COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (9 Viewers)

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Looks like 100k income is the cap.

I think that's a dumb number, especially considering the cost-of-living discussion from earlier. So in this case, hardly anyone from New York making merely a decent salary will get anything, and they're likely the ones that will need it the most!
I want to stress this again. South Florida, at least, the major freeways, are very empty.

Again, even if it's just 25% of the population going to work, but practicing social distancing and better hygiene, it is effective. We are pretty much on Day 10 of some level of a quarantine here. Could argue Day 12, with no school.

Pretty dead here too..

This site grades counties and states on how much less travel is going on. Sorry if it has already been posted
There's official claims in the UK that antibody testing will be available at home 'within days':

It is important to note that the "test, which looks like a pregnancy test and involves pricking the finger to produce a drop of blood, which is then analysed by the device, will first be validated in Oxford to ensure it works as well as scientists hope." That is, they don't actually know it works yet.

Assuming it does, that's potentially another tool to help manage the situation.
This would mean we now believe China's numbers are accurate?
China's number aren't accurate. Neither are ours.

The size of our outbreak is going to make China's look tiny when it is all said and done because humans control the virus. China opted to end the outbreak. USA has opted to let it continue to spread every step of the way.
China's number aren't accurate. Neither are ours.

The size of our outbreak is going to make China's look tiny when it is all said and done because humans control the virus. China opted to end the outbreak. USA has opted to let it continue to spread every step of the way.

Are you suggesting we should seal people in their homes and buildings like China?
I'm fortunate to be in a position where I'm not eligible and don't need any relief. But there are a lot of people in Colorado that won't be eligible and they could certainly use it.
There's official claims in the UK that antibody testing will be available at home 'within days':

It is important to note that the "test, which looks like a pregnancy test and involves pricking the finger to produce a drop of blood, which is then analysed by the device, will first be validated in Oxford to ensure it works as well as scientists hope." That is, they don't actually know it works yet.

Assuming it does, that's potentially another tool to help manage the situation.

If it works, we'll need about 375 million of them, asap.
"Under the plan as it was being negotiated, individuals who earn $75,000 in adjusted gross income or less would get direct payments of $1,200 each, with married couples earning up to $150,000 receiving $2,400 -- and an additional $500 per each child. The payment would scale down by income, phasing out entirely at $99,000 for singles and $198,000 for couples without children."

I spoke to my parents yesterday and they surprised me (in a good way). They are intelligent people, and speaking to them on different issues/ topics is always fun, but when you back out of specific issues it is obvious that they live in the Fox echo chamber and though I can break them down on almost every major issue as disagreeing with the man, will likely vote for Trump.

That said I was terrified they would not be taking this thing seriously. I was wrong, they are very aware of their risk (74 with some underlying health issues and 73) and have changed their lifestyle to match. They recently moved to a place called "The Villages" in Florida, and though I have not seen the place yet I am assuming they are living around mostly people in their own demographic.

They have a great deal of social activities that they like to partake in, and they have stopped all of them. They have not hoarded by any stretch of the imagination, but my mom says she has some "Hurricane Supplies" if they cannot go to the store. As for trips to the store apparently their local store is fairly low volume and has regular sanitizing "breaks" during the day. They have been going on multiple walks daily, but say that everyone keeps a good distance and there are never more than couples walking together.

In the place of their social activities they have decided to pick up golfing (badly) for the time being. They got a golf cart when they moved to this place, because apparently that is the thing to do for getting around there, and their local golf course has lifted the minimum party size to tee off.... so it is just the two of them puttering around in a golf cart, playing golf badly, going for walks, and reading books.

Since they have retired a decade ago they have been almost non-stop go. They have hit all the national parks in the western United States, traveled to almost every major urban center in the US and Canada, traveled Northern, Western, and Southern Europe for months at a time. Run pretty much every cruise route in the Caribbean, both the Alaska and Hawaii cruise and done a number of 80 day cruises touching every continent except Africa.

I was afraid they would use this as a way to try to find low cost travel arrangements, but they canceled any plans they had for the next year, and told me they are going to go into "Google" exploring mode for the next year, maybe two, until they see conditions as safe enough to resume their travels. Their hope is they can take this time to find destinations and activities they would not have and add them to the list for a time that they can venture forth again.

I had been worried since the onset of this thing that my parents would let the blinders they have put on in their media/political steer them into harms way... but underneath it seems that they are still the critical thinking pair that raised me when it counts.

I rambled way off course, but basically now is a good time to call your loved ones... they are probably bored and stressed, and even if you just talk about what flowers are blooming in the garden, or what good meals they have eaten lately it is relieving and comforting (at least it was for me).
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