Is Anyone Hiring? Permission Received From Andrus to Post (4 Viewers)

I work with a lot of printers. These guys do a lot of variable data printing. This was posted in October and it's in Baton Rouge. I don't know if they'd consider working remote but you can ask. My sales rep mentioned that it's hard for them to keep people. I can also check with her directly for you about the position. I think it's best to wait to see how your pending position plays out first, though.

I interviewed with them right after I lost my job. In fact, they contacted me 1st. I had never heard of them. So I thought I pretty much had the job. After stringing me along for a month or so, they changed their mind. In hindsight, I think they just wanted intel on my company I was working for.
I agree with this.. it sucks, but you gotta keep applying and keep contingencies in case they call you with not so great news about the job.. i think you’ll get it, but please stop thinking it’s ‘the end’ if you don’t get it.. it’s not the end til you say it is ! I’m serious, I’ve been in a similar position to yours more than once.. you did a great job getting ur nephew thru high school in difficult circumstances, now be thankful you don’t have other mouths to feed.. being in a similar position before, it’s made it easier knowing (at times when I wasn’t married) that i only need to worry about getting myself through this….. i heard an expression a couple years ago that has helped me thru some difficult times like you’re describing, which is ‘Hey, i still got a chip and a chair’.. like a poker player who’s down and out and hope is dwindling- but he has one poker chip left, and still has a seat at the table.. i said that expression to myself, “a chip and a chair’ dozens of times when going thru something similar to your situation last year- and things worked out… Stop waiting by the phone (but keep it nearby lol) and start a fresh search with more applications and resumes.. You got this !
I understand all that, I really do, but I do not have any more time. Remember, Im 6+ months in already. Im out of money, cant pay my bills anymore and no one I can borrow from or anything like that. Im gonna keep trying, but soon I wont even have internet or electricity
I understand all that, I really do, but I do not have any more time. Remember, Im 6+ months in already. Im out of money, cant pay my bills anymore and no one I can borrow from or anything like that. Im gonna keep trying, but soon I wont even have internet or electricity

I understand. It’s easy (and absolutely well-intended) for people to want to pep you up, but you’re the one currently feeling the desperation and uncertainty.

But I still hope you can keep an open mind to what people are saying because any piece of advice or a suggestion can be what unlocks an idea or gets you through to the next step and beyond. None of it is to make light of your situation.

I know you’ve focused on the job search and I apologize if you’ve already addressed this, but are you already looking for or taking advantage of resources to help meet any of your immediate needs? Food pantries? Looked into any assistance for utilities either through your city or churches and charities? Anything that can buy you some more time? If you have, I’m sorry to bring it back up. There isn’t always a lot of help available but sometimes people don’t know to check, either.

Preparing for a worsening scenario: public libraries have internet so that can buy you some time if you have access to one. Losing electricity and internet will be an immense hardship so it’s important that you are game planning. Anger, frustration, and fear are all perfectly understandable reactions but they won’t get you through this. It’s problem-solving. Don’t lose sight of that.

It’s okay if you don’t want to have this part of the conversation, but brainstorming ideas often leads to paths forward.
I understand. It’s easy (and absolutely well-intended) for people to want to pep you up, but you’re the one currently feeling the desperation and uncertainty.

But I still hope you can keep an open mind to what people are saying because any piece of advice or a suggestion can be what unlocks an idea or gets you through to the next step and beyond. None of it is to make light of your situation.

I know you’ve focused on the job search and I apologize if you’ve already addressed this, but are you already looking for or taking advantage of resources to help meet any of your immediate needs? Food pantries? Looked into any assistance for utilities either through your city or churches and charities? Anything that can buy you some more time? If you have, I’m sorry to bring it back up. There isn’t always a lot of help available but sometimes people don’t know to check, either.

Preparing for a worsening scenario: public libraries have internet so that can buy you some time if you have access to one. Losing electricity and internet will be an immense hardship so it’s important that you are game planning. Anger, frustration, and fear are all perfectly understandable reactions but they won’t get you through this. It’s problem-solving. Don’t lose sight of that.

