Vikings still sore about 2009. (3 Viewers)

Thats why we have the ultimate high ground against them.
We have a title and they dont

But hey, when your franchise peak is a cool highlight from the divisional round that didnt amount to anything

(no offense to the sane Vikings fan that hangs out around here, yall cool)
I think the Vikings have quite a few all-time great highlight moments they can relish in besides the Minneapolis Miracle last-second Hail Mary-ish TD win in 2017 vs. us. I have had a few Viking buddies of mine tell me since then the team, to a certain extent, and mostly the fan base, sort of lost the plot a bit after such a exhilarating win, they forgot they had to travel to one of the most intimidating stadiums and fan bases in the NFL and go up against a pretty determined, hungry Eagles team that went on to win the SB vs. Patriots 2 weeks later. For most Vikings fans over the ages of 40-50, the one magical, miracle season THAT EVEN NOW bothers them, far more then anything that occured in 2009 NFCCG, and that was the 1998 season and how that year's NFCCG ended because the 1998 Vikings may have been, in terms of talent, depth, and momentum the best SB-caliber winning team since the legendary 1970's Bud Grant "Purple People Eaters" squads. Sure, they had some very good, over achieving teams in the mid-late 1980's with Jerry Burns and early 90's with a still-young, vibrant Dennis Green, but before 1998, Green's Vikings teams had only advanced past the 1st round of the NFL playoffs once (1997), and when they did make the postseason, a better, more experienced, dominant teams tended to out-match them.

But 1998 was supposed to very, very different. And it was extremely different, but it ended on such an anticlimactic, bitterly crushing way I don't think Green ever recovered and to a certain extent, it took Minnesota a long time to recover from that devastating, shocking loss. I'd like to blame and I'm tempted to put most of the blame on K Gary Anderson, but the fact of the matter is the Vikings defense, particularly its vaunted D-line, didn't have a great day and got torched by Falcons Jamal Anderson, their secondary dropped what couldve been the game-sealing INT in end zone on Falcons drive that ultimately tied it to sent it to OT, plus Green's over-cautiousness to not try and win the game by using his high-powered, prolific offense when they had the ball last in regulation didn't help. If Gary Anderson is going to be blamed for costing the Vikings their best chance at a SB appearance (and win), then there's quite a few others on his team who deserve to stand on the podium besides him to get eggs thrown at or be blamed for choking in the most crucial part of the game. 1998 is a season that still haunts Vikings fans in many more fundamental ways, at least older fans then how 2009 or even 2017 might affect their newer, younger generation of fans.
All of their complaining about how we hit Farve that night but no mention of how they abused Romo in the Divisional Round. We matched their physicality that night and they caved in to the pressure.
Not much about getting spanked by the Giants in I think 02 I'm assuming. The best team the yikes have had since the 70s lost a close one to the atlanta squad in 98. nothing but crickets. It's like they have only lost one playoff game. The Eagles steamrolled em in 18 not a word I'm assuming once again. It's almost like if it isn't the saints in the playoffs who cares.
Not much about getting spanked by the Giants in I think 02 I'm assuming. The best team the yikes have had since the 70s lost a close one to the atlanta squad in 98. nothing but crickets. It's like they have only lost one playoff game. The Eagles steamrolled em in 18 not a word I'm assuming once again. It's almost like if it isn't the saints in the playoffs who cares.
They actually got beat by the New York Giants,.41-0, on the road in the 2000 NFC Championship Game. That would be the last NFCCG Minnesota would play in for nearly a decade, the last year they'd make a playoff appearance in 4 seasons, and probably Denny Green's last great team he ever coached in Minnesota (or anywhere else) throughout his long storied, often colorful HC career and life. RIP Dennis Green.

A little FWIW, current film and TV series star Kate Mara actually sang the Star-Spangled Banner before the Vikings/Giants 2000 NFCCG since she's the daughter of one of the families who owns a minority stockholders shares in New York Giants, the Mara family.
100% this. They would've been kicking a winning goal instead of putting it in Favre's hands on 3rd and long.
Even if they don't get called for 12 men in the huddle, even with a solid, experienced All-Pro PK in Ryan Longwell, there's no guarantee the Vikes make a 52-53 yard FG in a close, tense, highly emotional, bitterly fought contest. Even if they gain a few more yards and move any potential GW FG closer, a 45 or 46 yarder is still no gimme, either especially since Long well by 2009, was an older kicker who didnt possess such a strong, accurate leg anymore like he'd been for so long with Green Bay and Minnesota for over a dozen years. Even if Favre doesn't throw a costly, unwise, unnecessary INT to Porter, it could've set up another Gary Anderson 2.0 moment and the first incarnation and the painful, agonizing legacy it created and its residual ripple effects are visible, even now.
Let me get this straight: they're complaining about a game that happened over a decade ago, where they had a chance to go to the Super Bowl before their "Minneapolis Miracle" run was ruined the following week when they got embarrassed & blowout by the Eagles in the NFCC game?? AND not to mentioned, they got away with a PUSH OFF game winning TD against us in the Wild Card??? What they need to be focusing "their soreness" on how in the world did they allowed Alvin Kamara to scored NFL tying record six rushing touchdowns against them during last year's Christmas Massacre & why they are 0-4 in Super Bowls. Continue ICING UP Vikings Fans
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All of their complaining about how we hit Farve that night but no mention of how they abused Romo in the Divisional Round. We matched their physicality that night and they caved in to the pressure.
Meh! Favre got his own cheap shots in, too. Let them cry.
To be fair, 10 years from now, we will still be complaining about 2018.

You are comparing apples to oranges. Here, why the underlying fault is with the referees, the Vikings are claiming the Saints knowingly broke the rules challenging the ref to call the fouls throughout the game. it was done as a means of intimidation. In our case, I do not know if the Rams defender was purposely committing a foul or that he mistimed the arrival of the ball and was trying to prevent the catch. I honestly think the latter. This is the exact opposite what the Vikings fans are claiming. If the Vikings fans said we lost due to crappy calls, we can chimed back, welcome to our world.

Saints misfortune goes well beyond that one year. You can characterized all our missed opportunities due to poor execution at the end of games. I think quite of few Saints fans would admit to that. The vikings fans do not mentioned the turnovers, but rather dirty play.


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