2022 Season Ticket Renewals (1 Viewer)

wait a second this really doesn't make sense. Prices went up $120 per ticket - for one fewer home game? (9 instead of 10?)
Andrus or any one else, correct me if I'm wrong here. Your ticket cost came out to $175 per seat or $350 a game for your two seats on average for 10 games in 2021. In 2022 the cost is $204 per seat or $408 a game for your two seats on average for 9 games in 2022. I say nine games b/c I thought the nfl said they were going to rotate 1 home preseason game one year and then two home preseason games the next year since there are only 3 preseason games now. We had two preseason home games last year so I am assuming there will only be 1 this year making for a total of 9 home games (1 not included in London) If that is the case then your tickets went up almost $30 a seat per game or $60 per set of seats per game. That's pretty ridiculous if true.
Sounds about right to me. About double what that pair originally cost me in 2006, IIRC.
Next year, 2023, we will get 10 total home games, 8 regular season and 2 preseason, so the Saints will divide the 2022 price by 9 games and multiply by 10 and then add about another 10%. Then, in 2024, we will get 10 home games again, but 9 will be regular season games and only 1 preseason game, so the Saints will add a special "premium" for that "extra" regular season game and also jack the whole package up 10% again. It's getting MUCH CLOSER for me to be done with it all. What's this year now, 56 years, man that's a long time.
Sounds about right to me. About double what that pair originally cost me in 2006, IIRC.
My bill for the pair went up $100 (section 521).
2006 - $960 - 2 tickets
2022 - $2,300 - same 2 tickets

Inflation and a successful program, I guess.

And is there a hidden message about renewing on April fools day. :oops:
This is unbelievable. They're clearly using the lost London game as an opportunity to massively jack up ticket prices in the hopes that people won't notice - because the overall cost isn't increasing that much.

Ever wonder why there's no info on the invoice about the number of games? This is why.
Yeah. I'm patiently awaiting a response from the ticket office. I know I'm not the only one questioning them about this.
Sounds about right to me. About double what that pair originally cost me in 2006, IIRC.
I had seats in 506 until last year when they removed my section, but at this point it might be a blessing in disguise. I guess they feel like since inflation is raising everything else that their prices should be included in that. All of this in a time when you don't know how the team is going to look after the Payton/Brees era. I guess we'll find out soon if its bravery or stupidity on their part. Since my seats were removed and I didn't find seats last year that I was satisfied with to replace them, I am on the top of the list supposedly to pick new seats. We should find out soon enough how many are available from all of this.
My per game (ticket) price went up by 17.9%. (Section 640, two tickets)

2021 (10 games) $2300 ($1150 per ticket, $115 per game)

2022 (9 games) $2440 ($1220 per ticket, $135.56 per game)

I really look at it as a Regular Season game kind of thing, so I will look at it as 8 real games, that way it is $143.75 in 2021 and $152.50 in 2022, so only a 6.1% increase in "real" games. I also know how the Saints will look at it and in 2023, they will add that "extra" game, which is a pre-season game, and say the 10 game package, one more game that the 9 in 2021, is "worth" a full price of at least another $150 for that ticket and then tack on another 6-8% on top of that. I think my invoice for two tickets is 2023 will be over $2700 and maybe $2800. I expect a huge increase next year because of that "10th game" will be back. The Saints will probably think we are getting a break because they are not going up that much this year......I remember Tom Benson saying something like...."Those are REAL dollars" .... yeah they are.
I live out of the area and go down to NOLA for 4-5 games and sell the others. My seats are in the Loge sideline. Last year was really brutal trying to sell the tickets. Don't expect that to improve much this year so weighing whether I should renew or not at these prices.
I live out of the area and go down to NOLA for 4-5 games and sell the others. My seats are in the Loge sideline. Last year was really brutal trying to sell the tickets. Don't expect that to improve much this year so weighing whether I should renew or not at these prices.
Resell went down the crapper last year. Don’t expect it to get better with Payton gone.
I live out of the area and go down to NOLA for 4-5 games and sell the others. My seats are in the Loge sideline. Last year was really brutal trying to sell the tickets. Don't expect that to improve much this year so weighing whether I should renew or not at these prices.
If you don't have much Season Ticket Seniority, meaning at least 10+ years, you are likely WAY BETTER off not renewing, and buying tickets on secondary market. I have the longest Seniority, and that is the reason I keep my tickets for the off chance we make another Super Bowl in my lifetime. I am even considering dumping my tickets in the next couple of years. Reselling market has fallen off a cliff. I have 50 yard line seats that are "cheap" by NFL standards, and I expect to get hammered on any games that I don't go to this year.

We have ZERO premier home games this year that would be 100% money makers for ticket sellers, those teams are Steelers, Packers, Cowboys and Niners, those tickets are nearly always gold.

If Seattle is late and both are winning, maybe, Rams fans don't even go to their own games, Division games are money junk, Ravens...who knows, Raiders...no idea...why travel from Vegas, Bengals might be OK, but if I'm nearby...I am going to that one. I am travelling in the Fall this year, I will make the games that I can make. I am not scheduling my year around football.

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