It’s okay if you don’t want to have this part of the conversation, but brainstorming ideas often leads to paths forward.
No, Im hoping not to let it get that far. I find myself in a state of shock. 8 months ago, i didnt worry about $$, now this. I still cant believe it. I just need something to go my way 1 time.
Hey, I’m not sure about your area but up here landscapers are alway looking for help. You just have to be in somewhat decent shape. It’s hard work but a buddy of mine was paying 17.00/hr to start with plenty of overtime. It could be something to at least tide you over until something more permanent shows up.

Best of luck to you my friend. I’ve been in your shoes and it stinks.
Hey, I’m not sure about your area but up here landscapers are alway looking for help. You just have to be in somewhat decent shape. It’s hard work but a buddy of mine was paying 17.00/hr to start with plenty of overtime. It could be something to at least tide you over until something more permanent shows up.

Best of luck to you my friend. I’ve been in your shoes and it stinks.
Yeah, but unfortunately I cant work outside. I had to stop playing outdoor sports when I was about 16, because I would pass out from the heat. Sucks too, because I was good at baseball. Not MLB good, but I coulda played for UNO, Delgado or something like that.
Yeah, but unfortunately I cant work outside. I had to stop playing outdoor sports when I was about 16, because I would pass out from the heat. Sucks too, because I was good at baseball. Not MLB good, but I coulda played for UNO, Delgado or something like that.
Damn. Good luck! I hope they call today with your job offer!
I interviewed with them right after I lost my job. In fact, they contacted me 1st. I had never heard of them. So I thought I pretty much had the job. After stringing me along for a month or so, they changed their mind. In hindsight, I think they just wanted intel on my company I was working for.
Only other variable data printers that I worked with in your area are Pel Hughes (which you've already mentioned as a dead end) and MPress (hopefully that's not who let you go). Also worked with Vivid Ink but not sure if they offer variable data services.

If you haven't tried MPress, I can call my rep to see if there are any openings.
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Only other variable data printers that I worked with in your area are Pel Hughes (which you've already mentioned as a dead end) and MPress (hopefully that's not who let you go). Also worked with Vivid Ink but not sure if they offer variable data services.

If you haven't tried MPress, I can call my rep to see if there's any openings.
No, I havent tried them. I will google MPress and see if theres any useful info. Thanks!

TPI is the company I was with. I was at Pel Hughes from '03-'07. Then TPI contacted me and I have been with them ever since.
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I have just spent the past 45 minutes emailing a bunch of out of state printing companies. Maybe I will get lucky and one of them allows remote work. I doubt it though.

edit: first one replied already and does not allow remote work. dangit! lol
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I have just spent the past 45 minutes emailing a bunch of out of state printing companies. Maybe I will get lucky and one of them allows remote work. I doubt it though.

edit: first one replied already and does not allow remote work. dangit! lol

Something else to look into.

Have you worked with a recruiter before? If not, I recommend looking into it. They are paid by employers to help find the right talent. I don’t know anything about your industry so I can’t point you in a specific direction. You do want to make sure you are working with somebody / a firm, that is established and credible, so they aren’t scamming you or don’t have the built up clientele to really be of help. Don’t just jump on Google and start blindly uploading personal details on the first sites that come up.

Think of a recruiter as part of your professional network. They will help connect you with employers based on your skills and career objectives. You can work with more than one but it shouldn’t be many. It’s about building a relationship. (Nothing wrong with reaching out to as many as necessary in the beginning, though, until you find who you are looking for.)

I know others have mentioned LinkedIn and I’m not sure what your status with that is, but it’s a good resource for this. If you aren’t on LinkedIn, or you aren’t active, consider using it as a tool to grow your network and look for job opportunities. You can join groups. You can follow industry insiders. You can make connections. You can find recruiters. You can apply for jobs. I don’t love LinkedIn as a platform but it’s a useful career tool.

The advantage to you is having somebody also looking out for jobs that might be a fit for you and helping to sell your qualifications to hiring personnel. You indicated that your skill set is very specialized. A recruiter can help get the value out of that.

