Defensive formation on 3rd and 16 in Eagles game. (14 Viewers)

Watch the play again. DB on left side got beat by 5 yards on left side too. Had Goddeart not been open Hurts could have hit that WR for bomb. Another reason can’t put guys in one on one coverage on 3rd and 16. Remember how many times Adebo got beat in man in those situations late in half’s and games. Allen refuses to learn!
What might have happened without player error on the play is irrelevant. We're talking about whether it was the right call or not in that situation. I am arguing that it simply wasn't the right call for the situation.
And I'm arguing that it was. That's precisely why I consider it a fluke play.
3rd and 15+ in this situation usually warrants soft zone coverage no matter who the quarterback.

When an offense still has yet to cross midfield, there's 80 seconds left, you play to force them into 4th down.

The fact that it was Hurts, who has shown in his career that he can't sit back in the pocket and deliver into coverage, makes it worse. We had contained incredibly well all game. The fundamental playcall is to have your ends play to contain and you sot back in soft zone.

Leaving yourself vulnerable to rub routes in that situation is just bad. It's the only way they can get chunk yards.
Attrition. After calling a mostly good game for 3 Q’s they were bound to break at some point. They allowed 15 points, that’s winning FB. They didn’t get the help from the offense they needed and losing out on 4 points hurt even more
What might have happened without player error on the play is irrelevant. We're talking about whether it was the right call or not in that situation. I am arguing that it simply wasn't the right call for the situation.

I just took the modern approach and asked ChatGPT to settle it for us. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 3.58.54 PM.png

Apparently Chat GPT would get yelled at for playing prevent defense at the end of halves and games.
My biggest complaint. He's still making elementary level mistakes to close out games.

I get we are a man to man team, and for most of the game we SHOULD live and die by that.

But you can't call that play on 3rd and 16 when they need a TOUCHDOWN to win and still haven't crossed midfield.

You play soft zone coverage, play contain to keep him in the pocket, and come up to make the tackle to play 4th down. So simple yet here we are putting our players in position to fail yet again after a should have been game winning drive by our offense.
Doesn't even have to be a soft zone. You can play a "match" coverage with someone manning up on Goeddert while everyone else is in zone (unless they go deep). But do not play straight up man when the opposing team has the clock on their backs. Much less blitz off it. Remember the the 49ers 2011 playoff game. Terrible terrible call.
Apparently Chat GPT would get yelled at for playing prevent defense at the end of halves and games.
Not to be argumentative, but I think there is a massive difference between playing soft zone on every down at the end of the half/game and when it's 3rd and 16. The former is a overall strategy for an entire defensive possession and the latter is an individual situational play call during a defensive possession.
Not sure what it is about DAs defenses that generate so many back breaking big plays at the end of games. It’s just plain weird at this point.
Not to be argumentative, but I think there is a massive difference between playing soft zone on every down at the end of the half/game and when it's 3rd and 16. The former is a overall strategy for an entire defensive possession and the latter is an individual situational play call during a defensive possession.

I get that and I was joking. I just disagree that it was a bad call in that situation. Was it riskier than playing zone? Sure. But that's the nature of the way DA calls a defense and it's one of the things I actually like about him. I think most times it pays off. It didn't in this situation but only because normally reliable players inexplicably ran into each other.

Anway, I would really like to look at the play again and see exactly what coverage they were in on the backend. It looked to me like they had a safety over the top and Harris was shadowing Goddart across the field. So, it's not like it was just full sellout man coverage. But, maybe I saw it wrong in real time and I have not seen the play since then. If they really were just going full man on everyone, I agree it was too risky. But, if they did have a safety over the top I still don't have an issue with the call. But, I know you disagree and that's cool.
Doesn't even have to be a soft zone. You can play a "match" coverage with someone manning up on Goeddert while everyone else is in zone (unless they go deep). But do not play straight up man when the opposing team has the clock on their backs. Much less blitz off it. Remember the the 49ers 2011 playoff game. Terrible terrible call.

As I mentioned in response to Elvis, I would really like to look at the play again and see exactly what coverage they were in on the backend. But, it looked to me like they had a safety over the top and Harris was shadowing Goddart across the field. So, it's not like it was just full sellout man coverage. But, maybe I saw it wrong in real time and I have not seen the play since then.

Also, I don't think they blitzed on that play, but I'd like to see the play again to see exactly what they did.

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