Is Anyone Hiring? Permission Received From Andrus to Post (1 Viewer)

So, I still haven't heard from them, and I assume I won't. It fell into the abyss like all the rest. In the meantime, I have applied to 5-10 more jobs, I don't think I will hear from any of them either.

Surely there has to be 1 person here that works for a company that is actively hiring. I just need one. Any kind of boring mundane office task will do. Starting this thread was my last resort. It hasn't panned out like I had hoped. I have no idea what to do.

I'm bumping this for the last time. I am sure people are getting tired of seeing this. And frankly, I am embarrassed that I even had to come here. Please, one last time, if anyone out there is hiring, or knows someone hiring, please, please message me.

Sorry to repeat advice others have offered earlier in the thread- but did you say you applied to Amazon ? If not the distribution center closest to you, then maybe the one in Baton Rouge ? I just know they actively hire a lot of people regardless of experience, and I don’t think the pay is bad.. Look, as many of us have said, we’ve been in similar situations and it seems dire but you have to be a little creative- meaning you might have to commute 2 or 3 hrs round trip a day for while, then after getting established for a few months you can ask to transfer to the Elmwood location near ur house.. that’s just one example of a way to start generating income though it isn’t ideal.. Also, and sorry if this has already been covered- have you thought of selling your house ? Again, not ideal but it’s a strong seller’s market, maybe you make a little nest egg to keep you going for a while until you find a job .. Just a thought .
So, I still haven't heard from them, and I assume I won't. It fell into the abyss like all the rest. In the meantime, I have applied to 5-10 more jobs, I don't think I will hear from any of them either.

Surely there has to be 1 person here that works for a company that is actively hiring. I just need one. Any kind of boring mundane office task will do. Starting this thread was my last resort. It hasn't panned out like I had hoped. I have no idea what to do.

I'm bumping this for the last time. I am sure people are getting tired of seeing this. And frankly, I am embarrassed that I even had to come here. Please, one last time, if anyone out there is hiring, or knows someone hiring, please, please message me.
First off, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. It is likely that many on here have been passed over for a position. Rejection is a major part of job hunting. Just have to deal with it, learn from it and move on.

Try to stay positive and keep applying elsewhere ( as you said you have been). Your situation isn’t going to improve if you just sit around hoping the phone will ring.

Sorry you didn’t get this one, but we’re sure you’ll find something. Good Luck.
Sorry to repeat advice others have offered earlier in the thread- but did you say you applied to Amazon ? If not the distribution center closest to you, then maybe the one in Baton Rouge ? I just know they actively hire a lot of people regardless of experience, and I don’t think the pay is bad.. Look, as many of us have said, we’ve been in similar situations and it seems dire but you have to be a little creative- meaning you might have to commute 2 or 3 hrs round trip a day for while, then after getting established for a few months you can ask to transfer to the Elmwood location near ur house.. that’s just one example of a way to start generating income though it isn’t ideal.. Also, and sorry if this has already been covered- have you thought of selling your house ? Again, not ideal but it’s a strong seller’s market, maybe you make a little nest egg to keep you going for a while until you find a job .. Just a thought .
I have interviewed twice with Amazon over the past few months. Nothing.

I am beginning to think that working from home for almost 20yrs is hurting me. Its funny, I used to always comment to my co-workers that we would be in trouble if we ever lost our jobs. Seems I was right.
First off, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. It is likely that many on here have been passed over for a position. Rejection is a major part of job hunting. Just have to deal with it, learn from it and move on.

Try to stay positive and keep applying elsewhere ( as you said you have been). Your situation isn’t going to improve if you just sit around hoping the phone will ring.

Sorry you didn’t get this one, but we’re sure you’ll find something. Good Luck.
I am currently applying for other jobs. Not because I don't like my job, I just have one of the worst bosses in history. I won't go into all the details but she's lazy, a liar, a fraud and it's very difficult to fire people.

So far, I've gotten nothing but rejection notifications. Unlike when I got laid off in 2018 and had interviews and offers galore, I can't even get a call back. One of my other friends is trying to find a new job. She said she's applied for over 100 jobs and had one interview. It's just a total crap market in my industry and with remote work, there are so many candidates for jobs versus when it's a local position. You're literally competing with the entire country.

It's a very humbling experience and very annoying because it takes up so much of your time to yield no positive results.

I recently applied for a job at my good friend's husband's company. Her husband knows the hiring manager & personally sent my resume to him. The hiring manager said I was at the top of the list. This was a month ago. The position is still posted on LinkedIn and I haven't even been called for an interview.

You have to just press on and find new creative ways to find work. I'm experiencing the same BS as OP; the only difference is that I still have a job so I'm not in a dire circumstance but rest assured that my patience is tested daily where I want to rage-quit and my anxiety is at an all-time high. Working for a psychopathic liar does not make for a great environment.

