Did anyone have there doubts about brees when we signed him? (1 Viewer)

No. He's the reason we jumped on the bandwagon in March and bought season tix for the first time ever .... Reggie wasn't even a glimmer in our eye. The thing that tipped me was the Hi-we're-glad-to-be-in-New Orleans ad he and his wife took out in the Times-Picayune! Very classy move and, call me crazy, I just think he's the type of guy that wouldn't have signed a contract for $60 million if he wasn't 60,000,000% sure his shoulder was going to be okay.

That's the thing that I admire most about Drew. He is truly proud to be a Saint, and he's not afraid to tell anyone. He didn't come here for the short run. He is planning on finishing his career as a Saint, and I couldn't be happier.
No Doubts

I have been intrigued with Brees since his days with Purdue. He was putting up mad numbers and was quickly becoming the college version of John Elway, Captain Comeback. He struggled early on in SD because at that time they did not have an offensive team. I knew we would do a good job of protecting him because we did provide decent protection for Brooks, even though he would nt pick up the blitzes and seemed to roll right into them. I will say that I am surprised at how quickly Brees is reading defenses and getting rid of the ball quickly and accurately. The Saints have always been competitive in my eyes but this team seems to be really special. Add a few spices to the defense (LB,DB) and this team is really going to rock. I can't wait for the regular season to play itself out and see what kind of noise the Saints bring to the playoffs. NFC Divisional Leaders are struggling across the border and the Saints could easily become the #1 seed with a few more Chicago losses and Saints win. The key to that of course is to win out the rest of the games. I'm not saying an easy task but if the defense steps up it is forseeable. I can't wait. Go Saints.
Seemed like a pipe dream at the time--I was hoping that first, San Diego would release him, and second, that the Saints would sign him. Remember before the Brees signing, everyone was saying that we would not be able to attract any quality free agents, and many of us were hoping at best for a rebuilding year in which we began to show some improvement. I wanted to go defense with the second pick.

What I knew most about him was that he has excellent skills, that he had showed the naysayers wrong everywhere he went, and that he is determined to prove everyone wrong who doubts him. Had no idea what an incredible leader he is and how smart he is about managing the game.
I was so pumped. The only thing I was thinking was anything is better than AB at this point.

Honestly, this is pretty much where I was on this. I liked Brooks for a time, but knew that it was over in New Orleans. I thought that it would take me some time to get used to seeing a new QB in a Saints uniform, but it didn't. I knew about his career progression in SD, and I figured that he would start slow in the beginning of the season due to his injury, and then hoped he would get better as the season progressed.
Now, I DID NOT expect what we have gotten thus far. I swear, every game now I just feel like I can't believe what I'm seeing: leadership, accuracy, guts, confidence, solid decision-making.... I'm like, WTH? I've only been a Saints fan for about 20 years, and I've never been this excited.
I thought the Drew signing was nice but it was going to backfire, I have learned to never question the great SP ever again !!!
I'm not gonna lie i did i thought at first he would be another jake delhone a one trick pony becuase wehen he was in San Diego he got most of his passing yards to Antino Gates and also he was behind a very good OL and when we signed him, and after his injured shoulder i thought he would lose his edge and be a average QB like JAke is BUT man was i wrong he is everything i hoped for 1000times:ezbill:

I had zero doubts and very very high expectations for him. I was a big fan of his in San Diego and had no doubt that he would come back from his injury without a problem. It's just who he is. I did however have no faith in our O-Line so I have been pleasantly surprised.
I wanted Leinart, and figured Brees was just easier to sign. Then I went to the preseason game in Shreveport, and came back just flattened--he looked awful.

Im sorry, Drew. Thanks for proving me wrong.
I had never heard of Payton. And I like Reggie more now than I did before the season.
I was worried about the pick earlier. But after the first game I saw that he was a gamer.I have been impressed with his poise in the pocke. I wasn't impressed with the 2 endzone picks. One I could see but 2 in one game. But he bounced back the next game. That is what I like about him. He takes mess ups personally and never smiles after an int. He looks at game pictures and actually seems like he has a grasp on what to do.
I was more worried about the injury than anything else. As far as skills, no I wasn't worried. Brees is one of those QBs that doesn't have all the great physical abilities, but in my years of watching football the QBs that don't have the great arm or the great size make up for it with their brains by knowing how to read defenses and knowing where to go with the ball which is all things I thought we needed in a QB.
I was more worried about the injury than anything else. As far as skills, no I wasn't worried. Brees is one of those QBs that doesn't have all the great physical abilities, but in my years of watching football the QBs that don't have the great arm or the great size make up for it with their brains by knowing how to read defenses and knowing where to go with the ball which is all things I thought we needed in a QB.

Yeah. Not saying he is but Brees is like in the mold of Joe Montana. Not the biggest or strongest. But has a place to throw the ball and gets it there consistantly. He just needs to work on the picks and he will have great success. There wasn't anyone I wanted to pick up in the FA quarterback wise but I was in favor of drafting D'Brick. Still would like to have him but I am pleased with what we have done in the draft and free agency.
I had zero doubts other then I didn't think we had a chance in heck of getting him. Was absoloutely "giddy" when we got him. Preseason didn't bother me either, it's preseason.
Did anyone have there doubts about Brees when we signed him?

Dude... I've been a Saints fan all of my life...

I have doubts about everything!!! :hihi:
I originally wanted Leinhart like most on here to build our franchise around for the future. But when we signed Brees, i was pretty happy because that freed us up (i hoped) to take AJ Hawk for some much needed linebacker help. People would qestion the Brees signing and i told em I haven't watched many chargers games but i knew he made two probowls which had to mean something. I thought he would recover from his injury and be good, but i didn't know he would be this good, no. Besides the two picks in the endzone against the Begnals, i haven't had one significant complaint about the guy.
Having watched Chargers games the past two seasons, I didn't have doubts about the wisdom of making Brees the starter.

I did have some thoughts that we could've gotten McNair cheaper like the Ravens did and drafted Leinart, Cutler or Young with the luxury of bringing them along with an experienced veteran in front of them.

Looking back, that QB strategy perhaps only makes sense in the short term (this season) if you have a solid defense and could count on Deuce coming back strong. I'm glad the Saints have Brees because they still have the option of just outscoring people.

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