Rap: DA returning barring “debacle”, Gayle/Loomis commend him for “holding it together” citing injury excuses (1 Viewer)

The only hope is I remember Mora was going to get another year and the Panthers embarrassed the Saints and he was fired

Nope....untrue.....Mora quit.....Benson didn't fire him, he held on to him long after he (and his team) were in decline.....

Many will disagree but I feel Benson held onto coaches too long, he gave Ditka a 3rd year after consecutive 6-10 seasons and he should have fired Haslett after the whole AB Delhomme BS......
All the stuff we've learned about her aside, does anyone think Rita would have allowed this had she taken over the team as originally planned?
At this rate they wouldn't be able to fill Yulman on a Sunday.
I think it's a conspiracy to drive the teams attendence so low they can negotiate a discount with the Super Dome or threaten to leave...
After doing renovations and a twenty year naming rights deal with Caesars?
That “baring debacle” really makes it seem he’s coaching for his job today.
Injuries are always a built in excuse - but they used that card last season. Can’t do it twice. We have seen as good as it gets for Allen and that’s two straight seasons of no playoffs in a historically putrid division. Very sad.
Ah yes, Captain double down strikes again.

Mickey Loomis is like that gambling guy in Bronx Tale that doubles down even though he keeps losing.

Talk about being completely unserious as a organization.

Vote with your wallet. I don't understand why the organization has become completely delusional.
If this holds true, Gayle/Loomis will have a bitter pill to swallow when the 18 year season ticket sellout streak ends after this season. That banner will get awkward quick.
Listening to Underhill, he pointed out this very subject. The saints are not like the Cowboys, perse, where they have a multitude of large corporate sponsors.

The saints’ business model requires season ticket sell outs. When this ends, and fans stop showing up, this will solely and single-handedly force changes
The counter is that it's only been mediocre because this is one of the easiest NFL schedules in NFL history.

This is a 4-5 win team against a normal schedule, and we've got a lot tougher than a normal schedule next year.

Regarding your notion that Allen is a caretaker to get out of cap hell, I would be okay with that if I saw us making moves to get out of cap hell. But we aren't, which is frustrating because we are wasting an opportunity to reset and prolonging the pain.
Exactly what I have been saying. This team is really a 3-4 maybe 5 win team with a schedule that’s not easy.

If we go into next season with the same coaching cast they will lose the first four games.

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