relax some of the restrictions is in order. I would have to listen to their PC again to see if they were trying to speak of things locally in their community or State/Nation wide policy.
54 new cases yesterday, for a total of 818. 8 total deaths. Not sure how you get on the downslope out of that.
Now this from ER doctors in Bakersfield, CA.
I'm not saying I advocate what these doctors are saying. I'm just putting it out here because I do think it needs to be part of the debate.

Pro: These are medical professionals who are dealing with the virus up front and in person, so their opinions have some validity

Con: They are in a small town, and the reality concerning the subject of the danger of spreading the virus in small towns is very different to the reality of the danger in large cities.

Thanks for sharing. I gotta say, they lost me when the doctor said "we're seeing patients, Dr. Fauci hasn't seen a patient in over 20 years."
Not sure where the disconnect between the Keen County site and the Bakersfield paper is. However, as far as central California is going, nowhere in the valley is seeing a decline of any sort at this point, if anything we are all having a post easter bump.

Now, like in anything thinking of these 2 doctors. They run private clinics. Ok. Now, clinics and hospitals are getting hammered in California because if you’re just feeling bad, no way are you going to a hospital at this point. Every hospital
Is hurting economically, most of the major ones have laid off hundreds of employees because of this. So, of corse they are all for opening as they haven’t seen huge numbers being rural and very spread out, and they are also hurting economically because of this. Also, as I said, politically Bakersfield is much more representative of Oklahoma, which is who settled Bakersfield. Oakies from the Great Depression moving into the area.
Not sure where the disconnect between the Keen County site and the Bakersfield paper is. However, as far as central California is going, nowhere in the valley is seeing a decline of any sort at this point, if anything we are all having a post easter bump.

Now, like in anything thinking of these 2 doctors. They run private clinics. Ok. Now, clinics and hospitals are getting hammered in California because if you’re just feeling bad, no way are you going to a hospital at this point. Every hospital
Is hurting economically, most of the major ones have laid off hundreds of employees because of this. So, of corse they are all for opening as they haven’t seen huge numbers being rural and very spread out, and they are also hurting economically because of this. Also, as I said, politically Bakersfield is much more representative of Oklahoma, which is who settled Bakersfield. Oakies from the Great Depression moving into the area.

I also think some of it is tunnel vision. People are just looking around and thinking everything is fine and not seeing the bigger/broader picture. I think there is some of that.

I also think the anti-vaxxers are still out there. Sure there are fewer of them these days, but, they're still making some noise and justifying their irresponsible actions by their ongoing use of bad science.
Now this from ER doctors in Bakersfield, CA.
I'm not saying I advocate what these doctors are saying. I'm just putting it out here because I do think it needs to be part of the debate.

Pro: These are medical professionals who are dealing with the virus up front and in person, so their opinions have some validity

Con: They are in a small town, and the reality concerning the subject of the danger of spreading the virus in small towns is very different to the reality of the danger in large cities.

I agree that we need to see a more complete picture of this one sound bite, but not that every sound bite needs to be "part of the debate." That's a foolish notion for such a critical issue.

Are these two doctors the owners of their urgent care (not ER) business that is financially affected by the virus? I can't imagine them wanting to lose money, but at least be honest with their positions, blurry line and all that.

It is exactly these types of "speaking with authority" clips and interviews that turn out to be not what they seemed that makes people suspect the motives. Surely those wanting to end the quarantines don't have to stoop to this level to make a point.

It's not the government making people stay home as much as people trying to keep themselves safe. We're not that great at rule-following. :hihi: But noone wants to die alone on a ventilator, or have our friends or loved ones suffer that fate.
Idiots at it again...

That doesn't look that bad to me. I assume the people in the chairs directly next to each other live together, and the groups are spread at least 6 feet apart.
That doesn't look that bad to me. I assume the people in the chairs directly next to each other live together, and the groups are spread at least 6 feet apart.
I work at Keesler AFB in the Store room and supply warehouse. I can give #'s that the AF considers a matter of national security and won't release the #'s. We deliver meals to the isolation barracks. The # has been dropping since Sunday 4-19 . We delivered 163 meals that day/ Sunday 4-26 we delivered 103. Shelter in place is working, but I have a bad feeling our Governor is about to open us too soon
I work at Keesler AFB in the Store room and supply warehouse. I can give #'s that the AF considers a matter of national security and won't release the #'s. We deliver meals to the isolation barracks. The # has been dropping since Sunday 4-19 . We delivered 163 meals that day/ Sunday 4-26 we delivered 103. Shelter in place is working, but I have a bad feeling our Governor is about to open us too soon

I keep seeing the phrase 'too soon'. But i have to ask what it is too soon for? Will something change if we wait longer?
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