My wife is from Taiwan. They've reported 851 deaths since the pandemic began. It's probably low, but they didn'tOne quibble on the bolded part.
I know you meant to highlight that C19 was a novel virus, unknown until it began doing damage but there absolutely WAS a playbook on how to handle viral outbreaks. That playbook was thrown away because leadership at the time froze in crisis and decided to pretend nothing was happening.
play around. They immediately shut down air and ship travel to mainland China when the reports started coming
out of Wuhan. They treated it like a normal flu season statewide. It's common practice to wear masks in public and
social distance. It was strictly enforced though. a first violation is a fine,and a second offense is jail time. That wouldn't
work here in the U.S. for obvious reasons.
The Ms. coast has a large Vietnamese community. Everyone in their businesses are wearing masks even though the
state and local governments no longer require it. Their ethnic group quickly became over 70% vaccinated once the
vaccines became available. It's no surprise they fared very well during the delta surge. We can learn a lot from the