Titanic submersible es morte (2 Viewers)

I'm just fine watching the videos of the Titanic. No way I go down there. None at all.

Like others have said you couldn't pay me $250K to get in that thing for 12 hours and go down 2 miles.

I have never seen one of those deep submergence subs not have a com cable attached to the ship on the surface. It should also be standard procedure to surface if they lose coms . My guess is the hull had a failure that instantly imploded the sub and the people on board likely never even new it since they would have died instantly.
Save for some miracle, that would probably be the best outcome
Save for some miracle, that would probably be the best outcome

It's kind of sad that the second best outcome is being crushed instantly like a coke can but that's where we are at. I think the worst would be floating up to the top and being able to see fresh air out of there and not being able to do anything to get to it, sheet I just made myself sick just thinking about being in that situation.

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The whole buried alive analogy is horrific. Can you imagine the dad trying to console his son right now?

Reminds me of that episode of Tales from the Crypt where the guy had nine lives and would get buried alive and miscounted how many lives he had left as the oxygen ran out…. Yikes.

I know the Logitech has been discussed. This blurb discusses a couple of the other off-the-shelf components.

"Submersible was operated with a video game controller

Marlene Lenthang
Titan, the missing tourist submersible, was operated by a video game controller and had parts that were described as “off-the-shelf components.”

During a tour of the vessel in a CBS News segment that aired in November, OceanGate Expeditions CEO Stockton Rush pointed out some of these unexpected features, including a light fixture from CamperWorld and a makeshift toilet with a plastic bottle.

He brought out a Logitech game controller, saying that “we run the whole thing with this.” It was not immediately clear whether the submersible was operated with such a controller during the latest mission.

Game controllers can have a wide range of uses, including by pilots controlling drones, as well as in medical training.

OceanGate’s website describes the five-person submersible as a combination of “ground-breaking engineering and off-the-shelf technology,” the latter of which “helped to streamline the construction, and makes it simple to operate and replace parts in the field.”

I know the Logitech has been discussed. This blurb discusses a couple of the other off-the-shelf components.

"Submersible was operated with a video game controller

Marlene Lenthang
Titan, the missing tourist submersible, was operated by a video game controller and had parts that were described as “off-the-shelf components.”

During a tour of the vessel in a CBS News segment that aired in November, OceanGate Expeditions CEO Stockton Rush pointed out some of these unexpected features, including a light fixture from CamperWorld and a makeshift toilet with a plastic bottle.

He brought out a Logitech game controller, saying that “we run the whole thing with this.” It was not immediately clear whether the submersible was operated with such a controller during the latest mission.

Game controllers can have a wide range of uses, including by pilots controlling drones, as well as in medical training.

OceanGate’s website describes the five-person submersible as a combination of “ground-breaking engineering and off-the-shelf technology,” the latter of which “helped to streamline the construction, and makes it simple to operate and replace parts in the field.”

We literally all knew that
The whole buried alive analogy is horrific. Can you imagine the dad trying to console his son right now?

Reminds me of that episode of Tales from the Crypt where the guy had nine lives and would get buried alive and miscounted how many lives he had left as the oxygen ran out…. Yikes.
I've read a series of books about an eternal man who could die, but would heal. His greatest fear was being buried alive when he was a Roman slave in the copper mines. I can't imagine the horror of knowing that you are going to die and nothing to do but sit there for days thinking about it.
Not really any new updates but latest articles I could find. They're saying 40-41 hours of oxygen left but earlier in the article they state 70-96 hours of air on board. That's a 26 hour difference which would put their final breaths tomorrow morning if that's the case.

I read that the coast guard search has to include both the surface of the water and the subsurface. It's not outside the realm of possibility that the radios could be dead but they were able to use the air ballast tanks to quickly ascend to the surface of the ocean. If they are indeed floating on the surface, they will soon be just as desperate for help because it is impossible to exit the submersible without help from the outside to unbolt the hatch. Their living space is just as airtight bobbing in the ocean as it is at two miles down. If early Thursday really is their last day to have breathable air, they must be found soon no matter where they may be.

Imagine how that Pakistan businessman is feeling knowing that he just spent $500,000.00 so that he and his son could die together.


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