Spoiler Spoiler Thread: Avengers Infinity War (2 Viewers)

My big question is how do they wrest the stones from Thanos? They tried that in IW and it didn't go so well, and that was before he got the last stone. It's gonna be a epic showdown, I think.

Thanos is the best depiction of a bad guy I've seen in a long time. The CGI was impressive enough that you could sense a realness to his character. It was really well done. Good stuff!
My big question is how do they wrest the stones from Thanos? They tried that in IW and it didn't go so well, and that was before he got the last stone. It's gonna be a epic showdown, I think.

Thanos is the best depiction of a bad guy I've seen in a long time. The CGI was impressive enough that you could sense a realness to his character. It was really well done. Good stuff!

They follow the comic book would be my guess, which could lead to the theory of Gamora being in the Soul stone or possibly Vision getting control via the Mind stone. Warlock's connection to the Soul gem was how he was able to wrestle it away.
I wonder if the Black Widow stand alone movie will be as well.. Or if it's post Infinity War?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Fun fact: More then 65 directors have met for the BLACK WIDOW job. Marvel being extremely thorough on this one</p>&mdash; Justin Kroll (@krolljvar) <a href="https://twitter.com/krolljvar/status/991731026270474240?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 2, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Hmm.. Can't find a man, huh? :hihi:

Or is she selective?
The CGI was impressive enough that you could sense a realness to his character. It was really well done. Good stuff!

Yes, this was so impressive. It's rather astounding the leaps that the highest quality CG work has taken the last few years. We're pretty much to the point now that, given enough money, we can create whatever character we want and make them look completely realistic. There are still small tells, but it's getting harder and harder to see.
My big question is how do they wrest the stones from Thanos? They tried that in IW and it didn't go so well, and that was before he got the last stone. It's gonna be a epic showdown, I think.

Thanos is the best depiction of a bad guy I've seen in a long time. The CGI was impressive enough that you could sense a realness to his character. It was really well done. Good stuff!
Cut off his hand?
I wonder if the Black Widow stand alone movie will be as well.. Or if it's post Infinity War?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Fun fact: More then 65 directors have met for the BLACK WIDOW job. Marvel being extremely thorough on this one</p>&mdash; Justin Kroll (@krolljvar) <a href="https://twitter.com/krolljvar/status/991731026270474240?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 2, 2018</a></blockquote>
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I'd pay good money to see a rated R Black Widow flick done up like the good parts of Red Sparrow with much more violence.
Saw it. Finally. Plan to rewatch either tonight or tomorrow or both.

Some of my favorite parts/observations were this:
1) The captain talk Rocket had with Thor on the way to Nidavellir. Emotionally speaking, it was jarring to reflect on all Thor has lost. More than any Avenger, his mother, father, brother, best friend, home and people, Hela killed so many. The job Marvel has done in taking the wooden Thor and making him this funny, angry, sad and raging mad character has fully redeemed him for me and truly, he is worthy.
2) Dr. Strange fighting against Thanos and multiplying himself from the Hindu God meditation pose... Wow... holy ******* wow.
3) Did they make Mantis a meaningful player or what???
4) From Rocket to Groot to Thanos, how can Marvel make CGI characters break my heart?
5) Something else is going on with Hulk, he ain't scared and those of you who think he is, are just simply wrong. He literally leapt into the face of Surtur when he was the size of a small planet standing above Asgard. You're telling me a 1-2 combo from Thanos (what a great depiction of pugilist fighting style) was enough to "scare" him??? Nah brah.

Loved it.
It was the fact that he lost to Thanos, easily. He&#8217;s never lost to anyone, or any group of ones.
It was the fact that he lost to Thanos, easily. He’s never lost to anyone, or any group of ones.

Banner says the two of them have "some things to hash out". This is an internal conflict. He didn't say Hulk is afraid of Thanos. That's completely out of character... completely.

Thanos wasn't around when it was The Maw and Cull Obsidian fighting in NYC. Hulk wouldn't be afraid of them.

We know that this is a 3 part story arc for Hulk and Banner. Hulk was in the driver seat in Ragnarok, Banner in Infinity War. The two sides of this green coin are in conflict. They've never really seen eye to eye and in this film when Bruce is requesting Hulk to come out, he refuses...

Part three of this story is Hulk and Bruce finally working together...
Holy crap... just saw it. It was great. I was really impressed how they were able to give so many characters meaningful moments in this movie.

One minor nitpick... by having so many of our characters die at the end with the use of the infinity gauntlet, it takes a bit away from the emotional impact IMO. We obviously know that they're going to bring a lot of them back, so it's hard to come out feeling too upset b/c maybe they all come back, right? Shrug... just my thought. I actually started to feel less sad the more of them disappeared. My daughter on the other hand was a wreck.

Holy crap... just saw it. It was great. I was really impressed how they were able to give so many characters meaningful moments in this movie.

One minor nitpick... by having so many of our characters die at the end with the use of the infinity gauntlet, it takes a bit away from the emotional impact IMO. We obviously know that they're going to bring a lot of them back, so it's hard to come out feeling too upset b/c maybe they all come back, right? Shrug... just my thought. I actually started to feel less sad the more of them disappeared. My daughter on the other hand was a wreck.

Regardless of whether or not I am aware of any future films, I am aware that this is a comic and this no one is ever really dead.
My minor nitpick was the horrible CGI of Bruce in his suit at the end. It really took me out of the moment for a second.

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