Widge, I am not sure whether we agree or do not agree. The reporters in a sense do represent the fans--they are trying to get the information that the fans want to have. They have a professional obligation to ask at times hard questions. But they also have a professional obligation to ask those questions in a professional manner--that is, there is a difference between hard questions that in substance and tone convey some level of respect and questions that are confrontational. I agree that they put on a show because the fans would like to see someone vent or be angry.
I would not ask Loomis why he still has a job. But I do think legitimate questions are whether the team's salary-cap status makes the Saints head-coach position less attractive, when the organization expects to have a salary-cap level comparable with that of most of the other teams in the league, and what are the realistic expectations for this team in 2025.
I do not think the team can simply pull credentials or deny access to reporters from established media outlets whom it does not like. The league certainly has rules regarding reporter access.
Sparkle, I hope you're right, but it seems there would be more smoke if Loomis has decided to vacate the GM position.
I think that reporters have an obligation to get the information fans want and that's not always the same thing as asking the questions the fans want or asking questions in the way that fans want. But, they aren't obligated to represent the fans IMO in the sense that they aren't supposed to do what a fan would do if the fans were in a press conference.
But, yes, I think we do essentially agree on this issue.