Ukraine (13 Viewers)

As this has progressed, it appears Ukraine still has the will and ability to hold them back but are lacking shells to hold off large numbers Russia is throwing at them. I believe our stalled aid package contributed to this loss of ground. And Putin wants a “win” to tout for the elections. Not that he needs it to be reelected in a rigged process.
Opinions like that mjcourvi expressed are all over Europe, and are increasingly prevalent in America too.

It is sad and I do not get it.

Maybe it is as simple as, some people like rooting for the bad guy, especially when the bad guy is winning.
Because many Americans are war-weary and tired of being involved in, whether directly or indirectly with wars or proxy-wars, especially after our involvement in Afghanistan went so poorly and it ended so disastrously and tens of millions of Americans witnessed another desperate, "Saigon situation" in Kabul in late August 2021. I think that's lead to a strong non-interventionist, psuedo-isolationist sentiment that Putin used or calculated would be one reason why we wouldn't respond as we did.

Which he was massively wrong incorrect in his estimate on and over 350,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or injured as a result.

Putin may have calculated correctly in that many Europeans and Americans would grow tired and weary supporting a very long, drawn-out, bloody, extremely costly WWI-styled trench warfare combat in eastern Ukraine with seemingly no end in sight. Putin doesn't have to justify his means and how many lives and resources he wastes as long as public opinion believes Russia is winning the conflict. In many Western countries and the U.S., how much longer do we keep supplying Ukraine with weapons until there's some kind of breakthrough? Will their be a breakthrough or do we keep supporting a military stalemate where no one wins and Putin and Zelensky negotiates a ceasefire where Russia keeps some conquered territory anyway in the Donbas region. Lets also be real, a lot of the equipment we've been supplying the Ukrainians has been "decent", but not entirely cutting-edge and Biden Admininistration has been accused of giving Ukraine enough weapons to hold their own, but not enough to really lead to a military victory, because cold-hard geopoliitics wants to see Putin and Russian economy bleed, which it has.
As this has progressed, it appears Ukraine still has the will and ability to hold them back but are lacking shells to hold off large numbers Russia is throwing at them. I believe our stalled aid package contributed to this loss of ground. And Putin wants a “win” to tout for the elections. Not that he needs it to be reelected in a rigged process.
Cloooud backs your statement with a reference from the front line.

I blame social media illiteracy.
Thats a much bigger problem then focusing on opinions being manipulated by misinformation, hackers, or bots in regards to a war in eastern Europe thats been increasingly fought under WWI-styled, trench warfare in eastern Ukraine where Russians send endless amounts of "meat-grinder" assaults that create mass casualties but eventually wear down Ukrainian front-lines and no clear military breakthrough seems apparent other then just more stalemate.

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