All of you have been weighing heavy on my mind (2 Viewers)

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“This is a lie”.

“You are a liar”.

Two different things.

Isn't someone who tells lies a liar? If you don't believe me, ask Ray Comfort :hihi:

In any case, there is a difference between scholars who want to provide evidence - no matter how strenuous - to confirm their bias (see Creation Museum, Jason Lisle, Ken Hovind, Berlinski , etc.), and scholars whose goal is to arrive at a point as close to reality as possible.

As I mentioned before, as time passes, more and more the Bible and its related artifacts go from truth to parable, from real to forgery. And it happens not because scholars want to prove a god exists, but because scholars and scientists what to arrive at a point as close to reality as possible.
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“This is a lie”.

“You are a liar”.

Two different things. I don’t know a stranger on the internet well enough to call him a liar.

With that said, I could just as easily provide you with 3 mainstream Biblical scholars who contradict what you have provided. I’m not going to because I don’t have the desire to change your mind. Rest assured that I didn’t become the man I am by blindly following my local pastor. I’ve read enough to know the truth. I am well versed in Theology and that’s from years of study; study that included reading the Scholars I just mentioned. But I have no desire to argue with you about whether or not God exists. I’m not trying to convert you. I don’t shove my beliefs down people’s throat. But is sure sounds like you would like to convert me. Not interested.

Continue you on your way and I will continue on mine.
Please provide 3 mainsteam Biblical scholars that contradict those scholars. I'm curious how "easily" you can do it.
Please provide 3 mainsteam Biblical scholars that contradict those scholars. I'm curious how "easily" you can do it.

I can provide you that list (there is something to say about what a "scholar" is, or even what's "mainstream", but that's another discussion).

The issue is not that they contradict them, but how they contradict them: their arguments usually boil down to pseudo-science and "it's a lie", with lots of Bible as recursive evidence.
“This is a lie”.

“You are a liar”.

Two different things. I don’t know a stranger on the internet well enough to call him a liar.

With that said, I could just as easily provide you with 3 mainstream Biblical scholars who contradict what you have provided. I’m not going to because I don’t have the desire to change your mind. Rest assured that I didn’t become the man I am by blindly following my local pastor. I’ve read enough to know the truth. I am well versed in Theology and that’s from years of study; study that included reading the Scholars I just mentioned. But I have no desire to argue with you about whether or not God exists. I’m not trying to convert you. I don’t shove my beliefs down people’s throat. But is sure sounds like you would like to convert me. Not interested.

Continue you on your way and I will continue on mine.
That's disappointing. Was genuinely interested in the debate.
“This is a lie”.

“You are a liar”.

Two different things. I don’t know a stranger on the internet well enough to call him a liar.

With that said, I could just as easily provide you with 3 mainstream Biblical scholars who contradict what you have provided. I’m not going to because I don’t have the desire to change your mind. Rest assured that I didn’t become the man I am by blindly following my local pastor. I’ve read enough to know the truth. I am well versed in Theology and that’s from years of study; study that included reading the Scholars I just mentioned. But I have no desire to argue with you about whether or not God exists. I’m not trying to convert you. I don’t shove my beliefs down people’s throat. But is sure sounds like you would like to convert me. Not interested.

Continue you on your way and I will continue on mine.

I have no desire to convert you to anything, and I'm not really sure where the existence of God came up between us (?). My comments in this thread had to do with why the Gospels are not considered to be eyewitnesses (which they never claim to be) and in general why the Bible shouldn't be taken at face value, and that these are mainstream positions among biblical scholarship. You said I was "parading untruths" and, if you didn't call me a liar you insinuated I was lying; I've provided evidence that I am not, so I'm happy to drop it here. Please believe what you want to believe, and follow your path where it takes you -- your faith is truly not my concern.

Otherwise, one of the things I love about Saints Report is that there can be mature discussion on different subjects, and members can hold completely contrary stances on some threads (particularly the PDB) while still finding common interests elsewhere. From other threads we've both participated in you honestly seem like a good guy, we just part ways in this regard, so I hope we can do the same.
Isn't someone who tells lies a liar? If you don't believe me, ask Ray Comfort :hihi:

Not really. I wouldnt call someone a liar unless I truly believe they are aware that what they are saying is false.
Someone can repeat a fact or opinion that they believe, but not know it is false. They would have stated a lie, but not really be a liar. There would be no attempt to deceive
Not really. I wouldnt call someone a liar unless I truly believe they are aware that what they are saying is false.
Someone can repeat a fact or opinion that they believe, but not know it is false. They would have stated a lie, but not really be a liar. There would be no attempt to deceive

I am going to assume you don't know who Ray Comfort is, or what am I referencing.
For the record, the definition of liar is "a person who tells lies". There is no qualification to it, such as knowledge of what's told being false. But that's not why I posted that.
So, David.

That Bible in your hand, the paper was made by humans. Likewise the ink, the binding, the typesetting. That book didn't simply appear, directly called into being by Yahweh Himself, correct?
I have just listened to something very interesting. On you tube there is a video entitled the mark of the beast... listen to the man who helped design it. He later became a Christian and now is going around the country warning people about it. He also talked about the one world government. Very interesting.
I have just listened to something very interesting. On you tube there is a video entitled the mark of the beast... listen to the man who helped design it. He later became a Christian and now is going around the country warning people about it. He also talked about the one world government. Very interesting.

I trust your medical situation has improved?

You know, my little girls love unicorns. They play with unicorn figures all the time. They watch shows about them. They read books about them. They're old enough to understand that unicorns are fantastical creatures. But they're interested in unicorns and because they consume so much unicorn-related material, unicorns seem like they exist. And maybe they do.

The things we're most interested in, the things we consume the most are the most real to us.
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