Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments (1 Viewer)

First off, why is Jenkins running to facebook to get attention? Why is he not calling Drew? Secondly, he is twisting Drew's comments. Drew said they HE would never agree with disrespecting the flag. He did not say (as Jenkins claims) that all other should feel that way. He also tells Drew he should shut up. Maybe he should be a man and call another man to discuss instead f running to facebook like a teenager looking for attention.

MJ did talk to Drew before posting it...

As I was trying to muster up the energy and find the words to address Drew Brees’s comments I recorded this video. Before I could post it, Drew reached out to me to discuss his point of view.
All in all, I’m still posting this video because it’s important for anyone who wants to consider themself an ally to know how these words and actions affect those who you want to help. Drew’s words during his interview were extremely painful to hear and I hope he rectifies them with real action.
So, the only way to get the point across is to do something that many feel is disrespect to the flag and country? There needs to be some sort of protest that the players can agree upon or do or it will never be seen as a success anyway. Remember the outcry from the paying public, the fans, when this happened during the anthem the first time? If they want others to support them, I would hope they find another way.

I think before the season starts the NFL will find something everyone can get behind that doesn't involve the flag or the anthem.
I think you’re misreading me
I’ve posted about redlining at least 20 times on this board
As well as school to prison pipeline
That the 13th amendment still allows slavery
About the absurd imbalance in HUD loans
The ‘war’ on drugs
Okay, so you get where I'm coming from. I misinterpreted what you meant. Salute and keep posting!
Unfortunately, apologies mean nothing once something you say is deemed racially or culturally insensitive.

Payton has a big problem on his hands. This will continue to fester and just devolve. Brees has probably never experienced the poop storm he's enduring now and will continue to endure. He's going to lose endorsement deals, maybe his NBC deal, his public image will suffer greatly in New Orleans and Nationally. He's never dealt with something like this. Again, what he said wasn't inconsistent with his views -- it just wasn't the right time to double-down on Patriotism when so many are feeling like their own country wants them dead or forgotten.

Patriotism isn't what Drew was clinging to though.

But here's what's going to happen. Drew is going to call his teammates and they're going to work it out. That's what teams with leaders do. They figure it out and it will make them closer and good will come of this because Jenkins and Brees and DDavis and Cam Jordan and the rest of those guys are good people.
We cant back anybody that thinks unity is good.. that's it.. give brees the death penalty. It's over... he went to patriotic for us...

Really to be patriotic right now is to be in a Salem witch trial.. grab the witch... seize em!!! HOW COULD YOU EVER LOVE AMERICA!!! Did you not see that 4 cops in a 350m population society screw up bad or intentionally kill that man. The other 99% will feel the rage of sodom and gommorah

Its not that he's to patriotic.. i don't think anyone will ever be against that but if your gonna sit here and answer questions and talk about a nation anthem and flag every time than to me that means you have a good understanding about what it should represent and mean for everyone at all times. We can't be united just during sporting events and that's the issue people are having with him. It's like don't call me your brother and say you love me when we're winning and breaking football records but when it comes to some real life issues we have nothing to say or uhh i love the flag more than anything and i don't care what happens as long as the national anthem is playing and no one is kneeling. That's straight trash and unreal of him like it or not i don't care how big of a saints fan or drew fan ya'll are.
#BlackLivesMatter :ROFLMAO:

This proves my point on the other thread, again. Black lives matter, obviously, but people need to stop acting like they're the only ones that do. How is anyone supposed to talk maturely when every black keyboard warrior is calling ANY white person who even slightly disagrees with their self-proclaimed movement 'white trash', 'racist', and a laundry list of other things.

Also, Malcom Jenkins is an idiot. He's talking about the world being on fire as if white people are doing it and that Drew has any way of stopping it. This is literally black people destroying their communities just like they did 'for' Rodney King thirty years ago, but yeah, Jenkins ain't gonna mention that. It doesn't stand behind his point so it's irrelevant.

These 'celebrities' should be ashamed of themselves. They have no say in ANY argument when they're getting comfy on their hundred thousand dollar couch.

Edit: Bring on the clowns, because it's all I've been getting. People have a hard time accepting the truth, I guess.
It wasn't just black people that were out there destroying stuff.
So, the only way to get the point across is to do something that many feel is disrespect to the flag and country? There needs to be some sort of protest that the players can agree upon or do or it will never be seen as a success anyway. Remember the outcry from the paying public, the fans, when this happened during the anthem the first time? If they want others to support them, I would hope they find another way.
It's easy to twist a narrative when it makes certain people feel uncomfortable. All see in your comment is, do it your way and you all might listen. I'm a paying fan also, so what I don't have a problem with doesn't matter right??? Now that is the definition of "Privilege"
#BlackLivesMatter :ROFLMAO:

This proves my point on the other thread, again. Black lives matter, obviously, but people need to stop acting like they're the only ones that do.

Someone made a really astute observation the other day. They said the biggest mistake with the Black Live Matter name is that is should have had a "Too" on the end. Now, people who want to be dismissive of the movement can say things like "All Lives Matter!" and feel like they've made some deep social commentary.

"Black Lives Matter" is meant to remind us that some races are not treated the same as others by those who are supposed to protect EVERYONE.

Unfortunately, too many people fail to realize that.
Whether you agree or disagree with Drew, CGM, Jenkins, or anyone else, I think it’s unarguable that Drew’s comments were totally tone deaf and unnecessary right now. They were also something of a logical fallacy (red herring, to be precise).

Having said that, I’m sure this will spiral way beyond what it should. Nerves are raw at the moment, so the oppressed masses across the country (understandably) might misplace some anger toward Brees for a day or two.
Unfortunately, apologies mean nothing once something you say is deemed racially or culturally insensitive.

Payton has a big problem on his hands. This will continue to fester and just devolve. Brees has probably never experienced the poop storm he's enduring now and will continue to endure. He's going to lose endorsement deals, maybe his NBC deal, his public image will suffer greatly in New Orleans and Nationally. He's never dealt with something like this. Again, what he said wasn't inconsistent with his views -- it just wasn't the right time to double-down on Patriotism when so many are feeling like their own country wants them dead or forgotten.
I can't say you wrong. I won't quite as far as saying the situation is 100% unsalvageable ... though I do feel like there are teammates from which Brees will never win back respect.

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