Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments (1 Viewer)

Forgive me for saying this but I am truly the biggest Saints fan on the planet.I have been ever since I can remember. And since Drew and Sean Payton arrived to New Orleans, I have never been more proud to be such.

Today, is the first time I have ever been utterly disappointed in anything that man has said. I am still a Saints fan but, not that it matters to him at all, today I am a little less of a fan of his.

Will I still cheer for him on Sundays? Absolutely! Because he wears the fleur-de-lis on his helmet. But will never forget his post. And subsequently, his point of view.

And to say such a thing when tensions are still really high right now speaks volumes.

I really feel like I just got punched in the gut when I heard him say that.
Nice try to make it about race. It's about a teammate telling his QB to "just shut the eff up" Racism isn't behind every corner. Jenkins will destroy this team with stunts like this.
Not saying this is the case or this is not the case:

If, to everyone's surprise, Jenkins really is kind of on an island with his thoughts ... HE could see his release from the team. People's initial thoughts have been that Brees' comments will turn all African-American players against him en masse and immediately. But it might actually be a more nuanced situation -- the African-American players may develop more or less "pro-Brees" and "anti-Brees" factions. Seems like it could break a lot of ways.
Jenkins has already deleted it
Deleted the video or something else?

EDIT: NM, figured it out. Does it tell us anything that Jenkins didn't keep the video up?

This is pretty much how I feel about it. I'm disappointed, and I hope that Drew can find a way to make this up to his teammates and show that he is willing to improve and learn from his mistakes. He is going to be dragged through the mud for this, but I'm hoping he has built up enough good with his teammates that they will have his back once he re-gains their trust.
Wow.....this has gotten ugly really quick. I am so disappointed in Brees right now it makes me sick. Drew crossed the line that he may never get back from. You may have just started a divide not just in the locker room but the NFL culture as a whole. As a high-profile spokesman and ambassador of the NFL and the city of New Orleans, this is bad.

Your words came across as dividing and ignorant, not unifying or understanding in this painful time of crisis. You lost a lot of respect today that will be extremely difficult to get back no matter how many statements you put out or how many players say "got your back".......I just don't see how players and the fans look at you the same after this.
Agreed. It's all about timing. Drew just had insanely bad timing.

I guarantee there isn't a person in the locker room that isn't aware of Drew's deeply conservative views. However, he needed to keep those feelings to himself. He could have easly said, "this is a time to listen, not speak" when faced with that question. But, I guess that just ain't how Drew rolls and he's going to pay for it, sadly.
Not is the only way he will be able to grow and change. I hope he does, but it would be surprising if he did.
Drew is blinded just like everybody who is making it just the flag. It’s not about the flag or the military. He and everybody needs to understand that.

I understand that the kneeling is a way to protest police brutality and racial inequality in the United States. However, to others, the flag and the anthem represents the greatest nation in the world. Soldiers gave their lives to make this nation a better place, a free nation. Kneeling is disrespectful.

Two wrongs don't make a right. I am white and may never truly understand what my black brethren go through. I'm sorry for that, sorry that you have had to endure unspeakable prejudice when all people were and should be created equal.

However, prejudice works both ways. Why are there Miss USA contest where any and all can compete, and also a Miss Black America, where only African American women can compete. There are only African American schools, but all other colleges and schools are open to all. I could go on for days about how much inequality goes from the African American side, but what's the point.

Can't we all just get along. There are good people and total a-holes out there. Period. It has nothing to do with race or nationality or sexuality preference, rich or poor......

Floyd's death is horrible and the police responsible for it need to be held responsible. Protests are fine and bring people together for the right reasons. The ones that are looting and rioting are hoods. PERIOD. How does robbing and burning a business down that has absolutely nothing to do with the death of Floyd bring attention to the Floyd. It doesn't. It brings attention to the thugs they are.

In Marksville, LA in 2015, two black officers shot and killed a 6 year old white boy while shooting into a parked car where his father was wounded. One of the officers received a 40 year sentence. Not sure what became of the other officer, but there was no looting or rioting. The officers responsible was held accountable for this horrible incident.

Why is there a double standard in this world? Why can't we all just get along.
We put far too much emphasis on symbols and not enough on the virtues on which they stand for. It's a flag. Fabric. Dyed fabric made in a sweatshop in some far off land. What's the point of respecting it when the country and virtues it represents burn to the ground? We're seeing continual systematic abuse of civilians and their rights by those who are supposed to uphold those rights and protect those civilians. Drew has drank the Flavor-Aid on this issue. He can keep his flag and cuddle it every night while everyone else tries to keep what it stands for a reality - at least for once in this country's history, we finally have a chance to actualize what the flag stands for and not have a lie we tell ourselves to make us feel better. It's non-negotiable. I'm tired of seeing innocent people killed and abused. Kneel, burn the flag, whatever it takes to end the oppression of minorities and the poor. The veterans in my family took an oath to the constitution. The police and correctional personnel in my family took an oath to uphold the laws. Nothing about flags. I say this as I wear flag themed shorts.

I'm ready for Taysom. I have been since last season.

This is pretty much how I feel about it. I'm disappointed, and I hope that Drew can find a way to make this up to his teammates and show that he is willing to improve and learn from his mistakes. He is going to be dragged through the mud for this, but I'm hoping he has built up enough good with his teammates that they will have his back once he re-gains their trust.

that's good advice
Deleted the video or something else?

EDIT: NM, figured it out. Does it tell us anything that Jenkins didn't keep the video up?

If he deleted the original post, he must have re-posted it on Instagram 20 minutes ago with a caption explaining that he had spoken to Drew but thought it was important anyway. It is very much still there. :shrug:
Jenkins is a jackass. I get his point but maybe he should just shut the eff up too. If his grip was legit, pick up the phone and call drew. Looks like he just wants attention

They did speak first. Jenkins has communicated his thoughts and feelings about this very specifically. This absolutely goes beyond "just wanting attention". Bad assumption on your part.
I have a question that maybe a person of color could answer. Why does the knee need to happen during the national anthem? Is there no other time that it would be possible without drawing the ire of the patriots around the country? I am not making light of the cause of BLM by asking this . I just want to know why its important to insult the flag and country for the cause. Help me understand.

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