COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (3 Viewers)

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LaToya isn't budging despite Orleans having knocked down the virus more than any other region in LA.

I think the attacks on her over Mardi Gras have convinced her she's not opening squat for as long as possible no matter what the situation is here.

Would've been nice to get outside tables opened again along with some curbside stores. I will save the rest of my rant to keep politics out of the thread....

Nor do we have the fortitude for it.

Nor do we have the Constitutional authority or rights to do it. I'm the biggest advocate for being safe and even would be willing to tolerate a complete lockdown. But the way our government is set up, it won't happen.

What I suggest is focusing on realistic solutions instead of harping on what a complete lockdown would look like.
Finally making some payment progress in Florida. Still a ways to go. I'm still waiting to get contacted.....

A leader of a Facebook group demanding that North Carolina allow businesses to reopen amid the Covid-19 pandemic has tested positive for coronavirus but is still insisting that Governor Roy Cooper's stay-at-home order be rescinded, saying it violates her right to freedom of religion.

Audrey Whitlock is one of the leaders of the ReOpen NC Facebook group, which has close to 70,000 online members and has organized weekly in-person rallies demanding that the state reopen. Whitlock described herself as an "asymptomatic Covid-19 patient" in a since-deleted post to the group on Sunday morning. Regardless of her potential to infect others, she said that abiding by the governor's orders meant her rights were being violated.

"The reality is that modern society has not been able to eradicate contagious viruses. A typical public health quarantine would occur in a medical facility," Whitlock wrote, according to WNCN. "I have been told not to participate in public or private accommodations as requested by the government, and therefore denied my 1st amendment right of freedom of religion."

Cooper recently extended his stay-at-home order to be effective through May 8. Whitlock's post said that "political affiliation all become irrelevant when you are fighting for freedom" but concluded with a call to "remove Roy Cooper from office in November."

She also claimed that enforcing the quarantine orders could be a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, lamenting that "it has been insinuated by others that if I go out, I could be arrested for denying a quarantine order."...……..

Man, that's really leaning into the ignorance.
I think you misunderstand what I'm saying. I'm suggesting that the American people are incapable of thinking beyond themselves and do not have the stomach to voluntarily quarantine themselves. We are a weak, selfish people.
I love to read your posts, but that is incredibly myopic.

The majority of Americans love & care about themselves, their families, loved ones & friends.
They want to stay safe & they want to live. Therefore, they are willing to put up with some inconveniences, in order to not die in a horrible way, from an insidious virus.
I think you misunderstand what I'm saying. I'm suggesting that the American people are incapable of thinking beyond themselves and do not have the stomach to voluntarily quarantine themselves. We are a weak, selfish people.

It's not just American's that are selfish. All people are selfish. It's an evolutionary advantage that helped with survival. At least up until now.

It's why true socialism and communism doesn't work. People will not sacrifice their self-interest for the interests of others. So, the key to any system of morality or system of government is to take that selfishness into account. So, in this instance, the key is to make people realize that sacrificing small amounts of freedom to avoid infecting others will, in the long run, actually be to their advantage. Rational self-interest to be precise.
Some encouraging news on the vaccine front...

  • Monkeys given an experimental vaccine from the University of Oxford appear to have resisted the novel coronavirus.
  • Six rhesus macaques given hAdOx1 nCoV-19 in Montana did not fall ill despite heavy exposure, The New York Times reported Monday.
  • There is no guarantee the vaccine will work on humans, but successful animal tests are a promising early sign.
  • The Oxford Vaccine Group began human trials for the vaccine last week.
I think you misunderstand what I'm saying. I'm suggesting that the American people are incapable of thinking beyond themselves and do not have the stomach to voluntarily quarantine themselves. We are a weak, selfish people.

That's just simply not true and incredibly narrow thinking. There are lots of people who think beyond themselves. People donate blood and even organs, put themselves in harm's way to help someone else, sacrifice their wants for the greater good of the community among many other things...all the time. Now sometimes it feels like we fall short and there are those "why we can't have nice things" people who spoil it for everyone else. But that's certainly not everyone. Maybe not even the majority. A lot of people are trying to do the right thing. So I disagree that all, or even most Americans are weak/selfish.

“Only” about a 200 new cases in LA. Slowly getting better, just curious how many are actually getting tested. However, if there are fewer patients in the hospitals that can’t be a bad thing.
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