Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments (1 Viewer)

How stupid is it to say that kneeling is not disrespectful of the Flag or the National Anthem WHEN that is EXACTLY what it is directed at???? The whole frickin stadium is going to stand, place their hand over their heart in Salute to the Flag and sing the National Anthem and YOU are going to KNEEL and NOT place your hand over your heart in Salute and NOT sing!!!??? And that is NOT DISRESPECTFUL?? This is insane.
Mike, who has been very passionate about the recent racial debate on social media this past week, is obviously subtweeting Drew's latest interview where Brees again said "kneeling to protest during the anthem is disrespectful"

Mike may delete the tweets but his tweets say:
"He don’t know no better."
"Don't be a sellout"
"We don’t care if you don’t agree and whoever else how about that."

Payton needs to get the leaders on a Zoom call or something ASAP. Black players are very antsy right now (for good reason) and Brees' logic whether you agree or not has the potential to cause a divide amongst the team.

Too late. NFL is now a political tool and forum. What's done is done.
I can't say you wrong. I won't quite as far as saying the situation is 100% unsalvageable ... though I do feel like there are teammates from which Brees will never win back respect.

Agreed. It's all about timing. Drew just had insanely bad timing.

I guarantee there isn't a person in the locker room that isn't aware of Drew's deeply conservative views. However, he needed to keep those feelings to himself. He could have easly said, "this is a time to listen, not speak" when faced with that question. But, I guess that just ain't how Drew rolls and he's going to pay for it, sadly.
How stupid is it to say that kneeling is not disrespectful of the Flag or the National Anthem WHEN that is EXACTLY what it is directed at???? The whole frickin stadium is going to stand, place their hand over their heart in Salute to the Flag and sing the National Anthem and YOU are going to KNEEL and NOT place your hand over your heart in Salute and NOT sing!!!??? And that is NOT DISRESPECTFUL?? This is insane.
Know your history, The National Anthem wasn't a freedom song for Blacks in America.
I have to say - I don't think Drew understands what the kneeling is all about. It's my understanding that Kaepernick consulted with a retired green beret about how to best protest while still respecting the flag, and kneeling was advised. This shows he was thinking critically about the best way to handle it while still honoring those who sacrificed so much for this country.

And really - since when has kneeling become a sign of disrespect? We kneel before God when we pray. Are we disrespecting the Almighty?

Now if players grabbed their crotch or turned their backs on the flag, I would feel differently. I respect his regard for our nation, his family, and our vets, but Drew doesn't seem to be contextualizing this properly at all. This just made me sad.
There is no excuse. If (very unlikely) he truly doesn't know what kneeling was all about, he absolutely should. Given his profession and status, it is part of his responsibility to know.
I'll piss on the flag for what you think it represents. You got a problem with that?

Let's keep it civil! We don't want this thread deleted as I think there is some useful discussion happening here.
Hopefully the Saints don't start off 0-2. The media will bring this up the whole season.
Never said it was ALL black people. Riots based around culture/race with mass looting, violence are historically majority black.
I have to say - I don't think Drew understands what the kneeling is all about. It's my understanding that Kaepernick consulted with a retired green beret about how to best protest while still respecting the flag, and kneeling was advised. This shows he was thinking critically about the best way to handle it while still honoring those who sacrificed so much for this country.

And really - since when has kneeling become a sign of disrespect? We kneel before God when we pray. Are we disrespecting the Almighty?

Now if players grabbed their crotch or turned their backs on the flag, I would feel differently. I respect his regard for our nation, his family, and our vets, but Drew doesn't seem to be contextualizing this properly at all. This just made me sad.

I just registered for this forum so I could come on here and say how beautifully and sensitively this was written. I could not have summarized this any better myself and agree 100%
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