Star Wars Stand Alone Films (2 Viewers)

Love that pick.

I'd love to see a stand alone film or series of films about wedge antilles and rogue squadron and missions they go on. It would be great if they were based off the series of books that were put out, but alas as we all know, they aren't canon anymore. I wouldn't mind a movie about the 181st Imperial Fighter wing of the Empire either.

Those books were great. I was very disappointed Wedge wasn't in Force Awakens. Didn't they announce that there will be no Wedge? Bad form if so.

And a Jar Jar movie would essentially go down as the longest running Rube Goldberg Machine.
Great casting. Still think this movie is a questionable idea at best but all the choices made have been good so far.

Love that pick.

Those books were great. I was very disappointed Wedge wasn't in Force Awakens. Didn't they announce that there will be no Wedge? Bad form if so.

And a Jar Jar movie would essentially go down as the longest running Rube Goldberg Machine.

They asked Denis Lawson to return as Wedge early in production on TFA but he refused saying it would "bore him." Which is kind of a weird response for a guy whose career mostly consists of British TV shows these days, but whatever floats his boat, I guess. Looking at his acting credits he does work pretty regularly so I guess he could afford to say no.
Would like to see Darth Maul again, since Lucas inexplicably killed him off waaay early.

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You're welcome! Fan made but 10 times better than the prequels.
I loved Rogue One - I think I liked it even more than Force Awakens

Anyone interested in any version of a Palpatine movie?

Also, this is the first time I've seen his first name - Sheev - who knew?


As the Emperor of the Galactic Empire, Sheev Palpatine has a bit of a reputation. The ruling Sith keeps a tight grip on the officers and Imperial leaders in his closest circles and uses them to control the galaxy. He emanates power and fear, and on the rare occasions he doesn't get his way, he can always resort to wielding Force lightning.

Palpatine had quite the rise to the top. He began as a humble senator on Naboo and through skilled manipulation and careful nudging, he managed to land the highest seat in the Republic Senate. The best part? He made it look like a gracious climb up the ladder that he took upon himself begrudgingly. He was masterful with his poker face.

Given the character's upward mobility, ambition, and mad Force skills, the field is rich with storytelling options for a future Star Wars Story. Potential spin-offs could fall into a few different categories – political thriller, action-adventure, or science fiction. Here are a few stories that could serve as inspiration for an Emperor Palpatine movie...

Palpatine was successful in his bid to rule the known galaxy for a multitude of reasons. He pulled strings in the political and spiritual arenas, his use of the dark side clouded the Force for all and made Jedi resistance less likely, and he was patient. Eerily patient. Who mentored the Sith and fostered these skills? The 2012 Legends novel Darth Plagueis by James Luceno looks at Palpatine's teacher. Taking place partially during The Phantom Menace and partially in the past, the story introduces Sidious' master and details how they worked together and how, eventually, Sidious killed him as part of his end game to, you know, take over the universe......................

A Star Wars Story We Want: Palpatine - IGN
As far as stories, Han should be a good one. One focused on Vader would also be good. Palpatine could also be pretty good, but I'm not sure how it would fit into a Star Wars frame. As a political thriller I think it could be really good. Yoda, Fett, some of the others I don't see where there would be enough there to really be developed into a good movie. The best part about Rogue One was also that everyone died in it. It was the perfect ending to a story. All the others have to dovetail with the original series which will make the endings of the movies hard to finish.
Rogue One was fantastic IMO. I'm wanting to watch it again and been waiting for it to come out on DVD in May. I will probably watch TFA before that cuz, why not? The Darth Maul idea is an interesting one and I think it would make for a good stand alone film.
I thought there was a thread for the Han Solo movie, but I couldn't find it. So instead this goes here. Lord and Miller are off of the Han Solo movie, which has been filming for nearly four months:

'Star Wars': Han Solo Film Loses Directors | Hollywood Reporter

hil Lord and Christopher Miller are no longer directing the Han Solo Star Wars spin-off.

"Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are talented filmmakers who have assembled an incredible cast and crew, but it’s become clear that we had different creative visions on this film, and we’ve decided to part ways. A new director will be announced soon," said Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm in a statement.

"Unfortunately, our vision and process weren’t aligned with our partners on this project. We normally aren’t fans of the phrase 'creative differences' but for once this cliché is true. We are really proud of the amazing and world-class work of our cast and crew," said a statement from Phil Lord and Christopher Miller.

