NFL meeting to ban hip drop tackles.. (Update: Now banned) (2 Viewers)

The rules have slowly taken hard hits out of the game. Grabbing and dragging down is what you almost have to default to. How is a DB (or any player for that matter) supposed to tackle a Derrick Henry in the open field?

I can see what they’re trying to address, the dropping on back of players legs, but you can’t regulate out all of the contact injuries in a contact sport.
Eventually the NFL will be a flag football league...
Lots of people here getting their panties in a bunch. Hip drop tackle is pretty obvious, almost as much as a horse collar. If a player has gotten past you and you're tackling from behind, horse collar/hip drop are quick ways to bring them down and minimize yards gained. They are both high probability of causing leg injuries, so I'm fine with them outlawed in favor of player safety. If you're caught in a trailing position, take your medicine, wrap up, and drive them to the ground while staying on your feet. If you have to give up a couple extra yards, that's on you for not getting in front of the player.
Putting on a uniform and stepping on the field is a risk. This whole thing sounds like a dang Sally Struthers Commercial...

"If we can prevent just 1 injury..." cry cry sniffle.

It's football, not patty cake.
two hand touch coming!!! this rule is gonna cause more scoring because the 3 and out was voided due to a hip tackle.... I sound like a big baby saying that lol I am not sure why the players union would be ok with this....
Baseball to follow suit and outlaw fastballs and hard swings. Also, infielders have to throw the ball underhanded on the off chance the throw is offline and hits the runner.
Lots of people here getting their panties in a bunch. Hip drop tackle is pretty obvious, almost as much as a horse collar. If a player has gotten past you and you're tackling from behind, horse collar/hip drop are quick ways to bring them down and minimize yards gained. They are both high probability of causing leg injuries, so I'm fine with them outlawed in favor of player safety. If you're caught in a trailing position, take your medicine, wrap up, and drive them to the ground while staying on your feet. If you have to give up a couple extra yards, that's on you for not getting in front of the player.
I played CB & S on D at a time when a lot of the RB's were 6'. They were bigger than most DB's.

When a RB hits a hole and you take him on, some of the time as you're getting steam-rolled, you end up sliding around to the back side just holding on to make the tackle...

Are you saying that somehow the DB in the heat of battle is suppose to just let go now?
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Sounds like the players don’t like the rule because it’s confusing, which is my main complaint about it. The NFL stated that they believe it will result in fines more than flags because it’s difficult to identify at game speed. Which again means the rule is vague and confusing. There’s 3 parts to it with third being the key part I believe, Landing on the ball carriers lower legs below the knees.

The NFL watched the past two seasons and identified 105 hip drop tackles among 20,000 tackles in 1,088 games. That’s one hip drop every 10.4 games and one out of every 190.5 tackles. It’s not a common occurrence or a go to tackle for defenders. If it reduces serious leg injuries, cool. Just make it less confusing and better explain it before implementing it.
Man, they banned the leg-breaking, hip-drop tackle?!?

What is Devin White going to do now?
Man, they banned the leg-breaking, hip-drop tackle?!?

What is Devin White going to do now?
First, it’s in discussion to be banned, it hasn’t been banned.

Second, when has devin ever hip drop tackled someone? I don’t recall but maybe he has. However I have a sneaky feeling you’re referring to the tackle on Winston. Which doesn’t come close to meeting ANY of the three requirements to be a hip drop tackle.
Sounds like the players don’t like the rule because it’s confusing, which is my main complaint about it. The NFL stated that they believe it will result in fines more than flags because it’s difficult to identify at game speed. Which again means the rule is vague and confusing. There’s 3 parts to it with third being the key part I believe, Landing on the ball carriers lower legs below the knees.

The NFL watched the past two seasons and identified 105 hip drop tackles among 20,000 tackles in 1,088 games. That’s one hip drop every 10.4 games and one out of every 190.5 tackles. It’s not a common occurrence or a go to tackle for defenders. If it reduces serious leg injuries, cool. Just make it less confusing and better explain it before implementing it.
They don't like it because they already pay enough fines.
At wich point can we just ban the defense ?
the roughing the passer wasn't bad enough ,now you cant hip drop tackle ,tackle down or tackle high
but the big TE or HB can step on the cornerback's face ,no one cares

PS; i'm not saying it's bad to protect the players ,this just ain't it
Expect to see a lot more of this...

The only way the Saints were able to get Kittle down was CGJ eventually jumped up and grabbed his head and then did a hip drop deal. Only way to get him down.

Tackling is already awful in the NFL. It's going to get much worse. But whatever, more points!
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