I heard all of everything. But if we kick a FG and beat Carolina, then the mutiny magically disappears. Amazing how a kickers leg can change events in time. I wish I had a leg like that. What’s going on here, is people are trying to cope, so they are searching high and low for cracks, where there are none. People’s nature is to pile on. Mine too. But no, kick the FG and change history. According to the rumors, the lockerorrom was lost last year, and by default, still lost this year. The same locker room that destroyed Carolina and Dallas. I Remeber in those days watching like 10 different player podcasts. Everyone was happy.
Sorry man but if you look at all the reports on this, DA might have been fired even if they beat Carolina. Gayle Benson has been communicating with players for two weeks on this issue. It's not an issue that suddenly popped up after losing to Carolina. It seems clear he lost the locker room at the end of last year. I think he then more or less won them back over the offseason and with a better training camp. But after the long losing streak, it became clear to the players that the issues they had with him before were still there.
I think DA is a good defensive coach. But ironically despite all the people calling him a Beta Male, I think by nature he is an old school football coach. Problem is that he tried to emulate what Payton did and that isn't his personality. The players saw through it and could tell he wasn't being who he was. I do think all the personal attacks on him and Loomis are over the top. But, DA clearly was not getting the job done and lost the team. And Loomis showed poor judgment and/or an inability to overcome personal attachments in failing to see the obvious for 1 1/2 years.
That's poor judgment and makes me question whether he can still do the GM job. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt given that he had begun to clean up the cap, stopped always trading up, and actually had a deal in place to trade down in the draft. But the fact that Gayle Benson had to go over his head to fire DA makes me seriously question if he can change enough to still do the job. Sometimes guys just get burned out and you need to bring in new blood.