So……Pride Month….. [CLOSED] (1 Viewer)

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I mean, you are preaching to the converted. I'm just saying that many in New Orleans that might not stand up for Pride Parades will most definitely stand up for things Mardi Gras related even if they don't fit into what might be their moral view of the world. Some of that is just due to the culture, but some of it is businesses who make most of their yearly profits during Mardi Gras. As a result, even things like the Bourbon Street Awards which are held past the Lavender Line are protected under the broader scope of protecting Mardi Gras.
I understand that. Problem is the Pride parade we are talking about is not even in La. Yet the outage extends well beyond and is still a factor. I've no doubt locals will be ok, but will they be enough and will Pride participants collectively go, meh you didn't care about us why should we give a fork about you.
Ok last thing (didn’t realize I was going backwards through last night’s discussion)
You’re trying to position yourself as apart from the religious bigot you describe but pretending that yours is a position of love where it reads MUCH more as some sort of caste system
‘It takes two’?!?
So you’re telling Klein that you only accept her if she also accepts your intolerance and lives in a way that her biology is codified as a choice
There is nothing loving about that
Like, at all
Nah bud. What i meant to say is we don’t see eye to eye but still love her. Nothing more nothing less.

Codified? Shirt i take the blue pill.
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I think things were a lot worse and more hurtful for many people during those times than you realize.
That would make sense because i wasn’t there and can’t empathize or really even sympathize for that specific time.
Celebrating the days of “don’t ask, don’t tell” stood out to me.
You say that but i had many around me in San Diego from all over the country that were living their best life loving who they wanted. It was never an issue. The guy next door in the barracks to me. He was gay. Nobody cared. First time i met lesbians in my life, Greatest time ever. It was because the people other than straight didn’t make a big deal of it and just did what they did. Now it’s a push of acceptance. I can live and let live but still think it’s biologically incorrect. No harm
No foul.

It’s one of those things where the alphabet gang community should realize 90% of the country couldn’t care less what you do in the sheets… it would solve alot of the drama.
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Don’t get it twisted. Being other than straight is a lifestyle choice or should be labeled as such. If you want to do that cool. You be you. Just don’t get mad at Uncle because he doesn’t agree.
This is where I find your position flawed.

Are you innately gay, but live, act, and pursue a straight lifestyle? I don't ask that to be inflammatory, I promise you. It's the only way I can make sense of your comment. Was there a time in your life where you had to ask yourself if you were attracted to men or women - or both? I ask because of the comment about being anything but straight being a lifestyle choice, because that confuses me.

I've never had that inner monologue with myself. I've always been attracted to women and have never questioned it. My brother is gay and has always been attracted to men and always knew it, but hid it for a while out of fear of being hurt and hurting others - but he never questioned which sex he was attracted to. It's definitely not a lifestyle choice for him or any of the many gay and lesbian friends of his that I've met over the years.

Which brings me back to my confusion of your statement of anything other than straight being a lifestyle choice. If you really believe that, there must be something in your own personal experience that brings you to that conclusion. If not, how can you possibly know what is in the head, soul, and essence of another person? Labeling anyone who is not straight as someone who is making a lifestyle choice is hatred whether you see it that way or not.
Just found out there's a video of 45 motorboating a former major in drag.

I won't post as it's likely too political, but it's easy to find. I wonder how many folks will be offended by such antics.

Oh and...

This is where I find your position flawed.

Are you innately gay, but live, act, and pursue a straight lifestyle? I don't ask that to be inflammatory, I promise you. It's the only way I can make sense of your comment. Was there a time in your life where you had to ask yourself if you were attracted to men or women - or both? I ask because of the comment about being anything but straight being a lifestyle choice, because that confuses me.

I've never had that inner monologue with myself. I've always been attracted to women and have never questioned it. My brother is gay and has always been attracted to men and always knew it, but hid it for a while out of fear of being hurt and hurting others - but he never questioned which sex he was attracted to. It's definitely not a lifestyle choice for him or any of the many gay and lesbian friends of his that I've met over the years.

Which brings me back to my confusion of your statement of anything other than straight being a lifestyle choice. If you really believe that, there must be something in your own personal experience that brings you to that conclusion. If not, how can you possibly know what is in the head, soul, and essence of another person? Labeling anyone who is not straight as someone who is making a lifestyle choice is hatred whether you see it that way or not.
I read your post many times and i get your point of view. No, i have legitimately have never had feelings sexually for another man. Even when at OZ on Bourbon to get drinks underage back in the 90’s.

IMO it has to be a lifestyle choice. The penis was designed to pregnant a female. I mean yeah they have come up with other ways to make babies but it almost always involves sperm and egg right?

It’s a lifestyle choice because it isn’t normal in terms of human nature. If you think that is hate than i don’t know what else to say except maybe read the Bible, touch the grass, and grab some arse.
There are parades and celebrations for it because like anything with parades it's a celebration for small group of marginalized people who were oppressed for their rights or the way the lived their lives. For example St Patrick's Day parade is celebrated because St. Patrick overcame adversity like being kidnapped by the Romans and returned to Ireland to show his people Christianity. The parades are a place for the small minority of those folks to feel free from hate, bigotry, and celebrate a lifestyle that is taught to be hidden to make others feel comfortable.

As someone from the South and who was taught most of my life to look down on same sex love I treated family members who were LGBT members like crap because of religion and bigotry and it's took years of growth and self reflection to realize that I was a piece of work for that.

Can't speak for others, but my new motto in life is people can live whatever lifestyle they want as long as the person they are doing it with can consent and is of age.
I mean this person literally called it a lifestyle choice and i got called out and they got thumbs up. Just wanted point that out while i stroll along with my toxic masculinity.
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Going to be honest. Reading this thread has made me to believe that most don’t know what they want and just want a fight because they don’t “fit in” with society.
Why ignore the metric ton of biological information showing that homosexuality is a natural, biological state for some?

Your entire premise is based on a factual error
Other than straight is a mental state. Not biological. You think it’s natural to stick your baby maker where another man craps?

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Going to be honest. Reading this thread has made me to believe that most don’t know what they want and just want a fight because they don’t “fit in” with society.

It’s a mental state. Not biological . You think it’s natural to stick your baby maker where another man craps?
When "not fitting in" can get you killed, fired or homeless, I'm sure you understand the inclination to fight.
Other than straight is a mental state. Not biological. You think it’s natural to stick your baby maker where another man craps?

Any mental state is biological in nature, whether instinct or conscious thought; even being straight. What I gather is that you don't believe that same sex attraction can be instinctive like opposite sex attraction is, and must be a conscious decision.

As for the rest, well, is it natural to stick your baby maker where a woman eats? Or even your tongue? How do you define natural?
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