Popeye's Chicken Sandwich (1 Viewer)

when i eat waffles, i 100% have to fill each square up with syrup. i simpy cannot just pour syrup all willy nilly on a waffle...

I like powderd sugar on my French Toast, but it makes the syrup slide right off like water on a ducks back...
Half butter in that pocket cuts out some of the carbs.
Half butter in that pocket cuts out some of the carbs.
If you are eating waffles, with syrup butter ain't making much difference in your carb intake..lol
and if you are eating waffles without syrup, then i dunno, thats like up there with the 10 coandments...
I'm generally not pleased with the waffles, pancakes, or French Toast that you get at any restaurant. If I'm at a place eating breakfast, I'll generally go with eggs, hash browns, toast, and bacon or sausage.

At home I've occasionally pulled off some solid pancakes, but waffles, no matter what I do to them are just meh to me. French Toast on the other hand I've gotten down. I've recently been using some Belgian bread that is dense enough to hold up but soft enough to properly absorb the egg wash.
Agree, I've always found restaurant pancakes, waffles, or French toast to be disappointingly inferior to what I can make at home.
I'm a unicorn because I've never had a bad experience at Popeye's.
There's a relatively new one in Lakewood (Denver suburb) that I sometimes will hit on my way home. It's the fastest, cleanest, most polite Popeyes I've ever been to, and they've never messed up my order -- they even remember the apple pies, and forgetting the apple pies is something that seems universal when it comes to Popeyes.

I've warned them that if they keep it up they're gonna risk getting their franchise pulled.
I'll bring it back

My local Popeyes is abusive and incompetently run. They are always out of chicken or sides or their credit card machine is down.

The workers are hostile. One time I waited in line for 30 minutes and finally got up to order and before I could even utter a word they just screamed "We're out of everything!" and straight up told me to leave.

If you do get food, the order will be wrong.

That's an accurate description of every Popeye's I've ever been to.

To this day I'm convinced that although coleslaw is on the menu, they don't actually have it in the stores because they never put it in the bag.
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Agree, I've always found restaurant pancakes, waffles, or French toast to be disappointingly inferior to what I can make at home.
Here’s the thing - excellent French toast is the best - but you’re seldom going to get that at a bfast place which is likely just going to use basic white bread— once you’ve had brioche or challlah, it’s hard to go back to basic
and that’s why it’s unfair to compare French toast to pancakes/waffles - French toast gets to boujie up its game while the others have to stay confined to flour batter - and the range of great flour to basic flour is not that big. Flour is flour (unless we’re doing baked goods or pasta)

So it’s really pancakes vs waffles - the ceiling of waffles can get close to the ceiling of pancakes but the floor for waffles can drop down a long long way
All pancakes are in some range between pretty good and great - but bad waffles can be like the butts of sandwich bread surrounding raw flour
Here’s the thing - excellent French toast is the best - but you’re seldom going to get that at a bfast place which is likely just going to use basic white bread— once you’ve had brioche or challlah, it’s hard to go back to basic
and that’s why it’s unfair to compare French toast to pancakes/waffles - French to East gets to boujie up its game while the others have to stay confined to flour batter - and the range of great flour to basic flour is not that big. Flour is flour (unless we’re doing baked goods or pasta)

So it’s really pancakes vs waffles - the ceiling of waffles can get close to the ceiling of pancakes but the floor for waffles can drop down a long long way
All pancakes are in some range between pretty good and great - but bad waffles can be like the butts of sandwich bread surrounding raw flour
Ah ha! You see, we do have a food opinion that we share and that's this one!
Had a bad experience at my local Popeyes yesterday

It seems that the spectrum of service at any Popeyes runs from at best - Slow AF

At worst - Slow, wrong and surly

I once googled why Popeyes service was so bad, but the responses got real racist real fast
I'm curious about what prices are like at Popeyes in other areas of the country. Danville, VA had one open up earlier this year and I went there for lunch last Friday. The five piece tenders combo was just under $16. Is it that expensive everywhere now? It doesn't seem like it can compete with other fast food options at those numbers, but I very seldom go out for lunch so I don't know the market.
I'm curious about what prices are like at Popeyes in other areas of the country. Danville, VA had one open up earlier this year and I went there for lunch last Friday. The five piece tenders combo was just under $16. Is it that expensive everywhere now? It doesn't seem like it can compete with other fast food options at those numbers, but I very seldom go out for lunch so I don't know the market.
Just checked.

$11.39 at the Transcontinental location in Metairie. $13.19 for the large combo.

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