New Star Wars series The Acolyte (9 Viewers)

I was operating under the assumption they'd reveal this later. I find it kind of weird this is such a big thorn to people, it's not like this would be the first time in television history "<unexplainable thing happens in show> <characters have big reveal later>" happens

This wasn't really directed at you btw, SbtB, just piggybacking your post
Maybe it’s a byproduct of binge watching and being eternally online that anytime we’re asked to wait a week for an answer/reveal we get frustrated and blame it on pLotHoLeS
This one brought me back, and even if some of the writing was uneven--for a lack of a better term...the action and choreography was very cool. I enjoyed some of the lore they are borrowing from, once I learned more about it. I really hope they can come close to sticking the landing and fill in some of the rather large gaps.
I was operating under the assumption they'd reveal this later. I find it kind of weird this is such a big thorn to people, it's not like this would be the first time in television history "<unexplainable thing happens in show> <characters have big reveal later>" happens

This wasn't really directed at you btw, SbtB, just piggybacking your post
This is what I'm thinking as well. I think we will see a "how did that happen?" sort of scene this week where it's explained.
I was operating under the assumption they'd reveal this later. I find it kind of weird this is such a big thorn to people, it's not like this would be the first time in television history "<unexplainable thing happens in show> <characters have big reveal later>" happens

This wasn't really directed at you btw, SbtB, just piggybacking your post
What's a "big thorn"?
A plot hole? :scratch:
So we should just ignore them?

Also, my exchange with SoTB was around so many lightsabers faltering and being cut in half, which I found weird, not a plot hole, and, since Rad jumped into that conversation, I want to get clarification what does he mean.
So we should just ignore them?

Also, my exchange with SoTB was around so many lightsabers faltering and being cut in half, which I found weird, not a plot hole, and, since Rad jumped into that conversation, I want to get clarification what does he mean.
I dunno. Sometimes they fill us in, sometimes not so much. I don't really spend a lot of time worrying about it tho, heh.
What's a "big thorn"?
A big thorn in people's sides.
Also, my exchange with SoTB was around so many lightsabers faltering and being cut in half, which I found weird, not a plot hole, and, since Rad jumped into that conversation, I want to get clarification what does he mean.
Right, because it's not. "Thing happens and is explained later" is just how TV works (which I recognize you are not arguing against in what I quoted). If it goes totally unmentioned the last three episodes, I will change my position on that though.

Oh, I think I see why you asked - I was just grabbing a quote to piggyback, I wasn't necessarily jumping into that convo. Lazy convenience.

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