Ukraine (26 Viewers)

I'll inform Glasnost Gone that what he is seeing is an electrical flash. That big and that sustained, it was a big sub station or power plant going down.

I've seen electrical flashes that big, and they do come with a lot of very loud sounds. I've seen them and then seen the line crews fix them up in an hour or two.

Then come to find out the great flash was caused by a bird that got in the wrong place. Or a wind storm wiped a loose wire around.

Or not, sometimes the damage during an ionization like that event is great. It could be great transformers or a power plant generator burning out, and If they don't have a spare on hand, they will have to wait for one to be made and shipped there.

That looks like an AZOV formation, they do like their square mass military parade formations when they're being mystical minded Nazis. In this case there were too few there to make a square, so they formed two of the sides of a hollow square.

They are on the right side, but they actually are are fascist nationalist azzholes.

I do hope the war goes well for Ukraine, but not so well for them. It would be a good thing if that weird group went missing in history after this war somehow.
This is an important point insofar as war production capability. Both the EU and the USA have good sound economies going into this.

The point Krugman is making is, until one sees to and sets the appropriate base rate, sistical numbers are not comparable, and to compare them without setting the base rate creates a lie, while it inserts garbage into the great civilization machine.

The base rate in this case was to balance those two GDP graphs by balancing them for inflation over time, before comparing them. GDP numbers are already base rate balanced to their respective population size, or we would have to balance that factor as well.

A lot of practice and experience is how one gets to know, how and what, needs to be balanced before using the raw numbers.

There's a geometry to it which needs to be learned... So few in the media even know that it's necessary. It's a formal fallacy, always wrong to not apply the appropriate base rates.

Most usually just one base rate has to be set, but sometimes two or more base rates have to be applied at the same time. The math can get harry to carry that process out.
Well, the Azov Brigade are fierce fighters with a long berserker tradition, so they are useful in this.

But I have little use for them the rest of the time.
They are fierce nationalists. At one point a substantial number of them did support WN, but they have cracked down on that.

I mean for they take orders from a Jewish commander in chief.

Right now my understanding is they have. "don't ask don't tell" policy with regards to WN, and none of their high level commanders are.
They are fierce nationalists. At one point a substantial number of them did support WN, but they have cracked down on that.

I mean for they take orders from a Jewish commander in chief.

Right now my understanding is they have. "don't ask don't tell" policy with regards to WN, and none of their high level commanders are.
I wouldn't assume anything about their high level commanders. Anyway I think the world will be a better place without them after this war is over. They're the seeds for the next war, or at least they could be if they aren't managed well.

Better to disband them after this war, and end their branch of mythology, old church, and state nationalist living tradition. Not to rub them out by killing them, just disband them and try in the future to control and manage their barbarainian ways. There will always be people like that..... .

They're what's left of the Ukrainian Cossacks, descended from Vikings. It's one thing to enjoy heritage and traditions, but a completely different thing to promote barbarians at the gate in the name of conserving their heritage which stems from their ethnicity, mythology, and traditions.

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