UnitedHealth CEO shot (3 Viewers)

When greedy executives are no longer profiting off of the working class and hoarding all the wealth. When physicians; not morally corrupt insurance companies, are deciding what is best for their patients. That’s a start.

Fork his family, too. They had no problems living a luxurious life funded by taking advantage of fellow citizens. I wonder how many people went bankrupt or died after being denied coverage for things they should have had covered. Sure, it’s sad for them that the person they knew in a different light as husband and father is gone. I can acknowledge that they are probably hurting right now but I doubt they ever thought of the people who were hurt by the policies and price gouging their beloved daddy/hubby caused.

You can’t guilt me into feeling empathy to people who have benefited directly off the suffering and injustice to others when bad ish happens to them.
As long as it doesn't burn or affect any of us in the same way, we can emphatize or sympathize until the bodies start piling up.

Physicians are corrupt and are prone to making stupid, idiotic decisions regarding your health, too and no, its always been related to profit margins or motive. It's just their incompetent or stuck in their ways to change, so if you're going to have a rage fix, don't leave them out of the equation, either. An incompetent doctor made my mother's Rosatia A lot worse when he completely misdiagnosed her condition and gave her medication that made it worse back in the late 90's.
And if it gets out of control like it usually tends to? A lot of innocent, unnecessary eggs will get murdered, shot and killed. It's never just the people who deserve it the most, is it?
It's already out of control.
Kyle Rittenhouse was an incel, sure Guido but he also had a pretty good defense he could employ saying he was just there to protect his father during a George Floyd/BLM riot and he was attacked by one of the BLM rioters (allegedly a convicted sex offender) who tried to take away his gun and use it on him it was either "fight or flight" and he choose to fight.

The situations really aren't comparable other then some segments understanding or privately condoning (not on social media) what this shooter did to this health insurance CEO.

Rittenhouse wasnt or isn't a good person and his personal politics made a already-tense situation worse but he didn't attack anyone with his guns until one of them started a fight with him because he didn't like his views. Rittenhouse shouldn't have been there but that doesn't give a bunch of rioters the excuse to assault and possibly kill someone they don't like them.

Let's not let this evolve into a political partisan back and forth, and focus on the UHC story here.
As long as it doesn't burn or affect any of us in the same way, we can emphatize or sympathize until the bodies start piling up.

Physicians are corrupt and are prone to making stupid, idiotic decisions regarding your health, too and no, its always been related to profit margins or motive. It's just their incompetent or stuck in their ways to change, so if you're going to have a rage fix, don't leave them out of the equation, either. An incompetent doctor made my mother's Rosatia A lot worse when he completely misdiagnosed her condition and gave her medication that made it worse back in the late 90's.
corrupt =/= incompetent.

I'm sorry about your mother's situation, but as a whole, physicians do a lot more good than they do harm.
He was the head of a company that has, through down channel actions, absolutely killed people while lining their pockets. He was the head of a company that has denial rates that are 2x the industry average and their profits have skyrocketed.

I'm not going to go off on a whole soicopolitical rant about the current state of the world, but at a certain point rage towards the wealth hoarders and power brokers will spill over into violence. It always does. They harm too many people to maintain their status. Its inevitable.

As has already been said in the thread, I don't condone murder, but I understand the rage that led the guy to this point.
Their are some on the far-right like the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers that make the same kind of insane rhetorical claims and threats to people, individuals, politicians they don't like and at a certain point, their deluded rage spills into violence. It always seems to. Whether it's George Floyd or January 6, the reasons don't have to matter, Sun. As long as people have a sense of grievance, right or wrong, they want to harm people too not to change the status quo, but to eliminate it.

It doesn't matter if their guy lost an election, or its crooked, Wall St. investors, brokers or health-care professionals, some people who have a grievance and if its severe enough, they'll risk knocking some heads to do it.
Let's not let this evolve into a political partisan back and forth, and focus on the UHC story here.
SWJJ, we already have gotten that way when somebody says "fork his GD family" too because somehow their morally as responsible for bilking people out of money as he was even though they never spent a day or an hour working at a health insurance company. I didn't bring up Kyle Rittenhouse, either BTW, if we're going to go down that road.

I guess I should forking blame one of the parents of the January 6 idiots who storm the Capital to overturn A fair, democratically won-election because I think their forking stupid parents even though some of them disagreed strongly with their siblings' decisions and tried to talk them out of it. Lets shift the blame onto them too while we're at it. Reasons don't have to matter, SWJJ, or who's more deluded as long as we continue to believe we have grievances.
corrupt =/= incompetent.

I'm sorry about your mother's situation, but as a whole, physicians do a lot more good than they do harm.
Sometimes doctors or physicians kill people with their incompetence or stupidity, SWJJ. And yes, Doctors can still be corrupt, too. Maybe not on the same level as UHC CEO's but where it hurts or kills their patients, so my original comment stays where it is. That still doesn't give me the right to say or wish "fork their families" too if something bad happens to them, too because somehow they share his/her stupidity or incompetence, too.
It's already out of control.
So, that justifies a lot of dead bodies piled up who were completely innocent but were shot and killed, or murdered by fanatics because some bad eggs had to be broken but hey, we're creating a better world (at least for a while) who cares?
So, that justifies a lot of dead bodies piled up who were completely innocent but were shot and killed, or murdered by fanatics because some bad eggs had to be broken but hey, we're creating a better world (at least for a while) who cares?
Well we could change legislation to overhaul the tax code and increase tax rates on billionaires, and the companies they own, create a single-payer healthcare system, and fix social security.