I saw an ad the other day that Southwest is hiring for both airport & remote positions so maybe look there.
I am beginning to think that working from home for almost 20yrs is hurting me. Its funny, I used to always comment to my co-workers that we would be in trouble if we ever lost our jobs. Seems I was right.

It’s a strength.. in 2024, that is a strength .. there are more remote jobs than ever before in history .. you have to let potential employers (if applying for a remote position)- that you’ve been working remote since way before it was cool, way before the Virus or anything else.. you’ve been home officing for 20 freaking years, you have proven that you’re capable of handling the autonomy, that you are extremely self-motivated and self-directed and don’t need anyone looking over your shoulder to be productive and you have 20 years of RESULTS to show for it.. managers are DYING to find people like that in this environment .. but you gotta show that it’s what it really is- a huge plus, not a negative .
It’s a strength.. in 2024, that is a strength .. there are more remote jobs than ever before in history .. you have to let potential employers (if applying for a remote position)- that you’ve been working remote since way before it was cool, way before the Virus or anything else.. you’ve been home officing for 20 freaking years, you have proven that you’re capable of handling the autonomy, that you are extremely self-motivated and self-directed and don’t need anyone looking over your shoulder to be productive and you have 20 years of RESULTS to show for it.. managers are DYING to find people like that in this environment .. but you gotta show that it’s what it really is- a huge plus, not a negative .
Thats what I thought. Its in my resume. I mention it in interviews.

I understand this can be a process that takes a long time. My problem is, my time us up. I have been looking for 6+ months already. I have used up all of my resources. I dont have anything left.
I know this may be tldr, so if you don't want to read it, I get it. However, I write the following as a form of therapy and to shed a little light on what I have gone through over the years.

Back in '07, I was still living home at the time. I used to live on the Northshore with my gf, but that's another story for another day. I had moved back home. It was a Saturday morning around 6am. The doorbell rang. I woke up, but kind of laid there thinking "who the hell is ringing the doorbell at 5am?" Then all of a sudden, I heard my mom just start screaming. I jumped up and came out and there were 2 detectives in the living room. They had just delivered the news that my sister was killed. My dad didn't live with us, but he was always around. Him and my mom separated when I was younger, but he lived close by, and I pretty much saw him every day. He was always here for us when/if we needed something. Anyways, I had to call my dad to give him the news. My dad was working, and he wouldn't just pack up and leave a job unless it was important. So, when I said "dad, you have to come here, we need to talk to you", that wasn't good enough. So I had to tell him over the phone that Kasey was killed last night. I just heard like a muffled "NOOO" almost like he dropped the phone to the ground. He came with his best friend, and I watched him and my mom cry like babies. I have never seen my dad shed a tear in his life. He was like the masculine stereotype. Never showed any emotion. So that was tough to watch. Her son, my nephew, had just turned 1.

Fast forward to March 2020. My dad had been sick for a while, although he would never go to the Dr. My dad was a well-built guy, but you could see he lost all of his body mass. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and asked my mom, along with 2 of his sisters, to take him to the hospital. He was diagnosed with colon, liver, and rectal cancer. He had waited too long and there was nothing they could do. It had spread everywhere. They kept him alive for another year. In April '21 they stopped treatment and sent him home with hospice on a Friday. He was dead Tuesday morning. We would take turns sitting out here with him and he took his last breath during my shift.

After my dad died, my mom and I were working on his estate. It was a mess because he had filed bankruptcy and was doing what the court ordered. In July of that same year my mom wasn't feeling well and thought she had covid. I took her to get tested and she did have it. They admitted her and she was in the hospital for 3 days. She got to feeling better, so they sent her home. It was a Sunday. She seemed fine Monday and Tuesday, but as that week went on I could see she was getting worse. Finally, I called 911. I told them my mom has covid and is having trouble breathing. I walked her from her bedroom to the recliner out front and waited with her for the ambulance. When they got here, I grabbed her purse, packed her phone and her charger and walked with her to the ambulance. I handed her her purse and told her everything was in there and to call me when she finds out what room she's in. Remember, during that time, visitors weren't allowed in the hospitals. Little did I I know, that would be the last time I would see my mom alive. I remember waiting all day Sunday and Sunday night for her to call. I would text her and ask her is she's in a room yet. I fell asleep and woke up around 6am Monday morning. I had a missed call from "mom" around 2am. I didn't hear the phone ring. By the time I woke up Monday morning, she was in a coma and the Drs had me and my nephew come to the hospital and say our goodbyes. Her funeral was the Saturday before that last major hurricane hit. No one came, everyone had evacuated. I felt so bad for mom. After it was over, I came home because I didn't have any money to evacuate. I rode the storm out here. The next day, after the storm was over, all of our power poles were blown over. I knew I had to go somewhere because we wouldn't have electricity for a while. The company that I worked for paid for a hotel for me in Alabama. I was there for 11 nights.

