Ultimate Onion Soup (1 Viewer)

I was going to make just a beef stew but I wanted something different.

I had a few jalapenos.

I thought it would be a weird combination with potatoes, onion, baby carrots, etc.

I looked on the net and found a few similar recipes.

So I went for it.

It turned out great.
I was going to make just a beef stew but I wanted something different.

I had a few jalapenos.

I thought it would be a weird combination with potatoes, onion, baby carrots, etc.

I looked on the net and found a few similar recipes.

So I went for it.

It turned out great.

Doesn't sound weird to me and doesn't surprise me that it was great. I want to make a stew but I'm thinking one of the next things I try is chinese pepper steak.
I think I'll add a habanero or two next time.

I'm not big on hot peppers but I noticed 10 hours in the slow cooker took the heat away but left the flavor.

Though jalapenos aren't really that hot to begin with.
I think I'll add a habanero or two next time.

I'm not big on hot peppers but I noticed 10 hours in the slow cooker took the heat away but left the flavor.

Though jalapenos aren't really that hot to begin with.

I'd be down with that. I know that hot peppers have a flavor but if my mouth is on fire I'll never know what that flavor is like because I can't taste anything when my mouth is burning. I have gotten better with the heat as I've gotten older.
I've never understood why someone would want to bite into something that puts their mouth on fire and causes their nose to run.

That's not eating.

That's masochism.

It can't be a single bite that causes the fire in your mouth. Now if it's an accumulation of bites that leads to it then that's a little different. It also can't be before half of the dish is consumed. There is a little give and take there though depending on how good the meal is.
I used to joke with a friend of mine at my former place of work that we were mortal enemies but I also would joke that if we worked together we could conquer the universe. Imagine if Lex Luthor and Superman worked together or the Joker and Batman. And I don't mean if they had to, I mean if they chose to.

This reminds me of my 6-7th grade teacher at St. Benilde where we drove the substitute teacher that became our regular teacher insane to the point where she flipped out when we weren't being crazy. She slammed a book onto her metal desk and screamed "people!".
Sorry. I've gone insane. I need to get shirtfaced. But the caramelized onions sound great.

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