Green Bay shows where the Saints royally screwed up (1 Viewer)

well i think they tried under payton but KC jumped them.
That was one time in one draft. There were many other opportunities. We had Lamar Jackson served to us on a platter and didn't take him. We had a chance to take Hurts as well. We could have drafted Love.

If you go a couple of years needing a QB and don't take one, that's one thing. You can explain that away as just how things fell. But after six years, the excuses don't add up. You have to take a shot at some point.
How does a team that had an aging, near-40 QB go three straight years without drafting a high-round QB to start developing under him? And how does that same team then go another three years after said QB's retirement and still not draft a QB to develop?

Look at Green Bay. They beat the Chiefs last night and are in the playoff hunt with a young QB who sat on the bench for three years learning. Jordan Love hasn't been unbelievable this season, but he's steadily improved, and it looks like Green Bay was able to transition to another franchise QB without even having a down year.

What do we have? We have a twice-concussed QB who is average on his good days and another guy who might as well be throwing to the other team half the time because he's so inaccurate.

Looking back, I'm just dumbfounded that we didn't make a move to get a QB to develop under Brees. Now, that opportunity is gone, and whoever we do eventually draft will have massive expectations and will likely have to start his first season. That lowers the probability of him succeeding.

In short, we royally screwed this up. I don't get it at all.
Was this Payton, or Loomis?

Did Payton just think that whenever he wanted he could woo the right free agent at the right time?

Or that he thought he could work with anyone and coach them up?
Yep, Lamar is the one that hurts. Reportedly, the front office really liked him. I believe Sean wanted Davenport but we will probably never know the full details of how that went down.

I love Sean Payton the head coach but not the direction that the roster was heading in.
Drafting a couple of QBs in the mid-rounds and signing Teddy Bridgewater is not what I'm talking about.

Look at every playoff team this year and count the 1st and 2nd round QBs.
I see your point. It’s like we’ve “addressed it” but never made it a priority
Different situations. The Saints tried to build a team to squeeze everything out of Brees then tried to roll that team over to a different QB.

The Packers follow a plan and just as they did with Favre forced their HOF QB out of town to start their retool. They'll do it again in 10-15 years.
How does a team that had an aging, near-40 QB go three straight years without drafting a high-round QB to start developing under him? And how does that same team then go another three years after said QB's retirement and still not draft a QB to develop?

Look at Green Bay. They beat the Chiefs last night and are in the playoff hunt with a young QB who sat on the bench for three years learning. Jordan Love hasn't been unbelievable this season, but he's steadily improved, and it looks like Green Bay was able to transition to another franchise QB without even having a down year.

What do we have? We have a twice-concussed QB who is average on his good days and another guy who might as well be throwing to the other team half the time because he's so inaccurate.

Looking back, I'm just dumbfounded that we didn't make a move to get a QB to develop under Brees. Now, that opportunity is gone, and whoever we do eventually draft will have massive expectations and will likely have to start his first season. That lowers the probability of him succeeding.

In short, we royally screwed this up. I don't get it at all.

Something about Loomis making it happen. Except he hasn’t really made anything happen in a long, long time.
Could of, would of, should of, but we didn't. The team was too focused on win now. If we wanted to win more, we could have drafted better WRs during Brees' tenure. Some teams are better at drafting and our team takes more risks on draft and fails.

When we do succeed in a solid player, we can't afford them because of our salary cap every year and they go to another team. This is part of the problem. The other problem is the playcalling has been the same for over a decade. We need new blood on the field to refresh things on top of fixing our aging defense that can't stop the run anymore.
They were all in to draft Mahomes as the succession guy, and when that didn't work out they completely abandoned the idea of drafting another QB.

The Saints traded up to draft Davenport in the same year Lamar Jackson went #32 overall.

Jackson has flaws as a passer, sure, but he'd be comically, hilariously, breathtakingly better than any other QB the Saints have had who is not named Brees.

God, imagine this run game with Jackson, Kamara, and Ingram. Good Lord.
Jackson plus Taysom makes my heart hurt. Marcus Davenport smh
SP never lost his love for the game. Plus, it was his big mouth, that was the reason for us not getting Mahomes. SP couldn’t shut up about Mahomes’ workout in interviews. All he had to say was (in his SP lingo) “Look, Mahomes had an amazing workout, relative to all of the other workouts from other QBs”. “He would be a fine player to draft and I’m sure that he will have success in our league”. “However, we have a guy by the name of Drew Brees and he’s been pretty darn great for our ball club and he’s still playing at an elite level”.

That’s it. That’s all he had to do was be a politician and not a dang fanboy. Never tip your hand unless you have the #1 overall pick. Myself as a fan, should not know this better than SP.
I agree with 98% of this, but I think Sean’s stories about Mahomes are more strategic than accurate. I think Sean wanted to trade up for Mahomes and was denied. I think that’s why Drew was in the draft room. JMHO.
I know people hate Cowherd, but I think he had an interesting take.
GB is really forced into drafting well and developing QBs on their own.
They don’t get FAs because it’s not a city. It’s a small town.
They also have a decades-old tradition of developing QBs. Remember, Hasselbeck and Brooks came out of GB. It's something you have to be committed to. We missed on Mahomes and said-oh well, Drew is still here.
It’s easy to look back and say this. What if we would have drafted.

Kenny Pickett
Zach Wilson
Trey Lance
Justin Fields
Mac Jones
Daniel Jones
Dwayne Haskins
Sam Darnold
Josh Rosen
Mitch Trubisky

All first round picks. We would be in no better situation. plus when you draft a rookie 1st round you tend to give him a couple of years to stink up the joint.

Bottom line Greenbay has drafted better than us at the not only quarter back but most positions. The end.
This is not directed toward Drew, and I'm so tired the Mahomes shoulda coulda, but I don't think you should wait or need your QBs input on that decision because once you do it, you basically put your starter on the clock toward leaving or retirement. For all the talk of Mahomes, I don't think we ever took seriously the idea of drafting a QB high because I think Payton felt more comfortable with rehabbing a vet than coaching up a rook. I say this because I think Teddy was the model he tried to follow with Winston. "Let me get a young guy who hasn't reached their potential and coach him up."
I believe that you are sorta correct, but I think SP only wanted a certain type of rookie, like Mahomes to learn under Drew. Hence, why we didn’t take Lamar.

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