NFL No more ambush, new rule forces teams to let the other team know they are doing an onside kick (1 Viewer)

Wonder what Legatron thinks about this...
"Ice hockey is traditionally popular in the
I did 2 minutes on research to find out that...

"Ice hockey is traditionally popular in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States, particularly in Massachusetts (and New England in general), Michigan, New York (especially Upstate New York) and Minnesota"

Try harder next time. If you consider Wiki to be a bastion of factual info, I certainly hope you are not a person of science.

Next time, google a USA map and learn where the Northeast actually is.

The tweet in the OP is missing some important context.

This proposed change is part of a much larger change:

Thus, the reason teams would have to announce the onside kick in advance is because it would effect the way all of the players are lined up before the kick.

I know it seems dumb (and maybe it is), but it's actually part of an effort to bring back the excitement & relevancy of kickoffs in general.

Now, why they're only allowing it in the fourth quarter, I have no idea.

Read More: only be allowed,onside kick ahead of time.
Try harder next time. If you consider Wiki to be a bastion of factual info, I certainly hope you are not a person of science.

Next time, google a USA map and learn where the Northeast actually is.

Yeah your article didn't touch on where the majority of the viewership is located. Because NHL isn't the national draw that other major league sports is, I know it was hard for you to find anything. And while it's not the NYT, Wikipedia does contain useful the fact that NHL is most popular in the northeast.

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