Spoiler Spoiler Thread: Avengers Infinity War (2 Viewers)

I figured I would just ask this here but I was wondering if someone could clarify something for me. In the second Thor movie Odin says that Malekeith created the Aether but not only did the Collector say it was the big bang happening so did Wong in Infinity War. So did they decide to change the history of the Reality Stone after they settled on what they were doing in the future movies or is there something I'm missing?
I figured I would just ask this here but I was wondering if someone could clarify something for me. In the second Thor movie Odin says that Malekeith created the Aether but not only did the Collector say it was the big bang happening so did Wong in Infinity War. So did they decide to change the history of the Reality Stone after they settled on what they were doing in the future movies or is there something I'm missing?

I'll have to go back and watch that (Thor 2 is one of the few MCU movies I dislike), but possibly he meant Malekeith created the Aether to harness the stone.
I don’t know for sure, but to roll with Scorpius - the Tesseract wasn’t actually the stone, it was in the Tesseract. So I reckon it’d be the same with the Aether.
So, watching this now...because why not?

At the very beginning when Hulk attacks Thanos, Thanos is able to push Hulk back pretty easy - with one stone. Some of you have pointed out Thanos' face when Steve (briefly) catches his punch - with all but one stone. So, it seems Steve was stronger than Hulk, if even for this moment? Maybe that's the look?

Scorp - missed your message. Who knows...it's been pretty heavily implied Odin wasn't beyond.........stretching the truth......to hide certain things. So who knows.
So, watching this now...because why not?

At the very beginning when Hulk attacks Thanos, Thanos is able to push Hulk back pretty easy - with one stone. Some of you have pointed out Thanos' face when Steve (briefly) catches his punch - with all but one stone. So, it seems Steve was stronger than Hulk, if even for this moment? Maybe that's the look?

Scorp - missed your message. Who knows...it's been pretty heavily implied Odin wasn't beyond.........stretching the truth......to hide certain things. So who knows.

I think when you look at Captain America 'stopping' Thanos' hit, He's not really holding him back, Thanos is more curious/amused at how hard Cap'n is fighting. He's not struggling against Captain America. He's sort of observing. But then again, looking at his face, he's maybe giving some effort there.. or angry about it. hard to tell.

But I think Thanos was giving his all against Hulk. Thanos didn't mess around with him.
I think when you look at Captain America 'stopping' Thanos' hit, He's not really holding him back, Thanos is more curious/amused at how hard Cap'n is fighting. He's not struggling against Captain America. He's sort of observing. But then again, looking at his face, he's maybe giving some effort there.. or angry about it. hard to tell.

But I think Thanos was giving his all against Hulk. Thanos didn't mess around with him.

So I think the “let him have his fun” line before the Hulk fight insinuates Thanos was legitimately just letting Hulk get a few hits in before “having his fun”. But this is all going deep into theory at that point.

I also don’t know if the stones actually augment Thanos’ physical strength, so I’m also making an assumption there. I just kinda assumed the more stones he had, the stronger he is. The music (when Thanos teleports into Wakanda) is what led me in that direction.
So I think the “let him have his fun” line before the Hulk fight insinuates Thanos was legitimately just letting Hulk get a few hits in before “having his fun”. But this is all going deep into theory at that point.

I also don’t know if the stones actually augment Thanos’ physical strength, so I’m also making an assumption there. I just kinda assumed the more stones he had, the stronger he is. The music (when Thanos teleports into Wakanda) is what led me in that direction.

I think the stones do augment his strength to some degree, but it seems to me it's more about augmenting his power to utilize one, a couple or all of the stones at the same time. I tend to agree with Ward in that Thanos was sorta toying with Captain America. But, Thanos did have a measure of respect for CA's valor as well as Iron Man. Tony fought the good fight, but he and the Avengers really were no match for Thanos. Only Thor truly pushed him. Interesting Thanos' comment that Thor should have gone for the head. Would it actually have killed Thanos if he did? Hmmm.

IW was a fantastic movie. There's so much to unpack and of course they leave a lot to speculation as to what's next in the Avengers series.
So I think the “let him have his fun” line before the Hulk fight insinuates Thanos was legitimately just letting Hulk get a few hits in before “having his fun”. But this is all going deep into theory at that point.

I also don’t know if the stones actually augment Thanos’ physical strength, so I’m also making an assumption there. I just kinda assumed the more stones he had, the stronger he is. The music (when Thanos teleports into Wakanda) is what led me in that direction.
I think the Russo's made a point that if the stone wasn't glowing, he wasn't "using it". So, that Hulk fight was just Thanos using his own natural ability.
I just watched this again with my son, and it Avengers:End Game all makes sense now.

Dr. Strange asked for Thanos to spare Stark because it’s all part of the 1 possible ending to defeat Thanos. We are in the End Game.
And Stark's sacrifice. :cry:

The foreshadowing in Ultron is obvious.

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