Fast forward to Sept '23, they fire me out of the blue. No reason given. Nothing that I was doing wrong was ever brought to my attention. I was sitting here at my desk and the phone rang and that was it. Life as I knew it was over.

I don't write this to gain sympathy from anyone. I know there are people out there that have it worse than I do. It's just, I have had enough. I just need help.
I know this may be tldr, so if you don't want to read it, I get it. However, I write the following as a form of therapy and to shed a little light on what I have gone through over the years.

Back in '07, I was still living home at the time. I used to live on the Northshore with my gf, but that's another story for another day. I had moved back home. It was a Saturday morning around 6am. The doorbell rang. I woke up, but kind of laid there thinking "who the hell is ringing the doorbell at 5am?" Then all of a sudden, I heard my mom just start screaming. I jumped up and came out and there were 2 detectives in the living room. They had just delivered the news that my sister was killed. My dad didn't live with us, but he was always around. Him and my mom separated when I was younger, but he lived close by, and I pretty much saw him every day. He was always here for us when/if we needed something. Anyways, I had to call my dad to give him the news. My dad was working, and he wouldn't just pack up and leave a job unless it was important. So, when I said "dad, you have to come here, we need to talk to you", that wasn't good enough. So I had to tell him over the phone that Kasey was killed last night. I just heard like a muffled "NOOO" almost like he dropped the phone to the ground. He came with his best friend, and I watched him and my mom cry like babies. I have never seen my dad shed a tear in his life. He was like the masculine stereotype. Never showed any emotion. So that was tough to watch. Her son, my nephew, had just turned 1.

Fast forward to March 2020. My dad had been sick for a while, although he would never go to the Dr. My dad was a well-built guy, but you could see he lost all of his body mass. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and asked my mom, along with 2 of his sisters, to take him to the hospital. He was diagnosed with colon, liver, and rectal cancer. He had waited too long and there was nothing they could do. It had spread everywhere. They kept him alive for another year. In April '21 they stopped treatment and sent him home with hospice on a Friday. He was dead Tuesday morning. We would take turns sitting out here with him and he took his last breath during my shift.

After my dad died, my mom and I were working on his estate. It was a mess because he had filed bankruptcy and was doing what the court ordered. In July of that same year my mom wasn't feeling well and thought she had covid. I took her to get tested and she did have it. They admitted her and she was in the hospital for 3 days. She got to feeling better, so they sent her home. It was a Sunday. She seemed fine Monday and Tuesday, but as that week went on I could see she was getting worse. Finally, I called 911. I told them my mom has covid and is having trouble breathing. I walked her from her bedroom to the recliner out front and waited with her for the ambulance. When they got here, I grabbed her purse, packed her phone and her charger and walked with her to the ambulance. I handed her her purse and told her everything was in there and to call me when she finds out what room she's in. Remember, during that time, visitors weren't allowed in the hospitals. Little did I I know, that would be the last time I would see my mom alive. I remember waiting all day Sunday and Sunday night for her to call. I would text her and ask her is she's in a room yet. I fell asleep and woke up around 6am Monday morning. I had a missed call from "mom" around 2am. I didn't hear the phone ring. By the time I woke up Monday morning, she was in a coma and the Drs had me and my nephew come to the hospital and say our goodbyes. Her funeral was the Saturday before that last major hurricane hit. No one came, everyone had evacuated. I felt so bad for mom. After it was over, I came home because I didn't have any money to evacuate. I rode the storm out here. The next day, after the storm was over, all of our power poles were blown over. I knew I had to go somewhere because we wouldn't have electricity for a while. The company that I worked for paid for a hotel for me in Alabama. I was there for 11 nights.

Fast forward to Sept '23, they fire me out of the blue. No reason given. Nothing that I was doing wrong was ever brought to my attention. I was sitting here at my desk and the phone rang and that was it. Life as I knew it was over.

I don't write this to gain sympathy from anyone. I know there are people out there that have it worse than I do. It's just, I have had enough. I just need help.
Damn Clint, that's a tough row to hoe man. I wish there was more I could do to help you. I'll keep asking around about virtual work, but I'm not well-networked in your neck of the woods.
Have you done a job search on Ochsner's website? They're the largest employer in the state and they employ many people in non-clinical/medical positions. While I have a medical background and work in a department that involves people with medical backgrounds (MD/RN/etc), I do work remotely from home...

Have you done a job search on Ochsner's website? They're the largest employer in the state and they employ many people in non-clinical/medical positions. While I have a medical background and work in a department that involves people with medical backgrounds (MD/RN/etc), I do work remotely from home...

Any tips on narrowing the job search? I got to pg 40 and started getting a headache.

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