COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (3 Viewers)

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I agree to some extent. But at the same time, this is all fairly new territory and she was released only after the law was changed by the governor (iirc). I still think a fine rather than imprisonment would have been better suited here.

I mean, I think she was fined or cited several times but she continued to ignore the law. She knew what she was doing and frankly did everything she could do to get arrested.

And, we put kids in jail all the time for having or smoking weed when it doesn't hurt anyone, including themselves, but I'm supposed to feel bad for some woman who publicly flaunted a law meant to stop people from doing something that literally risked the lives of others? I just don't have that in me.

And, as far as Cruz, where is he when some 17 year-old gets sent to prison for 10 years for his third strike on a possession charge? I don't see him sitting down smoking weed in support of that kid. Why? Because there is no political advantage in it and his alleged "Libertarian" principles stop at the point that it is politically unpopular in his chose political party and/or home district.

Edit: I just realized this comes across really strong and may comes across as an attack on you. It isn't meant to be. I just get annoyed by the hypocrisy of people like Cruz and I know you don't like this kind of thing any more than I do. You just do a much better job than I do of giving people the benefit of the doubt and seeing good in people. That, again, is just not something I have in me anymore.
Cruz also hasn’t been unapologetic about personal freedom. He’s one of the most faux-libertarians in Congress. Who only cares about personal freedom if it affects the ability of old white conservative men(the people that determine his political future) to carry guns and discriminate against gays and trans people.

He has never had a problem siding with the state when it dictated who can marry who, what a woman can do with her body, putting low level personal drug users into extended sentences, or most recently, if the state forces local governments and local businesses to remain open and workers to show up under penalty.

Ted Cruz, even by account of his own peers, is one of the most scummy, unprincipled, opportunistic hacks the party has had in a generation. Extending good faith to someone is something that should be earned, not assumed, as there is no neuroscience research that would tell you a person naturally operates in good faith. In fact, more so the opposite. And Cruz is someone that has never demonstrated that virtue so I think it’s rather silly to extend him that benefit when he hasn’t actually earned it. And that’s honestly a lesson America should take to heart more broadly.
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Not sure if this is real or a deep fake. Thinking it's a deep fake.

It’s real.

Funny how medical tests work - it’s like how a woman can test negative for pregnancy for years and then boom, positive test and a kid on the way. I mean can’t they make these tests better??
Brazil is starting to really get going. It's the equivalent of November there right now and the population belt in Brazil is about the same distance from the equator as Miami would be. Everything is pointing towards the 2nd wave in the US starting in early October, peaking sometime around March-April. This time instead of moving from The Coasts inward and from the South to the north, it will likely explode from the north to south in a hurry and will not spare rural areas nearly as much.

November 3rd is going to be the big story.
Isn't the amount of UV radiation a factor? So while temperature may not slow the spread, the increasing amount of incoming solar radiation as we move into the summer months should be a factor.
I think that would be why they studied different latitudes around the world and mentioned they saw no significant link between latitude change and spread rate change. There's a direct link between latitude and the level of surface UV exposure. Weather also plays a significant factor in surface UV exposure levels.

However, even in the most UV exposed areas of the planet, buildings and anything that creates shade, blocks those UV rays. A lot of glass also blocks UV rays. UV rays have to come into direct contact with the virus to destroy it.

If someone is exposed to the virus while indoors or in the shade, they will not be protected by UV rays because they and the virus are not being bombarded by UV rays at the time of exposure.

This virus does not really spread by drifting from person to person in the outdoor air or on surfaces. It doesn't drift in the air to travel from a store, then to a restaurant, then to a workplace, then to a theater, then to a concert, then to the airport, and then to all other public gathering points. Even a lot of surfaces are protected from UV exposure when being moved outside.

Every package we get comes inside another package. The outer package protects the inside of the package from UV exposure. The inner package was packed inside the outer package while indoors and not exposed to UV. Most of us open those packages inside, where there is no UV exposure. Most product packing never has direct contact with the sun's UV rays.

There's no doubting that UV rays destroys the virus. What's doubtful is that infections occur in the presence of UV rays at a significant enough rate to significantly slow the spread of the virus.

The virus is mostly carried from one group of people to another by an infected person. It's inside the infected person and protected from the sun's UV rays as that person moves through areas exposed to UV. The infected person's body protects the virus from UV rays as the infected person spreads the virus from from a store, then to a restaurant, then to a workplace, then to a theater, then to a concert, then to the airport, and then to all other public gathering points.

Most of our social interactions take place indoors and other situations in which there is little to no UV exposure. In those situations, the surface UV levels from the sun are not a factor is slowing the spread of the virus.
From that article:
Dr Peter Juni, of the University of Toronto, said in a press release that the team found little or no link between infection spread and temperature or latitude, and only a weak association with humidity. “We had conducted a preliminary study that suggested both latitude and temperature could play a role. But when we repeated the study under much more rigorous conditions, we got the opposite result,” he said.
The authors studied 144 regions around the world, including states in the US, Australia and Canada. They estimated epidemic growth by comparing the number of cases on March 27 with the figure from a week prior, and with a string of variables during an “exposure period” between 7 and 13 March.
Brazil is starting to really get going.
It got going during their summer into early fall. They've done very little to mitigate. San Paulo issued a stay at home order over a month ago, but it has mostly been ignored because of their president has been saying it's no big deal. I have two dear friends who live in the state of San Paulo, so I've been following it closely. Their rate of spread hasn't changed. The sheer number of cases has dramatically surged, but that's due more to natural exponential growth in the spread and the lack of mitigation.

Everything is pointing towards the 2nd wave in the US starting in early October, peaking sometime around March-April. This time instead of moving from The Coasts inward and from the South to the north, it will likely explode from the north to south in a hurry and will not spare rural areas nearly as much.
I think this is reckless speculation that creates a false sense of security, that we don't really have to worry about the virus again until October, Summer significantly protecting us from the virus spreading is not supported by all of the current scientific evidence and studies. It is still very much an unknown whether or not the summer season alone significantly slows the spread of the virus.

There are ample real world examples that cast serious doubt on the belief that just the summer UV levels signficantly slows the spread of the virus. UV exposure only destroys the virus when the virus is exposed to UV.

Until it's proven that most exposures to the virus happen in a area directly exposed to the sun's UV rays, then it's merely an assumption that summer alone will make us significantly safer. That is a questionable assumption based on everything known at this time.
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