They only had like three weeks of filming left. This is pretty much the equivalent of them getting kicked out of the editing room and being replaced for reshoots. But between this and what similarly happened to (albeit to a lesser extent) with Rogue One, Lucasfilm has some issues at the moment. Not good.
More on the situation from Variety:

Basic rundown:

-They were fired and did not quit.

-Lord and Miller and Kathleen Kennedy just didn't get along from the get go. She didn't like the way they ran the set/production.

-Lord and Miller anticipated more creative freedom, which they did not get. Lucasfilm/Kennedy keeps a tight reign on things and they felt stifled. They felt like they had proven themselves as directors and would have more leeway and just didn't get it.

-Lord and Miller also clashed with Lawrence Kasdan, who didn't like a lot of the choices they were making.

Basically sounds like the Star Wars braintrust just wasn't liking what they were seeing and pulled the plug rather late in the game. Still almost a year to release, though, and reshoots are scheduled for later in the summer so they've got time. New director will be announced soon.

This is a weird situation. I wonder if the stuff they were seeing just felt too much like an outright comedy? Maybe we'll find out one day. The lesson here, though, is that Lucasfilm has a very clear idea of what they want and between this and the Gareth Edwards thing they won't hesitate to pull rank to see it done.
New director will be announced soon.
Donald Glover

This is a weird situation. I wonder if the stuff they were seeing just felt too much like an outright comedy? Maybe we'll find out one day. The lesson here, though, is that Lucasfilm has a very clear idea of what they want and between this and the Gareth Edwards thing they won't hesitate to pull rank to see it done.[/QUOTE]

it feels almost like they want to be show runners and would rather have a TV director relation ship than a movie director one
Donald Glover

This is a weird situation. I wonder if the stuff they were seeing just felt too much like an outright comedy? Maybe we'll find out one day. The lesson here, though, is that Lucasfilm has a very clear idea of what they want and between this and the Gareth Edwards thing they won't hesitate to pull rank to see it done.

it feels almost like they want to be show runners and would rather have a TV director relation ship than a movie director one[/QUOTE]

I feel like that's an apt comparison. I would bet they've borrowed heavily from the Marvel model and that the creative end is heavily geared towards the production braintrust.

Now, the one monkey wrench in that argument is Rian Johnson saying that The Last Jedi is the most creative freedom he's ever been allowed on a movie and that they pretty much let him do whatever he wanted. Two possible theories there: 1. They're being more protective with established characters and the standalone movies while letting directors shape the story of the saga films or 2. Johnson was embellishing a bit and/or Lucasfilm Story Group absolutely has a list of what is OK and not OK and he just never came up with anything that wasn't OK.

I just find it odd that, so far, there have been no major stories of backstage difficulty with the saga movies (aside from things like the Harrison Ford accident, Fisher's death, etc.) but *both* standalones have had Lucasfilm have to step in and say "Nope, not working out. Changes must be made." It seems like there's a different approach for whatever reason.
I just find it odd that, so far, there have been no major stories of backstage difficulty with the saga movies (aside from things like the Harrison Ford accident, Fisher's death, etc.) but *both* standalones have had Lucasfilm have to step in and say "Nope, not working out. Changes must be made." It seems like there's a different approach for whatever reason.

seems to me that it's b/c once 9 is done, they won't go back to the skywalker story - everything will be the standalones, so that's what they really want to control
A bit more has come to light from various articles. The impression seems to be that Lucasfilm was (in addition to their other issues with Lord and Miller) upset at how the Han Solo character was being developed. The implication seems to be that whereas Kennedy and Kasdan wanted something akin to a Western or heist movie, what they were getting was way more overtly comedic than what they expected, and possibly, they felt, not particularly respectful of Han Solo as a character. But it's so weird it took them this long to pull the trigger. I guess they just kept trying to make it work.

Rumored list of possible replacement directors now includes Ron Howard (alleged frontrunner), Kasdan himself, and Joe Johnston.

seems to me that it's b/c once 9 is done, they won't go back to the skywalker story - everything will be the standalones, so that's what they really want to control

Apparently they're still trying to figure out the way forward with that. We may know some more at the D23 presentations later in the summer. I'm fine with either, personally.

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