Did You Sell Your Tickets to the 49ers Game? (1 Viewer)

Did you sell your tickets to 49ers game?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 5.4%
  • No

    Votes: 102 32.5%
  • I'm not a season ticket holder

    Votes: 154 49.0%
  • Tacos

    Votes: 41 13.1%

  • Total voters
Denver managed to get rid of as many brokers as possible and it didn't cause them to lower prices.

ETA: A lot of that lower bowl are owned by companies who give tickets to clients. I don't think they should have their rights revoked just like I don't think fans who need to sell some games every year for whatever reason should. It's just the brokers who are only in it for the profit that I think should have to give up their rights so the people on the waiting list can have the opportunity to buy them at least. If the waiting list doesn't buy them, so be it and sell them to whoever wants them. At least they'd have made an attempt.

This isn't Denver. This is New Orleans. And it looks like Denver's tickets may be cheaper. My seats would be $33/ticket/game cheaper in Denver. That's $660 less for the pair. Their most expensive seats are $185 game. I know ours are over $300.
This isn't Denver. This is New Orleans. And it looks like Denver's tickets may be cheaper. My seats would be $33/ticket/game cheaper in Denver. That's $660 less for the pair. Their most expensive seats are $185 game. I know ours are over $300.
Like I said, if the waiting list doesn't buy the tickets that the BROKERS have, then so be it. Sell them to whoever will buy them.
Am I the only one that has a hunch that everyone complaining about this would be the first to take a 2-500% ROI on their tickets to certain games given the opportunity?

You guys find odd things to be upset about. The dome was freaking rocking Sunday no matter how many 49er fans were there. What exactly are you upset about? I actually enjoy some opposing fans there. It makes the win that much sweeter when they leave the stadium with the heads drooped in shame, and i know they spent a ton of their money in the Nola economy to watch their team get smacked.
It's not about judging people. And I didnt watch from my couch, so all this judgment for people watching at home not being able to hear a difference is nuts. I was sitting right next to our 55 inch with the volume on 80. And I have been to games, my cousin is a season ticket holder and she has given me her tickets when she couldnt make it. Most recent was the bears game in '17 next to the field goal. We all can't afford tickets. She went to the game and admitted it was loud but could of been louder and saw more 49ers fans than she expect.

Just saying, look were all on the same side. This was an important game.. when sean and drew ask for that dome to be louder than usual.. I expect the fans to do that I dont believe they have. Just from what I heard and saw. No affect on their offense. Just saying so yall need to chill and stop being butt hurt about others opinions.

You cannot judge volume from a television. Every sound you hear is recorded with a microphone and mixed into a feed before being broadcast. You hear exactly what the broadcaster wants you to hear.

I understand you can't make it to the games all the time. That's fine. But don't criticize those of us who do. You weren't there and don't have enough information to really know what you're talking about.
lol @ believing what sound is on the TV. Do you ever watch wrestling? WWE throws a ton of false cheers/boos/muting through the TV broadcast that is nowhere close to being indicative what is actually going on at the arena.
Snowflakes from the cupcake generation who think they’re owed something that someone else bought when there was very little demand and now they want theirs. It’d be like me complaining about someone who bought APPL at $2 and now wants me to pay them $260 for the same. I worry for my country because some of their leaders believe the same.
No it isn't. They haven't stripped brokers of their tickets and offered them to the waiting list. You only get a call on the waiting list when someone gives up their rights.

Oh so you want them to take tickets away from people, Offer them to waiting list people., Then if waiting list people don't want them, offer them back to the original owners? Should they do that just once? Or every year? It's not realistic and it's not going to happen. It sounds like a good idea to you but really the Saints just want all of the tickets sold every year. And they are raising the prices frequently.
I listed mine for $550 a ticket with the thought that if someone wanted to give me $1100 for a game, have at it.. and I could use that money to pay for my playoff tickets. I pulled them on Friday and went to the game... I left the game when it was apparent to me that the NFL or at least the refs had an agenda and would have influence over the game.. There's no reason to go, no reason to get loud, no reason to spend my entire Sunday driving to New Orleans or any of that.. I still love the Saints but I accept what the NFL has become. From this point forward, I will treat my tickets which I have had since 2002 as a business and if I don't feel like going, I will sell them and make as much money off them as I am able to. If people do not like it, too bad!

Also, I have no problem with people selling their tickets, they are there's to do with as they see fit. Just like with anything else people buy, they can do with it as they want.
Then let them go and let folks buy them that will show up instead of treating it like a business decision. Allowing the opposing team's fans to buy tickets hurts our homefield advantage and is an odd thing for a "fan" of the saints to do. How can you root for the team and then do that? SMH
This isn't Denver. This is New Orleans. And it looks like Denver's tickets may be cheaper. My seats would be $33/ticket/game cheaper in Denver. That's $660 less for the pair. Their most expensive seats are $185 game. I know ours are over $300.

They don't list the price of their club seats on their site. I'd be shocked if they weren't around $300 or more, given the size of that market.
No way in heck the Saints run off any season ticket holders. Season ticket holders are the lifeblood of a franchise, they take a lot of risk off of the organization. The waiting list is a myth of sorts, if you ever get a call, it will be for single seats, crappy seats or very expensive seats. The REAL issue in the system is that when somebody does not renew, those seats are made available to existing ticket holders first. If the seats are any good, they get scooped up before they get to the people on the list. People on the list never get a shot at reasonably price, good seats. Not sure how to fix that other than have a crap team for about 5 years.
Then let them go and let folks buy them that will show up instead of treating it like a business decision. Allowing the opposing team's fans to buy tickets hurts our homefield advantage and is an odd thing for a "fan" of the saints to do. How can you root for the team and then do that? SMH

How about you don’t tell me what to do with tickets that I’ve had before most people even thought about getting tickets. I’ve had them since 2002, they were the first thing I bought when I moved back to the United States. There sure wasn’t a waiting list back then. All you had to do was call the ticket office and boom, you had tickets. I have sat in the Dome with not too many people with me and I remember not being able to give them away. Maybe you missed the part about if I don’t feel like going. And no, if I happen to stay home, I’m certain that the noise that I fail to make or the noise that two other people would make, will not make a difference in the game.

Perhaps all these people that are complaining about people selling tickets, go buy all the tickets that are listed on the secondary market and give them away to Saints fans. There is absolutely nothing wrong with an opposing teams fan being able to come to the SuperDome and to enjoy the experience of watching a game here. The 49er fans, had no impact on the game at all... the refs had a big influence in the second half.
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They don't list the price of their club seats on their site. I'd be shocked if they weren't around $300 or more, given the size of that market.

you’d be surprised how expensive our tickets are. Mine are
More expensive than comparable cowboys tickets
No way in heck the Saints run off any season ticket holders. Season ticket holders are the lifeblood of a franchise, they take a lot of risk off of the organization. The waiting list is a myth of sorts, if you ever get a call, it will be for single seats, crappy seats or very expensive seats. The REAL issue in the system is that when somebody does not renew, those seats are made available to existing ticket holders first. If the seats are any good, they get scooped up before they get to the people on the list. People on the list never get a shot at reasonably price, good seats. Not sure how to fix that other than have a crap team for about 5 years.

That’s not all true. There have been plenty of people who have posted on here that they got good tickets as members of the waiting list. Tickets that clearly weren’t offered up to existing season ticket holders.

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