COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (6 Viewers)

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Just off the top of my head I would say Putin appearing in a hazmat suit is freaking terrifying. This guy has carefully cultivated an image of toughness and masculinity in the eye of the Russian public.

It would be hilarious if our president wore a hazmat suit and gas mask while telling people it isn't that serious.
This is becoming tougher and tougher to accomplish. This thread about the spread of the virus, along with (I think) most of us wanting the outbreak to end, as well as studying prevention trends around the globe that have worked and have not worked. There is a political figure that disagrees that this is important enough for our country to worry about, and is choosing to ignore the historical/scientific data from experts and the historical/scientific data we have all been tracking and discussing in this thread for the past 2+ months, and said political figure has flip-flopped back and forth on strategy twice now in the past three weeks; so naturally the conversation is going to dissolve into a political one.

I'm not sure how an outbreak spread thread can survive without it become political if politics is what is involved in it spreading or not spreading. It wasn't about politics until the issue got to our home turf.

Presidential commentary falls under Actions, usually. I never have said to sanitize politics from this. We've clearly allowed some leeway. We pushed the line a bit. Don't hop over it.

This isn't really a discussion. If you have follow up, PM me. If you're curious what flies here, look at what is still posted (98% correct.. we likely missed some). Whatever was deleted, didn't fly.
Our plant is shutting down Wednesday. Any essential personnel will be called back on Monday. No idea if I fall in that category or not, it mainly depends on if there are any federal/state/foreign/medical orders in our value stream. Their usually are but, these days, who knows?
Since the last few posts in this thread are none too pleasant, it's time for a change of pace. Before all of this really got kicked off, I had bought a Jaxson Hayes rookie card. Beautiful card, limited to 25, nice chunk of lettering patch, autographed. It came from Hong Kong. This was back at the beginning of the month. Initially, I was more worried about the contents inside the package. Just got it in the mail and the insides were the least of my concern. I wiped down the outside of the package thoroughly and all is well. Now, I return you to the horrors that are this thread.
This is true.

But also it's a high standard to say that those who believe the observed conditions call into question the official data, must be able to support it with their own data. In that context, anecdotal evidence can be useful, if it is from a credible source. If the same anecdote appears in multiple locations, it can be a basis to draw conclusions. Yes, they're caveated conclusions of course, they're not necessarily reliable - but not dismissible out of hand.

But you're right that it's not data and so it's only so useful. It's all very challenging for sure.
This is true. However, the more degrees of separation in the anecdotal chain, the less it should be considered reliable information. If a medical professional shares anecdotal evidence with me that numbers are being under reported, that's much more reliable than someone saying they know someone that shared the anecdotal evidence with them, and that's more reliable than someone who says they know someone who knows someone that someone else showed anecdotal evidence.

Unless one sees the anecdotal evidence themselves, it's all hearsay. That doesn't mean dismiss it out of hand, but it also means don't accept it as true out of hand.
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