Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments (2 Viewers)

Don't know if all you patriotic Americans that can't see past the racial ignorance. I did 11 years in the Air Force and there is an article that just came out about the Racial Disparities in the Air Force, also in other military branches. I've lived and seen every bit of that article. So for someone to try and tell me what I can and can't do during the Nation Anthem, you know where you can go. That goes for y'all savior Brees and ole buddy taking up space in the White House......
I understand that the kneeling is a way to protest police brutality and racial inequality in the United States. However, to others, the flag and the anthem represents the greatest nation in the world. Soldiers gave their lives to make this nation a better place, a free nation. Kneeling is disrespectful.

Two wrongs don't make a right. I am white and may never truly understand what my black brethren go through. I'm sorry for that, sorry that you have had to endure unspeakable prejudice when all people were and should be created equal.

However, prejudice works both ways. Why are there Miss USA contest where any and all can compete, and also a Miss Black America, where only African American women can compete. There are only African American schools, but all other colleges and schools are open to all. I could go on for days about how much inequality goes from the African American side, but what's the point.

Can't we all just get along. There are good people and total a-holes out there. Period. It has nothing to do with race or nationality or sexuality preference, rich or poor......

Floyd's death is horrible and the police responsible for it need to be held responsible. Protests are fine and bring people together for the right reasons. The ones that are looting and rioting are hoods. PERIOD. How does robbing and burning a business down that has absolutely nothing to do with the death of Floyd bring attention to the Floyd. It doesn't. It brings attention to the thugs they are.

In Marksville, LA in 2015, two black officers shot and killed a 6 year old white boy while shooting into a parked car where his father was wounded. One of the officers received a 40 year sentence. Not sure what became of the other officer, but there was no looting or rioting. The officers responsible was held accountable for this horrible incident.

Why is there a double standard in this world? Why can't we all just get along.
you should really pay attention to the stuff you write before the "buts" and "howevers"
you say you don't understand what people have gone through - that's a good place to stop and ask them to help you understand
I have a question that maybe a person of color could answer. Why does the knee need to happen during the national anthem? Is there no other time that it would be possible without drawing the ire of the patriots?
It’s because they don’t respect the United States to begin with. The country that killed Indians and enslaved black peoples. The don’t want equality. They want a reckoning
What is wrong with this world?! We can no longer let people have their own opinion. If your opinion differs, you are evil. This whole world is upside down!

And on Drew Brees...just because he doesn't believe kneeling during the national anthem is correct, does not mean he agrees with racism. All he disagrees with is the avenue to express an opinion. Anyone who directly correlates his disapproval of kneeling as Drew is a racist or Drew has no compassion for what people in the black community have had to endure, please take a deep breath. He is not a racist and he does care.
Don't know if all you patriotic Americans that can't see past the racial ignorance. I did 11 years in the Air Force and there is an article that just came out about the Racial Disparities in the Air Force, also in other military branches. I've lived and seen every bit of that article. So for someone to try and tell me what I can and can't do during the Nation Anthem, you know where you can go. That goes for y'all savior Brees and ole buddy taking up space in the White House......
That’s good and it’s your right but expect people not to agree
I have a question that maybe a person of color could answer. Why does the knee need to happen during the national anthem? Is there no other time that it would be possible without drawing the ire of the patriots around the country? I am not making light of the cause of BLM by asking this . I just want to know why its important to insult the flag and country for the cause. Help me understand.
They are not insulting the flag or the anthem just because some people say they are. Open your eyes and ears!

This is pretty much how I feel about it. I'm disappointed, and I hope that Drew can find a way to make this up to his teammates and show that he is willing to improve and learn from his mistakes. He is going to be dragged through the mud for this, but I'm hoping he has built up enough good with his teammates that they will have his back once he re-gains their trust.

I feel like if he didn't get it in 2017, he won't get it now. But I'd love to be wrong.
Don't know if all you patriotic Americans that can't see past the racial ignorance. I did 11 years in the Air Force and there is an article that just came out about the Racial Disparities in the Air Force, also in other military branches. I've lived and seen every bit of that article. So for someone to try and tell me what I can and can't do during the Nation Anthem, you know where you can go. That goes for y'all savior Brees and ole buddy taking up space in the White House......

So, you can have your opinion and no one else can... got it
you should really pay attention to the stuff you write before the "buts" and "howevers"
you say you don't understand what people have gone through - that's a good place to stop and ask them to help you understand

Then please help me understand. I am very open to learning. When people started kneeling during the Anthem, I didn't understand and was severely pissed. But I read more about it. Now I understand, but don't agree with the kneeling. There should be another way to make a point. There should be protest to the inequality and police brutality.
I have a question that maybe a person of color could answer. Why does the knee need to happen during the national anthem? Is there no other time that it would be possible without drawing the ire of the patriots around the country? I am not making light of the cause of BLM by asking this . I just want to know why its important to insult the flag and country for the cause. Help me understand.

I'm not a person of color, so ignore my response if you wish...

What is a protest if it is easily ignored?

You protest where you can't be ignored. That's how you spread a message or shine a light on injustice.

It's not insulting the flag. A flag is an inanimate object with no feelings or judgement.
It doesn't insult what the flag stands for either. Protest is one of the many right guaranteed by the country that flag represents. The soldiers who fought for this country fought to protect those rights. Even the ones that make us uncomfortable.

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