My problem really is it's just a horrible way to think and says a lot about someone's character when they're openly willing to celebrate someone's death because they're wealthy. How would it be viewed if I was said I was glad those 10-15k people starved based on the argument they were poor drains on society that had nothing to offer? I don't think that way but to me that's the exact same thing as celebrating someone's death because they were rich. I'm guessing pretty much all of them didn't know any of these people personally so they knew nothing about them other than they had money. I've personally known 2 people that I would consider probably close to the same tax bracket as these people and both were nice family men that were friendly.I think it’s a natural product of dramatic concentration of wealth. Is any of it actually moral?
The 10 richest people in the world own more than the bottom 3.5 billion people. That’s almost half of the world population. I think some cynicism is forgivable. Yes those billionaires died but somewhere between 10k and 15k people starved today. And yesterday.
I’m not saying any of it is right or wrong, but it does indeed seem to be a symptom of something larger that is very real.