Star Wars Stand Alone Films (1 Viewer)

I would expect that with this change, pushing the movie back six months to a Dec 2018 release would happen. It might not, but i would not be surprised at all if it did.
Eh, he'll do fine. He's a proven hand with a history with Lucasfilm. They're not looking for a creative visionary, they're looking for someone who knows the system and how to play ball. He's also got an Oscar on the shelf which no other Star Wars director can claim (for directing, at least).

Here's the thing: If the reports that have come out in the last few days are true and the movie Lord and Miller was making felt more like a straight comedy, very unlike a Star Wars movie in style and design, and represented a fundamental misunderstanding of the Han Solo character, I'm fine with the change. It really does seem like Lord and Miller were clashing tonally with the entire Star Wars brain trust and people are saying the movie just wasn't shaping up like it should have been. And apparently they were and are pretty happy with the script (they again say so in the press release for Howard getting the gig), so the issues were presumably purely a matter of direction. They just need Howard to be workmanlike and get the job done.

Also, random thought: When Disney purchased Lucasfilm they primarily did so for Star Wars and Indiana Jones. But they also got Willow! With Ron Howard back in the fold, now is the time to re-launch the Willow franchise! Or not.
I would expect that with this change, pushing the movie back six months to a Dec 2018 release would happen. It might not, but i would not be surprised at all if it did.

They've still got almost a year till release. The big trick scheduling wise is building around the previous commitments of what is typically a very busy cast (Emilia Clarke with GoT commitments, Woody Harrelson works constantly, Donald Glover is like the most in demand dude in Hollywood right now). Six weeks of reshoots were built in, but if reports are true and the movie is as halfbaked as is being claimed they may need way more than that.
They've still got almost a year till release. The big trick scheduling wise is building around the previous commitments of what is typically a very busy cast (Emilia Clarke with GoT commitments, Woody Harrelson works constantly, Donald Glover is like the most in demand dude in Hollywood right now). Six weeks of reshoots were built in, but if reports are true and the movie is as halfbaked as is being claimed they may need way more than that.

any word if the 3 remaining weeks was still principal photography or were they in to pick ups? (i imagine the latter)
but like you say, if there was significant stuff left to re-shoots that could be tough - though i imagine Disney contracts being very specific about how and when they can call you in and you essentially have to drop everything and go

i'm actually not too worried about any shift from comedy to genre action - any decent editor should be able to get footage and turn that into about 8 different movies - though the question will remain 'are there significant plot arcs not yet shot?'
But they also got Willow! With Ron Howard back in the fold, now is the time to re-launch the Willow franchise! Or not.

Now there's an idea. I loved Willow. I think it was just a little ahead of it's time and would work better now. Modern audiences would love it.
any word if the 3 remaining weeks was still principal photography or were they in to pick ups? (i imagine the latter)
but like you say, if there was significant stuff left to re-shoots that could be tough - though i imagine Disney contracts being very specific about how and when they can call you in and you essentially have to drop everything and go

i'm actually not too worried about any shift from comedy to genre action - any decent editor should be able to get footage and turn that into about 8 different movies - though the question will remain 'are there significant plot arcs not yet shot?'

The three weeks left were still principal photography from what I understand.

The production obviously went on hiatus with the firing of Lord and Miller, but from what's been said the immediate plan is for Howard to meet with the cast and crew to try and calm everyone's nerves and then watch a rough edit of everything that's been filmed so far to see what needs to be addressed. I have no idea how soon he actually gets behind the cameras. It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out.
Antman: Redux
Seems Disney needs to stay away from the comedy directors with their own strong, signature style.
Now there's an idea. I loved Willow. I think it was just a little ahead of it's time and would work better now. Modern audiences would love it.

I loved Willow. It would be awesome to see another movie set in the same universe. I'm not big on remakes, but it would be cool to maybe have the baby as a Queen and the star and she needs Willow's help for some sort of a quest.
Star Wars News Net, who do have some proven sources (but also some more questionable sources) at Lucasfilm wrote an article about what they're hearing about all of this:

The high points of what their sources are claiming (take with the requisite grain of salt):

-Initially things were going OK and people were pleased with the footage they were seeing. But at some point into production there started to be whispers of concern.

-Alden Ehrenreich was the first person to voice concern to producers about the direction of the movie as he felt that the movie was far more comical and goofy than what he signed up to do. He's apparently taking the role very seriously and his concern was enough to make Kathleen Kennedy and others take a look at a very early assembly cut of the footage.

-Lucasfilm didn't like what they saw. At various points in the article words like "goofy" "zany" "silly" etc. are used to describe the tone of the film and specifically the portrayal of Han. One source uses Ace Ventura as a point of comparison (what the hell?). Much of what was filmed just didn't feel like a Star Wars movie at all.

- That said, there are parts of the movie that work really well and are still usable. But when the whole thing is put together the tone is all over the place and it just doesn't work.

-Lawrence Kasdan is pretty ****** off. He went to bat hard for Lord and Miller to get the job and feels like he has egg on his face, essentially.

-Criticism of Kathleen Kennedy is misplaced. She isn't a micromanager, but listens very closely to her producers and creative team and there was essentially universal agreement that something had to be done based on what everyone was seeing.

-They tried to go the Rogue One route of having someone else sort of "manage" the shoot, but Lord and Miller balked and refused. Then they got fired.

-The good news is everyone feels like the script and cast are still great and there are parts of the movie that are usable meaning Ron Howard does have *something* to work with. Overall this is very much an issue with how they were being directed and how the movie was being put together.
I read other stuff about the Ace Ventura comparisons. Glad they stopped this from continuing. Would have been awful

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