Ukraine (17 Viewers)

:24 sec mark.

Thats me after consuming a bag of Chesters Flamin Hot Fries.
You blow two smoke rings???

I just blow one.

Here's a poor fellow got it real bad:


That claim is being described in a comparison with the US which is deceptive

Thus far Sweden has given approximately 0.5% of their GDP on a yearly basis. The USA less than that at 0.3%.

What is deceptive about that Twitter is an implied assumption that the USA ought to give on an equal GDP basis with what a European country ought to give.

As a percent of vested interest the USA is giving at a rate many times more than than Sweden. The US is not a European country after all. Sweden is cheek and jowl up against it. We don't have the same amount of vested interest that Sweden has to this problem.

As it is, we've been quite generous. And we're not by any means done giving generously. But we do have to set aside some for our vested interests in say Asia. South America. Elsewhere, lots of places elsewhere.

Sweden is a great country, maybe they are pitching in with us in say Asia and elsewhere. They are outstanding insofar as pitching in for Ukraine.
I decided to pull Denys video from my post for the reason that once I watched it, I saw that it was too USA political, at least all of it I watched before turning it off was.

I like Denys still, it's just that he shouldn't go there, where he went today.

Tomorrow will be a different day.
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CHINA is flogging arms to Russia in a major boost to Putin’s war in Ukraine, Britain's Defence Minister claimed.

Spies tracked “lethal aid” from China to Russia and into Ukraine, Grant Shapps revealed Wednesday.

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