Spoiler Spoiler Thread: Avengers Infinity War (3 Viewers)

I think Thanos' obsession with balance will weigh heavenly on him. He's watching his sunset, content and proud of the work he's done. But what does he do now?

What he did to Gamora will continue to tear his own soul apart. In times of peace, the war like man wages war on himself.
One of the few things I disliked about the movie was the way they portrayed Thanos to be some ultra environmentalist. He bragged to Gamora how her home-world was flourishing because of the genocide he caused on her planet.

Thanos never wanted balance for the purposes of reducing the use of natural resources. In the comics, Thanos was nihilistic and was only seeking to earn the admiration of Death by snapping out half of all life in the Universe.
Sacrifice. The will to sacrifice for the greater good was through line for the film.

Thanos had the will to sacrifice half of Titan to begin with. He had the will to sacrifice the daughter he loved most for the good of the universe.

Cap was unwilling to sacrifice Vision. Peter was unwilling to sacrifice Gamora. Gamora was unwilling to sacrifice Nebula. Scarlet Witch was unwilling to sacrifice Vision. Only by Thanos' unstoppable will were any of these players willing to be pushed to the same level and depth of sacrifice.

The only player who displayed any semblance of will was Dr. Strange who was willing to let Peter and Tony die to protect the Time stone. When he gained the knowledge of 14,000,605 alternate futures, the greater good was giving up the Time Stone and saving Tony, which meant sacrificing half the universe... hopefully temporarily, to save all the universe. This is, of course, conjecture on my part that this is all a part of the master plan for Dr. Strange.
Sacrifice. The will to sacrifice for the greater good was through line for the film.

Thanos had the will to sacrifice half of Titan to begin with. He had the will to sacrifice the daughter he loved most for the good of the universe.

Cap was unwilling to sacrifice Vision. Peter was unwilling to sacrifice Gamora. Gamora was unwilling to sacrifice Nebula. Scarlet Witch was unwilling to sacrifice Vision. Only by Thanos' unstoppable will were any of these players willing to be pushed to the same level and depth of sacrifice.

The only player who displayed any semblance of will was Dr. Strange who was willing to let Peter and Tony die to protect the Time stone. When he gained the knowledge of 14,000,605 alternate futures, the greater good was giving up the Time Stone and saving Tony, which meant sacrificing half the universe... hopefully temporarily, to save all the universe. This is, of course, conjecture on my part that this is all a part of the master plan for Dr. Strange.

"We don't trade lives" vs. someone who's all-too-willing to do so.

I think I want to go see it again this morning.
One of the few things I disliked about the movie was the way they portrayed Thanos to be some ultra environmentalist. He bragged to Gamora how her home-world was flourishing because of the genocide he caused on her planet.

Thanos never wanted balance for the purposes of reducing the use of natural resources. In the comics, Thanos was nihilistic and was only seeking to earn the admiration of Death by snapping out half of all life in the Universe.
I think having Hela in Ragnorak ruined that.
We've seen hundreds of versions of ruthless villains in movie history. Thanos may not be completely unique, but its a slightly fresh take on a villain.
Banner says the two of them have "some things to hash out". This is an internal conflict. He didn't say Hulk is afraid of Thanos. That's completely out of character... completely.

Thanos wasn't around when it was The Maw and Cull Obsidian fighting in NYC. Hulk wouldn't be afraid of them.

We know that this is a 3 part story arc for Hulk and Banner. Hulk was in the driver seat in Ragnarok, Banner in Infinity War. The two sides of this green coin are in conflict. They've never really seen eye to eye and in this film when Bruce is requesting Hulk to come out, he refuses...

Part three of this story is Hulk and Bruce finally working together...
IIRC, we haven't seen Gray Hulk yet.
True, but I do believe the Age of Ultron Hulk vs Hulkbuster was sort of a tip of the cap to Gray Hulk.
We've seen hundreds of versions of ruthless villains in movie history. Thanos may not be completely unique, but its a slightly fresh take on a villain.
I don't know. I think his motivation in the comics would be a fresh-ish take, as well. Hela was only *a* Goddess of Death. Thanos was in love with Death Herself, the cosmic concept and avatar of entropy. How does a regular, purple Joe get the attention of Something like that? Well, you offer her half the universe as a gift. That'll turn her head, for sure.
I don't know. I think his motivation in the comics would be a fresh-ish take, as well. Hela was only *a* Goddess of Death. Thanos was in love with Death Herself, the cosmic concept and avatar of entropy. How does a regular, purple Joe get the attention of Something like that? Well, you offer her half the universe as a gift. That'll turn her head, for sure.