I know that might seem overwhelming on top of what you’re already doing, but it can be very helpful.
Something else to look into.

Have you worked with a recruiter before? If not, I recommend looking into it. They are paid by employers to help find the right talent. I don’t know anything about your industry so I can’t point you in a specific direction. You do want to make sure you are working with somebody / a firm, that is established and credible, so they aren’t scamming you or don’t have the built up clientele to really be of help. Don’t just jump on Google and start blindly uploading personal details on the first sites that come up.

Think of a recruiter as part of your professional network. They will help connect you with employers based on your skills and career objectives. You can work with more than one but it shouldn’t be many. It’s about building a relationship. (Nothing wrong with reaching out to as many as necessary in the beginning, though, until you find who you are looking for.)

I know others have mentioned LinkedIn and I’m not sure what your status with that is, but it’s a good resource for this. If you aren’t on LinkedIn, or you aren’t active, consider using it as a tool to grow your network and look for job opportunities. You can join groups. You can follow industry insiders. You can make connections. You can find recruiters. You can apply for jobs. I don’t love LinkedIn as a platform but it’s a useful career tool.

The advantage to you is having somebody also looking out for jobs that might be a fit for you and helping to sell your qualifications to hiring personnel. You indicated that your skill set is very specialized. A recruiter can help get the value out of that.

I know that might seem overwhelming on top of what you’re already doing, but it can be very helpful.
Yes, I have used Linkedin, but I tend to stay away from it. I think that is where all of these scams are coming from. You'd be amazed at how many job offers I get via email or text message. They are easy to spot as they are all pretty much worded the same, with the same interview instructions and same "job duties and salary".

As far as recruiters go, I did talk to one awhile back. Gave them all of my details and what I was looking for and I never heard back.

You know, this is partly my fault because I did not know it would be this hard. When I first lost my job, I told myself "you know what, take a month off and just relax." And I did so thinking I'd find something rather quickly. I was so wrong and I regret that I did that.
Ok, so I went ahead and emailed the lady I interviewed with to see if a decision has been made yet. I'm sorry, but I can't take it anymore. I have to hear something. If that one email is the reason I don't get the job, then I was never seriously considered in the first place.

I think I will run to the store and get a few things while I still can and hope to have a reply when I get back. I know some of you didn't want me to email, but I'm sorry, I had to. It was just a quick and polite 2 sentence email.

I respect and appreciate everyone's help and opinions. Please keep them coming!
You know, this is partly my fault because I did not know it would be this hard. When I first lost my job, I told myself "you know what, take a month off and just relax." And I did so thinking I'd find something rather quickly. I was so wrong and I regret that I did that.

Beating yourself up is a natural response, and also an entirely unproductive one. Life would be easier for all of us if we could see into the future.

The month off has likely had no bearing on where you are. If you’re finding it hard now, it probably would have been so then.

Main thing is to continue finding out all of the tools you have at your disposal and leaning into whatever network you have - personal life, here, LinkedIn, other job sources. (I don’t know what resources Louisiana provides but states often have job seeker resources.)

There are a lot of scams out there but I wouldn’t give up on recruiters over one experience. You have to figure out the time management that works for you but maybe you say for 30 minutes, 1 hour, whatever, I’ll research and reach out to recruiters or other contacts. Tailored to you however you want.

If you haven’t, it can also be helpful to create a dedicated email account for job seeking, but that’s for you to decide if that’s necessary and workable for you.
Ok, so I went ahead and emailed the lady I interviewed with to see if a decision has been made yet. I'm sorry, but I can't take it anymore. I have to hear something. If that one email is the reason I don't get the job, then I was never seriously considered in the first place.

I think I will run to the store and get a few things while I still can and hope to have a reply when I get back. I know some of you didn't want me to email, but I'm sorry, I had to. It was just a quick and polite 2 sentence email.

I respect and appreciate everyone's help and opinions. Please keep them coming!

Hey, man, ultimately this is your challenge to get through and you’re in charge. Any advice I give is offered without judgement or expectation.

Hope you get good news!

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