COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (2 Viewers)

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Its definitely time to pray
There is reason to hope since there seems to far more who have gotten the virus and been asymptomatic but obviously there is huge reasons for concern. I have tried to not be pushing the open things up line as it would seem selfish as my family's business is in dire circumstances but it is very difficult to watch 20 years of hard work falling apart and knowing what kind of situation it will leave my parents and I
Unfortunately more people are going to die...its a horrible thing to try to balance minimizing loss of life and the country's economy

Regardless of differing opinions, I think we can all agree that we wish the best for each and every poster's health as well as the health of their families
The Kern County Health Dept responds:

Looking at their County Dashboard:

They have had a low positive percentage of just under 8% and appear to be very much on their down slope and their peak being about 3 weeks ago.
I could see why they feel being to relax some of the restrictions is in order. I would have to listen to their PC again to see if they were trying to speak of things locally in their community or State/Nation wide policy.

From the article:

Public Health says that in order to flatten the curve and get the county moving again, maintaining social distancing for the time being is essential.

There's that phrasing again, where it is purported that merely "flattening the curve" means everything is all good again, and social distancing measures can relax.

I really wish that health experts, government leaders, and the media would become more responsible with how they convey this message to the mass public. There is a very large segment of our population that will take that message the wrong way.
I keep seeing the phrase 'too soon'. But i have to ask what it is too soon for? Will something change if we wait longer?

Yes - improved logistics planning, prep, vetting of new policies, education of citizens, medical supply inventory, testing inventory, a more downward curve than a mere flattened-curve, etc.
Yes - improved logistics planning, prep, vetting of new policies, education of citizens, medical supply inventory, testing inventory, a more downward curve than a mere flattened-curve, etc.

I agree with you that we need vastly more testing. But to be fair, at least in New Orleans and the rest of Louisiana, the curve has been on sharp downward curve for over two weeks. I'm not sure what today's numbers were, but we only had 11 new cases yesterday and all the hospitals seem to be reporting that they are no longer in crisis mode. Could that change? Sure, and that's why we need vastly more testing.
Nobody wants to hear it, but we're not ready to open. Society seems passed the conversation though, see less people using masks and less people are making social distancing effort.
They are but aren't forgetting how quick it can turn.
The issue still remains supplies. Testing in particular.

And consensus is the fall will see a spike and be prepared.
Are you suggesting we remain in a "lockdown" type environment through the summer into the fall? Our economy would never survive.
If you take out New York and New Jersey the number of deaths would be halved. You have to think how many would have died there if the subways, schools, etc. were shut down earlier.
Nobody wants to hear it, but we're not ready to open. Society seems passed the conversation though, see less people using masks and less people are making social distancing effort.

I think that the chatter of us being back in this situation in the winter was enough for people just to say...screw it. And honestly, I don't blame them. We cannot isolate for a year. That's beyond nuts. I'm a medical provider, I want to see people live, but that in my opinion is just not feasible at all and quite honestly, I'm not completely certain if it's in the best interest of our country and public health in the grand scheme of things. I think more conversation needs to take place on how to open up, and how to do it quickly and responsibly as possible under the circumstances. But the "lets continue strict social distancing for another 8 months" is NOT an answer. Find an answer under a realistic set of circumstances.
Stuff like this did not help NYC.

de Blasio hasn't taken nearly enough heat for the situation New York has found itself in. There should be wide spread calls for his resignation. I think Cuomo has handled it so well he has kept the focus on him and people aren't thinking about what a buffon de Blasio was.
So many of these tests I presume are only able to give you a positive or negative result on Covid-19.

Isn’t it possible that a different virus could be to blame for a certain percentage of the flu-related deaths?

I’m assuming you could have enough Covid19 in your system to register a positive sample while also having another virus in you.
So, first, the deaths from Covid-19 are, if anything, understated. If you take a look at this Financial Times analysis from yesterday, comparing current mortality statistics against normal levels, you can quickly see two things: Covid-19 is causing large spikes in mortality across the world, and the number of excess deaths compared to normal levels is still substantially higher than that currently attributed to Covid-19.

As the article discusses, there will be multiple factors to that, but the largest is likely to be that many deaths that are being caused by Covid-19 are not being attributed to Covid-19 due to a lack of specific diagnosis, typically due to a lack of testing (other factors include mortality from other causes increasing where healthcare systems have been overwhelmed due to Covid-19 and become unable to provide timely treatment for other conditions; at the same time, mortality from some causes (e.g. traffic accidents) will likely to have been reduced due to lockdowns).

As for your question, you can have Covid-19 and influenza at the same time, but it's relatively unlikely. The number of people who do will be a small subset of all those with Covid-19, and of those with both who die, the hypothetical number of them who die entirely from influenza and not at all from Covid-19 would be even smaller, even if it were possible to accurately determine. It's not going to be significant outside highly specific contexts.
Question on supplies - anyone out there seeing disinfectant spray (Lysol or store brand) or disinfectant wipes in any store anywhere? If not, where is it at? Surely, they're cranking this stuff out around the clock?


Can't even find bleach to shock my redneck pool :mad1:

In Texas we've moved from milk, eggs, toilet paper and paper towels being rare to bleach, spaghetti, and energy drinks.
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