COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (5 Viewers)

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We can control the outbreak by shutting everything down. The two are contradictory.

But then what? Let's say we grind everything to a halt and stop it at the price of people starving in the streets and national debt that crushes our dollar to levels we've never dreamed of. Well, as long as there is one case in the Philippines or Russia or Turkey, we'll have to shut down international travel indefinitely or else it will immediately ramp back up once one asymptomatic person slips through into a crowded airport.

I guess we might develop a vaccine in a few years. But we might not. And even if it's twice as effective as the flu vaccines, we'll still have millions of cases a year.

So are you proposing we grind the world to a halt until we find a vaccine that may never come? What's the end game?
This plan seems overly complicated and inefficient and not terribly reasonable as a means to their identified end

It's completely arbitrary. How do they decide which year of income to choose? And, it doesn't take into account people who may lose jobs because of the COVID-19 outbreak. If you want to both stimulate the economy and guarantee that you help everyone who needs help, you just give the money to everyone. That way all the people who need help get it and those who don't really need it can use the money to put into the economy and keep businesses open.
Based on income in what year? 2018? 2019? 2020? Are they going to spend time making the calculations first and then send the checks, which would seem to be inefficient? Or are they just going to send everyone the checks and then require repayment when taxes are filed next year? Past income would seem to be irrelevant to people who have lost or about to lose income in 2020.

I read a few articles where it will be based on 2018, which makes sense, because 2019 tax filings are not due until July some time. One report said, it will be based on 2018 and 2019 filings. They are still hammering out all the details, so we should all know the official criteria shortly.
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I read a few articles where it will be based on 2018, which makes sense, because 2019 tax filings are not due until July some time. One report said, it will be based on 2018 and 2019 filings. They are still hammering out all the details, so we should all know the official details shortly.

it doesn’t make sense though
the means test was something the Democrats wanted in the bill, too

this entire thing is such a mess. If we can’t get them to be functional now, what’s the hope in the near and distant future? Unreal. And so stupid.
At least they didn’t phase out the bottom of it like was the original intention. That would cause serious issues. 2400 bucks is a gold mine for some families
the means test was something the Democrats wanted in the bill, too

this entire thing is such a mess. If we can’t get them to be functional now, what’s the hope in the near and distant future? Unreal. And so stupid.

I definitely blame both sides of the aisle on this. They are literally playing politics with people's lives.
This plan seems overly complicated and inefficient and not terribly reasonable as a means to their identified end

[MOD EDIT - Removing Overly Political commentary - SW :nono: ]

"Sorry if you're broke now, you should have saved that income from 2018 in case of emergency! Even though the corporations we are bailing out didn't save their income from 2018 in case of emergency!"
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At least they didn’t phase out the bottom of it like was the original intention. That would cause serious issues. 2400 bucks is a gold mine for some families

It sure is, but the problem with the plan is that there are plenty of families that will have made too much in 2018 to qualify but in 2020 need the money because of losing jobs or income between 2018 and now or who will lose jobs because of COVID 19.

In addition, "need" shouldn't even be a criteria if part of the point of this is to stimulate the economy. People who don't "need" it likely would have just spent it on things they normally would not have bought but would buy if they had extra money. That would help to stimulate the economy and end up meaning there are less jobs lost.

But the biggest issue is that by requiring a means test, it is going to greatly delay the delivery of the money and mean that by the time the money gets out there it will be too late for many in need and may be too late to really help the economy.
But then what? Let's say we grind everything to a halt and stop it at the price of people starving in the streets and national debt that crushes our dollar to levels we've never dreamed of. Well, as long as there is one case in the Philippines or Russia or Turkey, we'll have to shut down international travel indefinitely or else it will immediately ramp back up once one asymptomatic person slips through into a crowded airport.

I guess we might develop a vaccine in a few years. But we might not. And even if it's twice as effective as the flu vaccines, we'll still have millions of cases a year.

So are you proposing we grind the world to a halt until we find a vaccine that may never come? What's the end game?
Actually, you are right. All the mixed messages and constant shift in plans make it impossible to do a real coordinated shutdown. We got too far behind with testing to prevent the spread from going all over the country so we'll probably just have to live with it the next couple years until there is a vaccine or we gain herd immunity.

So we can just do a $2 Trillion fiscal stimulus plan every few months and only support airlines, cruise industries, auto makers, hotels, restaurants, entertainment industry and sports. If we do this every 2 months, then it'll only be $12 Trillion between now and next summer.
I guess we might develop a vaccine in a few years. But we might not. And even if it's twice as effective as the flu vaccines, we'll still have millions of cases a year.

The consensus in the scientific community appears to be that we will have a vaccine in no more than a year. So, there is a outside limit on the whole thing. And nobody is saying shut everything down until there are zero cases of COVID-19 in the world. The point is to shut stuff down until we can flatten out the curve and make sure the curve remains flattened or goes down. We just aren't close to that at this point now and we can't make arbitrary decision regarding when that point will be until we have more information and evidence.
I believe they are using 2018. If that’s not there, then 2019. If no data there I think they will dig into social security for those college kids who didn’t earn enough to really report any income.
U need to file to receive stimulus. Even if u didn't make enough to technically file. Either file for this year or last
The consensus in the scientific community appears to be that we will have a vaccine in no more than a year. So, there is a outside limit on the whole thing. And nobody is saying shut everything down until there are zero cases of COVID-19 in the world. The point is to shut stuff down until we can flatten out the curve and make sure the curve remains flattened or goes down. We just aren't close to that at this point now and we can't make arbitrary decision regarding when that point will be until we have more information and evidence.

I mean, I guess people would rather save the economy and let the hospitals get overrun then the economy is lost anyway. Some seriously short sighted people out there.
I definitely blame both sides of the aisle on this. They are literally playing politics with people's lives.
Got that right. The 2 main parties in this country are mostly full of self-serving pyscopaths that don’t care about the common person. To think 2 parties should represent most citizens in a country of this size is laughable.
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