COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (4 Viewers)

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New Orleans has bleach pretty readily available at this point (it sells out quickly in groceries, but Home Depot regularly has "outdoor strength"). Rouse's has huge bins of hand sanitizer, and the local distilleries have had it for a while.

Still no lysol or wipes, though.

If you have access to bleach,70% rubbing alcohol or 140 proof liquor, you can make them at home.

If you have access to bleach,70% rubbing alcohol or 140 proof liquor, you can make them at home.

Yep, thanks. We've just been using spray bottles of a bleach solution mostly.
I'm not trying to be argumentative, but who on this forum has worn a mask for more than 2 hours at a time? I do it on a regular basis, and it's a miserable existence. I do it because I come into contact with sick people and I don't want to bring something home with me. But boys, I'm not sure it is practical to ask people wear PPE for a 10-hour work day. I think that is a very reasonable request in short bursts, such as going to a sporting event, going to the grocery store, going to the restaurant. I also have very little confidence that the average person can wear PPE that long without touching the outside of their evil PPE and completely defeating the purpose of the PPE in the first place.

I think that at some point we are just going to have to send the kids back to school...ready or not. And it'll have to be without PPE. They will be little carrier monkeys, and we will have to try to keep them away from immunocompromised or elderly. Kids that are immunocompromised will have to be home schooled. It's unfortunate, but it's time to put forward realistic strategies.
I agree. We can pretend none of this is happening and it'll go away. I mean, asking people to wear masks to save people's lives is just too much for Americans, we just aren't as strong the Billions of people in Asia that are able to do it.
de Blasio hasn't taken nearly enough heat for the situation New York has found itself in. There should be wide spread calls for his resignation. I think Cuomo has handled it so well he has kept the focus on him and people aren't thinking about what a buffon de Blasio was.

Wasn't there a disagreement between the Governor of New York and the cities of New York over when to close the schools? If I recall correctly the cities wanted to close them earlier.

Also were the subways ever shut down in New York City?
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A lot of us have family that works in healthcare. My wife has to wear a mask all day and she's in administration and not even in a room anymore. She hates it. I think when I think PPE I'm thinking more the cloth variety. I've been wearing a bandana with a Balaclava over top of it when I go places. It's not bad at all.

But you are thinking past where my post was. I'm assuming school is done for this semester. I don't think we can make any decisions on school for another few months. I don't think there's any use in worrying about schools opening in four months right now. We have no idea what things will look like even in a month.

It's a "one thing at a time", then wait and see how it goes, rinse repeat thing. Which really sucks, because I think the most difficult thing for a lot of people is not seeing a finish line. I know it is for me personally.
I agree. We can pretend none of this is happening and it'll go away. I mean, asking people to wear masks to save people's lives is just too much for Americans, we just aren't as strong the Billions of people in Asia that are able to do it.

Well...see don't arrest and shoot people for not wearing a mask. Fear is a nice incentive.
I'm not trying to be argumentative, but who on this forum has worn a mask for more than 2 hours at a time? I do it on a regular basis, and it's a miserable existence. I do it because I come into contact with sick people and I don't want to bring something home with me. But boys, I'm not sure it is practical to ask people wear PPE for a 10-hour work day. I think that is a very reasonable request in short bursts, such as going to a sporting event, going to the grocery store, going to the restaurant. I also have very little confidence that the average person can wear PPE that long without touching the outside of their evil PPE and completely defeating the purpose of the PPE in the first place.

I think that at some point we are just going to have to send the kids back to school...ready or not. And it'll have to be without PPE. They will be little carrier monkeys, and we will have to try to keep them away from immunocompromised or elderly. Kids that are immunocompromised will have to be home schooled. It's unfortunate, but it's time to put forward realistic strategies.

I don't remember if I wore a mask for two hours, but I had to wear a mask & goggles for an extended time while working with asbestos years ago. It was miserable and more than anything else it made me hotter.
Wasn't there a disagreement between the Governor of New York and the cities of New York over when to close the schools? If I recall correctly the cities wanted to close them earlier.

Also was the subways ever shut down in New York City?

