Where there's smoke there's fire. (2 Viewers)

Two actually (2011 & 2013), but your point stands...

2008 - 5069 (8-8)
2011 - 5476 (13-3)
2012 - 5177 (7-9)
2013 - 5162 (11-5)
2014 - 4952 (7-9)
2015 - 4870 (7-9)
2016 - 5208 (7-9)

Good. 2 of 7
I mean, Brees did that not playing from behind. But, anyway, I do think it's unlikely that Winston throws for 5,000 yards but I don't think we are going to run the same ball control with short passes that we did the last few years. It does not play to what Winston does best. He is working on his short passing game, but it's never going to be what he does best. So, we need a return to the three level passing game with a deep route on almost every play. Winston also is really good at play action so we will need to run the ball so that we hopefully do more of that. But I don't think we are going to be a team that runs the ball more than it throws like we were last year. At worst we will try to achieve a 50/50 balance, but I suspect it will be more like 60/40 pass to run. It's time to take the handcuffs off Winston so we can see what he can do. We have to know if he will succeed running a high scoring offense or not and next year is the best time to do that because we will soon have to decide if he is a franchise QB or not. So, we have to let him try to do franchise QB things.

I think the 2011 example is an anamoly….that was an historically great record setting offense….the SB year we had great balance…I think it’s rather obvious CSP was getting back to that the last few years and I don’t guess Carmichael is going to stray from that greatly
I think the 2011 example is an anamoly….that was an historically great record setting offense….the SB year we had great balance…I think it’s rather obvious CSP was getting back to that the last few years and I don’t guess Carmichael is going to stray from that greatly

I think Payton only did that because of Brees' declining arm strength. Brees just couldn't consistently throw accurate deep balls or deep outs the last 2 or 3 years. But, he was deadly accurate and able to find the open man on slants and other short routes. So, Payton/Carmichael did what Brees was still the best at. Carmichael should have the same philosophy with Winston and do what he is best at. Which in his case means more deep throws including go routes, seem routes, and deep outs. But, obviously you still use the running game, short passing game, and intermediate passing game, including a large dose of slants with Michael Thomas on the field.
Well to nitpick, it's 2 of 5 for 5K+ seasons (the benchmark from your initial post). ;)

I knew that would come that's why my post says "most of his 5k or close to it seasons were 7-9 or 8-8" because I knew he had a couple 4800, 4900 seasons in there and someone would nitpick it. He only played 15 games in the 4870 season so it surely would've been 5k had he played 16 games.
Brees could still sling it downfield and drop it on a dime. His anticipation on downfield throws was still legendary. But the velocity just wasn't there anymore.
Brees could still sling it downfield and drop it on a dime. His anticipation on downfield throws was still legendary. But the velocity just wasn't there anymore.

I mean, lots of his deep balls were coming up short in the last couple years. He always compensated for his lack of a big arm with anticipation and accuracy, but at some point the velocity was bad enough that even great anticipation and accuracy weren't enough when trying to hit a moving target.

But, I'm sure he could have hit a dime at 60 yards as long as it didn't move. :)

Anyway, he could still do it on occasion, but he wasn't as consistently amazing at it as when he was in his prime. Which is why they kind of took out a lot of the "shot plays" that they ran when he was younger.
Jameis for all intents and purposes is QB #1 but all signs are pointing to Dennis Allen wanting to have his guy at QB. New Orleans signed Andy Dalton six days ago on March 30 and Bortles supposedly requested his release after the signing. Saints didn't grant it until after we secured the picks, suggesting we must feel good about our chances to replace him on the roster.

By looks the Saints will have a competion for the #2 Job between Dalton and the Rookie, with Ian Book maybe making it interesting. Neither Book or Dalton are capable of pushing Winston for the #1 spot, but the right rookie QB could.

By and large the one we've been most tied to is Kenny Pickett. We've scouted him at senior bowl, combine, and pro-day, and he along with Malik Willis has been either 1a and 1b in this class. If you like upside then Willis is your guy, if you like a higher floor it's Pickett. Regardless of your choice, a well known football proverb is you're either a team that has a good QB or you're one that's looking. If you're the Saints why not get a head start now? Atlanta and Carolina are in the same market and Tampa's maybe a year or two behind. If you hit on the QB you have a leg up in your division for the forseeable future and by chance you've acquired two picks that give you enough ammo to jump in front of Carolina and Atlanta. In fact it's poetic that these were the other two teams in the hunt for Watson.

Best case scenario is Jameis holds him off all year(that tough conversation with Jameis letting him know they valued him as a Bridge QB) and the rookie gets to sit and learn. Jameis becomes ideal trade bait and we get a top 50-75 pick for him along with whatever the Sean Payton trade fetches. Another exciting scenario is that the rookie is so good he forces them to bench Winston.

Still, early in this process everyone agreed that Dennis Allens tenure with the Saints rested on his ability to find a QB. Not a WR, not an OT, nor a Safety, but a QB.

Look's like he's identified one...again
Two actually (2011 & 2013), but your point stands...

2008 - 5069 (8-8)
2011 - 5476 (13-3)
2012 - 5177 (7-9)
2013 - 5162 (11-5)
2014 - 4952 (7-9)
2015 - 4870 (7-9)
2016 - 5208 (7-9)
All I see is a wasted prime by terrible defense.
Everyone seems to keep saying this, but I don't see it.... Who are these amazing QBs next year?

Rattler - got benched at Oklahoma which is a QB's dream team/coach to play for
Slovis - He's ok I guess.
Jurkovec, Daniels, McKee - Who? ;)
Hooker - Playing in a very friendly QB system under Heupel.
JT Daniels - Benched for a walk-on that won the Natty.
Bryce Young and CJ Stroud are bonafide top 5 assuming they come out. There are also a few other underclassmen who could choose to come out who are also generating some buzz.
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They kind of backed themselves into a corner on that one. They can’t draft one in the first round next year now. And it would be more difficult to trade up in 2024 without a second. If they want a first round QB before 2025, the time is now.
Take my chances with what you have now and wait until 2024.
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I love how you all are pushing the QB narrative and trying to talk yourselves into drafting one of these QBs, when they are not that highly rated....all in spite of having a fairly young QB with proven NFL success that was just given a new contract AND a veteran backup to improve the room. Why put your best most valuable capital into a backup player when you have more pressing holes to fill? Now that Drew is gone please don't turn into QB ****** like every year we gotta draft one in the 1st round. Where is Pickett or Ridder or Willis or Corral gonna play on this team? And why is nobody still screaming about Ian Book yall said he was the next one he was it!!:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: is his career over that fast 1 game wow! I guess it's on to the next draft fad huhn?
Where there's smoke, there's a guy standing around coughing with tears in his eyes. JW is our QB for the next two years minimum. We may look for a project on Day 2/3, but I'm betting the coaching staff know what they have in JW. Unless he lays a huge egg this season, he is ours going forward. Hell, we don't really know what the staff thinks about Book, maybe they think he has potential, who knows? The coaches, that's who. I also think that bringing in Dalton was a stone aimed at two birds. He is a servicable backup and he has knowledge. He knows what to do and how to do it as a QB, he just isn't a star quality "doer". He can teach young Book a few things, I'm sure. And if needed, step into the starter role if JW gets hurt.

I think we will use the Day 1 and Day 2 picks to give JW all the help he needs to be successful. A WR that can contribute day one, shore up the OL, then we go BPA. It also wouldn't surprise me if we took a hard look at RB since we don't know what will happen with AK or when it will happen.

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