NFL meeting to ban hip drop tackles.. (Update: Now banned) (1 Viewer)

Have you ever had your lower leg snapped?
Dislocated ankle … destroyed ligaments and tendons … way worse than a break that heals in a few months … and I’ve had a clean tib-fib“snap break” also … but if you actually read my post, it says I believe lower leg contact is illegal … but grabbing someone who’s in front of you from behind and swinging your whole body out to the side and sitting down doesn’t feel like a penalty to me … lower leg injuries will always be a part of football, often with no contact at all. … I’m a little dude who played defense and was taught to use leverage and hit someone low, slide down and clinch their knees together. You can take someone who outweighs you by a 100 pounds down that. … as I said in my post, I disagree TO A DEGREE, meaning I agree with some of your thinking. But let’s not get carried away here, it’s football. I’m 60 and admittedly was also taught to use my helmet as a weapon way back when 🤷🏻‍♂️ … not spearing, because you have just as much of a chance to hurt yourself worse … I was taught to hit someone and if they were running you over to slide your helmet up and pop them under their chin … totally illegal and I’m good with it. … But I love FULL-CONTACT football … rules are fine … when thought out and not taken too far.
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There's nothing hard hitting about a hip drop tackle. It's what you do when you can't tackle someone straight up, you hold on and drop your weight on their lower leg/ankles. It's going to be easy to enforce b/c it's pretty evident when someone does it.
Exactly!!!!!!!! And for those you longing for the "good ole days", this move didn't exist in the good ole days.
There's nothing hard hitting about a hip drop tackle. It's what you do when you can't tackle someone straight up, you hold on and drop your weight on their lower leg/ankles. It's going to be easy to enforce b/c it's pretty evident when someone does it.
The problem being that basically all hard hitting tackles have been disallowed by the recent rule changes, so defenders are doing what's left. With not being to grab another player's middle and pull them down, how are they supposed to tackle them anymore?
Hit them low - penalty
Hit them high - penalty
Grab them in the middle - penalty
Should they tap them on the shoulder and say "you're down" now?
The way they demonstrate it in the videos, it reminds me of the way a cowboy brings down a calf in rodeos. Are they going to ask them to tie both legs and one arm together?
The problem being that basically all hard hitting tackles have been disallowed by the recent rule changes, so defenders are doing what's left. With not being to grab another player's middle and pull them down, how are they supposed to tackle them anymore?
Hit them low - penalty
Hit them high - penalty
Grab them in the middle - penalty
Should they tap them on the shoulder and say "you're down" now?

They haven't. I see legal hard hits in every game I watch.
Exactly!!!!!!!! And for those you longing for the "good ole days", this move didn't exist in the good ole days.

At 1:10. - Also note that about 90% of the tackles in this highlight video from the late 60s/early 70s would be penalties today.

At :26 - Pretty much every tackle in this old video is illegal now.

Dick Butkus highlight reel shows him doing it on the very first tackle, and twice more during the reel.
How many TE's had their knee blown up last season from the DB's putting their shoulder into the plant leg as they make a catch? I know one DB on the Lions took out two TE's in '23 alone. The commentators at the time said the players would be all for putting in a rule for that over the helmet to helmet rule, so why don't they address that? I never even heard of this hip drop tackle until I saw the article a few minutes ago. I'm not saying it's not an injury issue, but let's address the ones that are obviously causing major injuires.
Going by my age, I miss Chuck C

At 1:10. - Also note that about 90% of the tackles in this highlight video from the late 60s/early 70s would be penalties today.

At :26 - Pretty much every tackle in this old video is illegal now.

Dick Butkus highlight reel shows him doing it on the very first tackle, and twice more during the reel.

Even watching Dome Patrol highlights, they wouldn’t be able to do anything they did these days
Perhaps we should just ban American football altogether.

Just another opportunity for the refs to have more control over the outcome of the game.
I can see why, its as dangerous to the ball carrier as a horse collar tackle.
or, they could just ya know....have all teams play on natural grass...keep tackling the same and have far less catastrophic injuries. Hip drop tackles are dangerous because most times a players foot gets stuck in the what?

Right answer gets 5 oreo cookis.
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