Closing the subway isn't feasible or practical. A lot of essential workers rely on public transportation. They have to protect themselves while commuting. So no, the subways there and same here in DC are still running, although more limited than before.
Restaurants and bars make it on volume. If restrictions are put in place limiting seating or capacity, how many will survive? BEFORE this virus, restaurants and bars were statistically the worse business to get in (due to failure rates). I just don't see how you will be able to social distance effectively and keep these type businesses open. Or will the taxpayers subsidize every bar and eatery in the country?
Restaurants and bars make it on volume. If restrictions are put in place limiting seating or capacity, how many will survive?

More than will survive with zero revenue. Hopefully with limited capacity + curbside takeout (which will continue), more will make it than would have if we stay fully shut down.

BEFORE this virus, restaurants and bars were statistically the worse business to get in (due to failure rates). I just don't see how you will be able to social distance effectively and keep these type businesses open. Or will the taxpayers subsidize every bar and eatery in the country?

I mean we're already going to be subsidizing billionaires in the hotel, airline, cruise ship, O&G, farm, and tons of other industries. Is subsidizing small restaurant owners the line in the sand where we choose to be outraged?
Well...see don't arrest and shoot people for not wearing a mask. Fear is a nice incentive.
Fear of an economic meltdown or family members dying should be a nice incentive. Better yet, how about dollar destruction and hyperinflation? These things are all on the table.

Honestly, it doesn't really matter. About 35% of the people in the US are too stupid to wear it correctly anyway.
I don't remember if I wore a mask for two hours, but I had to wear a mask & goggles for an extended time while working with asbestos years ago. It was miserable and more than anything else it made me hotter.

I'll see a patient for 45 minutes with my mask. The moment I leave the room, I need to rip my mask off to get a breath of fresh air. My face is covered with sweat, so I have a natural tendency to rub my face the moment the mask comes off. I need to have paper towels outside the room to dry my face so that I don't touch my face. This is for a 30-45 minute period. It's just awful. There is just no way that the average human being is going to put up with that and do it correctly without contaminating themselves and other surfaces. I think that the benefit of the masks more than anything is that it gets people to be more mindful of this disease and pay closer attention to their surroundings. It's a uniform...our COVID-19 uniform, and there is something that can be said in the change behaviors while in uniform. But should we force people into wearing masks? No. I would like to think that we could do our best to convince people that it is a good idea under the right circumstances.
Wasn't there a disagreement between the Governor of New York and the cities of New York over when to close the schools? If I recall correctly the cities wanted to close them earlier.

Also were the subways ever shut down in New York City?

There was a disagreement on schools based on the fact that not all jobs were shut down and there was a debate about what low-income families that were considered essential would do for childcare. In a city with such a large underemployed populace it was a reasonable concern.

Don't get me started on de Blasio and the subways. I won't be able to seek a higher level. That donkey (and I mean the other word) actually encouraged people to ride the subway and took a ride on it to show them it was safe. What a maroon. Who knows how many people got infected following that Pied Piper of ignorance.
My wife's niece got the call back to work in Natchitoches next week. She manages an IHOP there. They have a lot of things to do to get ready for reopening. It will start off as curbside only. They tried curbside for a while, but they were not getting enough business to keep it open. Hopefully they will be able to get it to work this time.

In the past month we have got takeout at least once a week from different local restaurants to keep them going. Normally we would eat out maybe once a month.
Restaurants and bars make it on volume. If restrictions are put in place limiting seating or capacity, how many will survive? BEFORE this virus, restaurants and bars were statistically the worse business to get in (due to failure rates). I just don't see how you will be able to social distance effectively and keep these type businesses open. Or will the taxpayers subsidize every bar and eatery in the country?

I don't know the answer. I think ultimately, if distancing in restaurants is going to become the norm for any length of time, they will have to significantly raise prices to make the economics work.

Restaurants here are actually not doing too terrible because a lot of people are still picking up or taking deliveries. I ordered last night online, went to the restaurant and they dropped it in my passenger side window in the seat. Payment was done online. No direct contact. Those who adapt and provide workable alternative solutions should survive, at least in the short term.
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