But Hela is only a stepping stone for Thor in the MCU. Thanos is a hero now. But, doing this for the love of another woman? Shallow. Doing this for the good of all Ninjens universally and sacrificing what you loved the most, your child. Deep.
A few days removed and while I still enjoyed the heck out of it, the ending still seems like a really bonehead move.

Even if you turn off the "MCU in the media" part of your brain that immediately tells you they can't kill off Black Panther IN THE VERY NEXT MCU MOVIE, or that there is a Spidey 2 already slated, and even if its just your generic, 'nobody ever really dies in the comics' brain kicking in, this was so over the top that there is no room to even give yourself the moment of grief they (I suppose?) wanted from such high profile deaths, because your brain immediately flips from "OH NO!" to "Huh.... I wonder how all this gets undone."

I actually thought they might kill Tony Stark there, for real. That would have had me going... a little bit like killing Ned Stark in the first book/season versus the Jon Snow 'dying'... one of them smacks you in the face and the other just starts you wondering about the internal logic of the story..

It totally negates the emotional impact of the story.

Loved the Black Order as well.

I hope Captain Marvel takes a path down a road that parallels Captain Marvel. As in Danvers ends more like Mar-Vell (and what happens to him). That would be a deeper more human storyline.

Some other possibilities (based on licensing) include the Negative Zone and a feed into Annihilus and the Annihilation Wave as well as Nova and Beta Ray and Quasar.

Also you have HIM/Captain Marvel, Moondragon, and Pip the Troll.

As for Valkyrie there are still core Defenders: Valk, Nighthawk, Namor, Hellcat, Black Knight, and Surfer possibilities to segue into.

It will be interesting to see where this goes
Ok, still thinking about Hulk:

Hulk was taken by surprise by Thanos. He did not have a protracted battle to get angrier and angrier. He is processing that.

Next movie:

Imagine Thanos inflicting a mortal wound to Black Widow.
Imagine the death scene. "Bruce, The sun is getting real low. I ...." ... She dies.
Banner mourns briefly before rage. Worldbreaker Hulk rage.
He and the other Avengers take care of Thanos. Save the universe...
Hulk doesn't fully shift back to Banner. . .
It is Sunset.... sun is getting real low.... there is emotional trauma there.
Gray Hulk Aka Mr Fixit becomes an MCU thing in the next set of movies.
Hulk at night, when the sun gets real low. Banner during the day.

Just a comic nerd thought.
Saw it. Finally. Plan to rewatch either tonight or tomorrow or both.

Some of my favorite parts/observations were this:
1) The captain talk Rocket had with Thor on the way to Nidavellir. Emotionally speaking, it was jarring to reflect on all Thor has lost. More than any Avenger, his mother, father, brother, best friend, home and people, Hela killed so many. The job Marvel has done in taking the wooden Thor and making him this funny, angry, sad and raging mad character has fully redeemed him for me and truly, he is worthy.
2) Dr. Strange fighting against Thanos and multiplying himself from the Hindu God meditation pose... Wow... holy ******* wow.
3) Did they make Mantis a meaningful player or what???
4) From Rocket to Groot to Thanos, how can Marvel make CGI characters break my heart?
5) Something else is going on with Hulk, he ain't scared and those of you who think he is, are just simply wrong. He literally leapt into the face of Surtur when he was the size of a small planet standing above Asgard. You're telling me a 1-2 combo from Thanos (what a great depiction of pugilist fighting style) was enough to "scare" him??? Nah brah.

Loved it.

The directors said that Hulk isn't afraid. They said that Hulk is tired of bailing Banner out and Banner only wants him for his fighting.
I read something that's very interesting. In Doctor Strange the Ancient One said that she would view the future to see what happens but that she could never see beyond her death. Well Dr. Strange in Infinity War saw the one outcome where we win. So how did he see beyond the finger snap? If he died after the snap then he wouldn't have been able to see that one outcome and yet he did. I'm thinking he's in the soul stone as well. Or else the finger snap doesn't count as death so he was able to see that far ahead.

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