Oh that’s right, legislators are part of the corrupt system.
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Sometimes doctors or physicians kill people with their incompetence or stupidity, SWJJ. And yes, Doctors can still be corrupt, too. Maybe not on the same level as UHC CEO's but where it hurts or kills their patients, so my original comment stays where it is. That still doesn't give me the right to say or wish "fork their families" too if something bad happens to them, too because somehow they share his/her stupidity or incompetence, too.
not nearly the same thing as systematically denying legitimate claims that results in countless deaths for profit.

Not even close.

You obviously have a personal axe to grind against doctors, and it's clouding your logic here.
SWJJ, we already have gotten that way when somebody says "fork his GD family" too because somehow their morally as responsible for bilking people out of money as he was even though they never spent a day or an hour working at a health insurance company. I didn't bring up Kyle Rittenhouse, either BTW, if we're going to go down that road.

I guess I should forking blame one of the parents of the January 6 idiots who storm the Capital to overturn A fair, democratically won-election because I think their forking stupid parents even though some of them disagreed strongly with their siblings' decisions and tried to talk them out of it. Lets shift the blame onto them too while we're at it. Reasons don't have to matter, SWJJ, or who's more deluded as long as we continue to believe we have grievances.
A lot of the idiots in the Jan 6 insurrection were turned in by family and friends.

Well we could change legislation to overhaul the tax code to increase tax rates on billionaires and the companies they own, create a single-payer healthcare system, and fix social security.

Oh that’s right, legislators are part of the corrupt system.
And that's where we agree we're all running around like coked-up chickens bawking and screaming how much we want blood until we realize there's more then just one little layer we have to deal with. We could change or overhaul our tax code so billionaires pay more? Sure, go ahead. Would it change their overall corporate behavior? Maybe a little bit, but not enough that rampant corruption, graft or cronyism wouldn't still happen. Even in E.U. countries where billionaires pay more and single-payer, universal health care systems exist, you still have corrupt, amoral businessman, health care CEO's and executives who skim off the system and in some cases, it might be worse because in places like France, Italy, Germany, and U.K. these people a lot more closely with the government who runs and monitors these socialized health care systems. Often times, they are public service employees, not private CEO's. We can regulate tax codes to make billionaires pay more or create fairer, equitable healthcare systems, but we can't necessarily regulate how billionaires make their money in the first place nor prevent guys like this UHC CEO from screwing people over? It will just be somebody else in some other sector of the economy or even worse, the government.

One side's more corrupt than the other, I'll give you that but the other side still doesn't want to blow it all up even if they were in power. Fringe "unique" types like Bernie Sanders or AOC are usually kept out in the hallways and even they, terps, aren't as radical as most people make them out to be if one truly examines their policy positions or ideals. I would hardly compare Bernie Sanders to true, past progressives like Eugene V. Debs, one of the AFL-CIO's founders.
not nearly the same thing as systematically denying legitimate claims that results in countless deaths for profit.

Not even close.

You obviously have a personal axe to grind against doctors, and it's clouding your logic here.
I know that, and I even said so in my original reply. I was trying to remind you that doctors are just as capable of corrupt, frankly stupid, and incompetent in how they diagnose and treat people and get away with it and for profit, too. Not nearly on the same enormous scale and scope but it does exist, SWJJ and I will not be told that it doesn't exist or shouldn't be pointed out. Bad doctors can be difficult to prosecute I've come to discover because in many places, many of their own colleagues, fellow doctors, physicians are reluctant to testify against them out of fear for their medical careers, or futures or they refuse to testify against "one of their own". I've had more then a few personal injury lawyers tell me this, SWJJ, one very prominent firm here in Mobile told me and my father that a couple of years ago. I don't have a personal grudge against doctors, SWJJ, but I have had enough experiences with them and my family that their are some bad doctors, too and they need to be held accountable. But I would never tell the wife or kids of some guilty, amoral doctor " fork you, too" because their not responsible for his crimes.

Low-level incompetence/corruption is still terrible and shameless even if its nowhere near on the same scale as corrupt UHC CEO's. There's still doing many of the same things even if the scale and scope of their victims is infinitely lower and localized. We don't ignore it, either.
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A lot of the idiots in the Jan 6 insurrection were turned in by family and friends.

Would it still be stupid to willing say "fork them or their families" out of spite or hatred for raising dumb kids or children who committed treason?Now their in jail!!! Ha Ha!!!!Ha!! That sort of dehumanization I could never go along with. To cruelly or coldly mock them even though they had nothing to do with their siblings action or behavior?

That was more my point, Terps. We don't dehumanize other people--family, friends, or relatives of guilty evil SOB's who didnt commit or conceive these schemes which profitizes huge wealth off human suffering.
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I wanna see the full video

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